
Chosen Legacy

I stared across the clearing into the piercing golden eyes of the wolf that I had seen a thousand times before. However, despite seeing her over and over again, I had never once seen her face to face. While I was running, I kept repeating a word in my head. The same word over and over again. “Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I thought at first that it was me saying it, but it wasn’t my voice, not exactly. It was close to my voice, but not a perfect match. “Is that you?” I asked myself as I ran deep into the forest. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “Is that really you?” I sobbed in relief.. Rika is nineteen and has a secret that she has been keeping from her family. She is a wolf shifter in the most famous and well-known pack in the world. She is daughter to Trinity and Reece Gray, the King and Queen of all the shifter and magic users in the world, and yet, Rika is losing touch with her wolf more and more each day. Not only that, but she can feel her slipping away from her inch by inch, and fears that she might lose her altogether. On top of feeling as if one day very soon she might never be able to shift again, Rika and her twin brother Reagan have been given a very complicated task. They must help foster the peace between the humans and non-humans of the world now that the veil of secrecy has been removed. The world knows now that the creatures that go bump in the night, vampires, werewolves, witches, Fae, werebears, and more, oh my, are all real. Not all of those people who now know the truth are all that happy about it. Foster a positive relationship with the humans, sure thing. Find the group of people responsible for supposed monster bashings, no problem. Navigate life while also trying to find their own mates. Now that might be a problem. On top of all the other things on their plate, Rika, Reagan, and all the other children of the fabled legacies must learn how to be themselves in a world that will never be the same again. Love and lust, anger and rage, happiness and confusion, emotions will be all over the place as the Chosen Legacy fight for all mankind, human and not. “Rika, you need to tell someone about this. You need to tell them what is going on.” Reagan was glaring at me as I fought that empty feeling inside of me. “I can’t, Reagan. You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s like to lose that part of you.” “You’re right, I don’t, but it will never get better if you don’t try to do something about it.” His anger made his eyes flash bright blue in the darkness of the night. The way that they were shining, I could tell that it wasn’t just the reflection of the moon, this was his power, this was the essence that was my brother. “Leave me alone.” I snapped as I ran away from him. I was fighting against my tears, holding them back so that he wouldn’t see how much this was hurting me. Not only that, but I couldn’t let him see that it was too late, that my wolf was already gone. Chosen Legacy is a story that has a little bit of everything. It is a coming of age story, where multiple legacies, Rika included, matures emotionally and mentally while learning to navigate the ever-changing world. It is a mystery and suspense as the twins, along with their group of friends, search for the group that has been attacking innocent people around their campus. And it is a hot and steamy romance where each of the legacies will find their one true love to last a lifetime. Who and what does fate have in store for these legacies, and what adventures will they have along the way? This story will change the POV so that it will focus on multiple characters. The character name will be in the chapter title and at the top of the chapter. This is a massive story that will encompass many mating between different characters and a lot of the cast from the book 'Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha'. It is a stand-alone book. However, you do not need to have read the original to follow along.

Deni_Chance · 奇幻言情
354 Chs

Character Biographies Part 1- Rika

Name: Rika Sarai Gray

D.O.B./Age at Start of Story: December 1, 2021 19 years old

Species: Werewolf, Witch, Fae

Human Description:

Height- 5'7"

Weight- 136 lbs

Hair- Black

Eyes- Honied Gold

Rika has a narrow, beautiful face filled with soft lines and refined power. She has a thin yet powerful frame that hides more muscle and strength than most people realize. She often has a serious look in her eyes, something is usually on her mind, but she does not often express it.

Alternate Form Description:

Species- Wolf

Hair/Fur Color- Pure White

Eye Color- Honied Gold

Special Marking- None

Special Abilities:

1. Shifts into magical white wolf

2. Ability to use powerful magical spells

3. 360° vision with the use of magic, seen as an image with inverted colors i.e. everything is black with white lines to indicate the objects/people around her. Has not used it in battle.

4. Can become the wind, traveling on it invisible to the naked eye. Great for stealth and quick missions. Has not used it in battle.

Personality: Rika is the second oldest child, twin sister to Reagan. Being the oldest two siblings, they grew up differently than the others for the first few years. Rika is well rounded, smart, and inquisitive. However, she hates it when people think that she is immature and weak. She has a desire to prove herself in many ways, to her family and to herself. She currently feels lost, but she refuses to tell her family about it. Her strong desire to be accepted no matter what is happening to her has given root to things that she has yet to explore.

Close Relationships/Associations:

Mother- Trinity Gray

Father- Reece Gray

Siblings- Reagan Gray, Talia Gray, Zachary Gray, Zander Gray, Zayden Gray, Zaley Gray, Reeselynn Gray

Grandparent- Wesley Whitton (Maternal Adopted) Eve Whitton (Maternal Adopted) Lily Whitton (Maternal Biological/Deceased) Gannon Edmond (Maternal Biological/Deceased) Lila Gray (Paternal Biological) Collin Gray (Paternal Biological/Deceased) Samuel Whitton (Maternal Great Grandfather) Sharia Whitton (Maternal Great Grandmother/Deceased)

Closest Friend- Alyssa Asher-Conrad

Friends- Alexandria Asher-Conrad, Levi Asher-Conrad, Luka Asher-Conrad, Elias Whitton, Tyler Collins, Charlotte Collins, Ilana Green, Rowan Green, Ashle Woods, Beech Woods, Cypress Woods, Sophia Scott, Isabella Scott, Kaiden Asher, Kaede Martin, Melody McIan, Carter Whitton, Jr., Vivian White, Dominic White


Rika was born into the Gray Dynasty before her parents had even completed their kingdom. Her mother and father are Queen Trinity (Goddess, Queen, and Luna) and King Reece (God, King, and Alpha). She is the twin sister to Reagan and has six younger siblings.

Both Rika and Reagan were born with Magic, but it had to be temporarily suppressed because they were too young when it first manifested. They first used charms that were forged by warlocks to stop the magic from slipping out, but after discovering their Fae heritage and taking a trip to the land of the fair folk, they acquired more powerful suppression charms that could contain the magic of the twins.

As she grew from a baby into an adolescent, Rika learned many things: art, music, languages, histories, and many more. She was a sweet and curious child that thrived on new discoveries and information.

During her high school years, Rika had decided that she would focus on herself, her friends, and her studies, but as soon as she graduated and went off to college, she wanted to prove that she was a real woman. She was naive though, and latched onto the first college guy that showed her attention and affection. However, this was a mistake, because he was a spy that was there to manipulate her and learn more about her family for a league of assassins. The events that followed led to her first major heartbreak and a desire to do better.

It was during an argument with her twin brother, Reagan, and younger sister, Talia, that led to her realizing that despite all of her efforts, she had not grown up at all. She had been immature and irresponsible.

Having learned from that incident, Rika is now dedicating her time and energy to being a better version of herself. She wants to fix her mistakes and repair the damages that she caused. And she plans on doing that while also making sure that the future is bright for her people and the humans alike.