
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · 现代言情
47 Chs

Think through

Hearing her phone ring, Isime hurried to pick up the phone, because she thought Karl must be the one calling. She sighed when she saw the caller's name 'sweetest dad' . She felt disappointed seeing that it was her dad calling. Its not that she was not happy her dad called but he was not the one she was expecting to call at the time. , "Daddy,"she called out immediately she picked up the phone. Her voice was sweet as usual. " how is my baby doing," Mr Akuma was happy to hear her happy voice." I am much better," Isime answered. She was used to her father spoiling her , so her tone sounded like that of a baby.

"I called Osima earlier and she promised to come pick you up," her daddy informed her but how could she not know that her dad would call to confirm if Osima was with her. Isime shook her head before answering her dad "Yes, she is here already dad," Isime said happily but she blamed him in her heart for spoiling her plans, after all, she was hoping to spend alone time with Karl. "That is great," Mr Akuma was very satisfied knowing that his daughter was in a safe hands. They spoke a little more before ending the call.

"these flowers are beautiful," Ela commented, she was trying to help Isime organize her things when she saw the flowers.

When Isime heard this she blush a little. "A friend sent them over," Isime said. She had a smile on her face. When Osima saw her blushing so much, she turned to look at her, "did you meet a prince charming?" she joked.

When Isime heard this, her face flushed more. "He is just a friend," Isime replied, after all, there was nothing going on between her and Karl yet."Really..." Ela and Osima did not seem to believe her, they were just about to tease her more when her phone rang. Isime looked at it, seeing that the person calling this time was Karl, her smile grew wilder. "I see your special friend is calling," Osima teased.

Isime felt that her face was already as red as tomato. She signal with her hand that they should be quiet , before she took the call.

"Hello," She tried her best to surpress her excitement. Ela and Osima continued in arranging Isime's things as they waited for her to finish answering her call. Seeing how Isime flustered answering the call, Osima could not help but gave her a suspicious look and then turned to Ela and they both busted into laughter as if they had planned it. Isime quickly moved away so that Karl would not hear the noise from the background. Isime just blushed and continued her talk. Alright , see you in a bit "she smiled and dropped her phone. Osima cleared her throat when she saw that Isime had finished talking on the phone." I can see someone is in love " Osima teased her . Isime flashed her a smile." So oo, who is this lucky guy of yours"? Osima asked. She was curious to know more about the guy. "Well I met this cute guy recently and" ... Isime began and paused she did not know if she should tell Osima the truth or not.

"And..?" Ela urged.

"There is nothing special, we met in a party and there seems to be this connection. You know, I felt butterflies in my stomach just speaking to him, and I think he likes me too, so we exchanged contact info ..." Isime was going to mention the fact that he seems to mistake her for someone when Ela caught in.

" See, that girl, when you meet someone with a connection, you should exchange contacts information, " Ela turned to Osima.

When Osima heard this, she had a bitter smile. Isime of course noticed the change in her cousin's mood. "What is the matter?" She asked in concern. Osima wanted to brush it off but Ela beat her to it.

"Your good cousin here met a cute guy at the bus station some times ago, they seem to have a strong connection and she had not stopped talking about him since then. Unfortunately she did not exchange contact , she also run into him recently and still did not get his contact. She did not even introduce herself to begin with "can you beat that? Ela said and tuned to Isime wanting not to miss her facial reaction. Osima felt a bit uncomfortable talking about it, but she force a smile. Isime on the other hand felt her heart miss a beat. She suddenly remembered that Karl had called her Osima, when he had come to visit. 'no, it's just a coincidence,' she refused to entertain the thought. "cousin, why are you quiet? : tell me about him," Isime said. She had mixed emotions. First she wanted to know if her guess was right, at least she would find a way to guide against her cousin, but she at the same time she was scared to be right. If Karl mistook her for Osima, it' would mean she was snatching away her lover. 'no they just met once' Isime comforted herself. "what is there to tell, it' was just a casual chit chat on the bus," Osima replied .

"Come on Osima, stop lying to yourself. You called it a casual chit-chat but yet you never stopped talking about him. if I were you, I would seek him out and try to court him," Ela rolled her eyes. Isime swallowed, no matter how hard she tried to lie to herself she feared her guess was right but she did not keep pushing Osima. "when do we leave," Osima tried to change the topic. She hated being put on the spotlight. "My friend would be here soon, he promised to pick me up. I did not expect Dad to call you.

" Great, I have to meet this guy who is making my cousin have butterflies in her belly, " Osima joked. She was happy that the focus was no longer on her.