
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · 奇幻
31 Chs

Ch - 4 Back in the time

After two minutes, Raghav was teleported to a forest. The air was very pure as there was no pollution. There were a lot of trees and plants there and could hear the voices of several birds. It sounded like a sweet melody. The sun was rising.

Raghav was memorized by the beauty of nature. He then looked at his clothes, it was not what he was wearing before. He was wearing a black T-shirt and a black lower but now he was wearing a white Dhoti* and golden angavastra* with some embroidery on it. He had a small pouch attached to his dhoti.

Raghav (surprised) - 'So my clothes get changed according to the time? Incredible!

And damn I look like I got younger. Maybe around 14.'

Suddenly he saw a floating translucent window that looked like the chat group. He could see new features like Shop. He wanted to check it but he stopped. He wanted to check his current location. As for the access to chat, he couldn't chat with others as the option itself was locked.

[ Chat is locked till you complete your first quest ]

[ Reward of the quest - ??? ]

Raghav - "This is bad. How am I supposed to ask for advice now? And I don't even know what the reward is. Well, thank goodness I got two blessings and two skills now. I don't know how Poison absorption can help me but Poison nullification will be very helpful, not to mention that I will have a healthy body with some control over lighting."

He nodded and started to look for anyone he could find. He first has to find a place called Barsana. That is the place where he can find Krishna. He wandered into the forest to find someone he can ask some questions.

Soon enough he saw a man holding an axe in one hand and a few logs of wood in the other. The was looked very normal and nothing too extraordinary but looked quite aged. He wore a yellow Dhoti with yellow angvastra. This person was most likely a Woodcutter.

After seeing the man, Raghav rushed towards the man to ask him questions. As soon as he was close enough to the Woodcutter, the Woodcutter got scared and bowed in front of Raghav. The reason is that the clothes that Raghav wore looked like royal attire and some royalty are not good people.

Raghav (confused) - "Uncle, what are you doing? I am younger, please don't bow your head like this."

The Woodcutter - "ok I will not, but why is a royal like you here?"

Raghav instantly realized what the problem was. His attire was so good that he looked like a royal. And Some royals don't really get along with commoners.

Raghav - "Uncle, I am not a royal."

The Woodcutter - "Oh Shiva! You look like a royal with that attire. Say, who are you, child?"

Raghav - "I am Raghav. Thanks for the compliment but can I ask you where Barsana is?"

Raghav asked, trying to change the topic of discussion.

The Woodcutter - "Oh, Barsana is at a distance of only a few minutes from here, I also live there. Let me take you there as I am going just there."

Raghav nodded and they both started walking to Barsana. Raghav was admiring the beauty of nature. He never in his life saw something like this. He saw several Tall, green trees, some with fruits and some with not. He also saw several different kinds of flowers that he never saw in his life before and spotted several animals that were roaming in the forest without much worry.

Raghav (sad) - 'We sacrificed this bliss for our comfort.'

Soon enough both reached Barsana. It was a beautiful town with a lot of people residing.

The town was filled with colorful houses. The Woodcutter took Raghav to the market.

Woodcutter (Happy) - "This is the famous market of Barsana, you wanted to come here, right?"

The man was very proud at his guess and thought that the young boy infront of him wanted to be here only.

Raghav - "Haha...Yes"

He didn't came here for the market but seeing the Woodcutter so happy and proud, he couldn't gather the courage to deny him.

Woodcutter - "I knew it! Well, I have to go now, Pranipat."

Raghav - "Pranipat Uncle."

He respectfully greeted the man who showed him the way.

When the Woodcutter left, Raghav started to look for something to buy for his parents. He was not sure whether he could take the item back with him but it is better to try than to regret later on.

After wandering in the market for a while he found a shop that was selling a few women's accessories like Bangles, strings of beads, saree, and a few other things. He saw a set of golden Bangles. The artwork on it was very beautiful. He picked it up and asked the owner about the price.

Raghav - "Uncle , how much is this for?"

The shopkeeper, when heard the voice of Raghav, thought that he was a royal because of his outfit. So he increased the price thinking that Raghav does not know about the actual price, which was true.

Shopkeeper - "This will be for 5 gold coins"

Raghav instantly realized something. He doesn't have any money. Even though he is rich in his World, where he has nothing.

[ Giving quest money ]

[ Received 500 gold coins ]

[ Check the pouch to get the money ]

Raghav: 'You stupid system! Give the money before, I almost had a mental crisis.'

Raghav then checked the pouch attached to his dhoti and there was money inside it. He thought that the pouch is something like a sub-space bag or something similar.

He then took out 5 gold coins and gave them to the man who was handling the shop. That man's eyes sparkeld as he got a alot of money. The Bangles were worth 2 gold coins but he sold them for 5! It was a lucky day for him.

After paying the money, he tried to put the Bangles in the pouch. The Bangles easily got inside the pouch, making him realise something.

Raghav: 'So this is a sub-space pouch!'

He knew it was a very useful thing and had many uses so he got excited. He didn't knew the limit of the pouch but still, it's cool to have things like this.

After that, he started to look for something he can buy for his father. He went to several places but he couldn't find something he can gift his father. Then he thought of something that his father might like. A sword.

He knew that he won't find something like a sword in the Market, or maybe he can? Well, he could probably buy it but he doesn't even know the laws for swords. What if he gets arrested? It would be pretty bad.

Raghav: 'This is so confusing. I don't know where I can find a sword.'

He was near a footwear store when he heard something, it was a conversation between two people. The conversation wasn't anything special but the guy who was talking was very special.

Shopkeeper: "Take this, these shoes will fit you, Balram."

Balram: "Thank you, Uncle, I like these."

Yes, it was Balram. The avatar of Sheshnag, The First Giant serpent, the serpent with several heads and the elder brother of Krishna. Raghav wanted to befriend him so he can complete his quest quickly.

Raghav: 'If I remember, there was no penalty for not completing the quest. Good.'

[ Penalty for the quest - Death ]

Raghav (shocked): 'This is cheating! Why didn't you show the penalty before?'

[ You never asked ]

Raghav: 'You can talk?'


Raghav sighed as he realized that he won't be getting answers from this stupid system.


Howdy People!

Hope you all liked it. Comment what you liked or if there are any mistakes and GIVE ME THOSE POWER STONES!!!

DISCORD - Arch Tysonoo#8342