
Chase My Love

What happens when 4 girls meet 7 boys who are the most dangerous mafia gang in the whole country? A saga of love, enemity , and thrill all mixed together makes a story of how people fell in love with each other. People are destined to both love and hate, some people believe in it and some don't, but here, the things they have is hate within each other, will they find love in each other or make each other's blood flow as stream? Waiting for true love in the world where love don't even exists, where promises are meant to be broken will they find it in each other or just shed the blood as they are bound to do so?

Hazu7123 · 现代言情
21 Chs

The Actual Truth.

Mk's pov:

"I swear to god, if she doesn't wake up, I will create arson at this place and even God cannot save you from me" I threaten them as I check on Hazel for probably the tenth time in the past couple of hours.

"What did she mean by your sister when I shot your friend?" Ha Jun asks me, I scoff and look away towards Hazel. I touch her forehead, she was burning up. She rarely felt sick, and this might be one of that rare times.

"Fuck" I curse and dart towards the bathroom and bring a small towel with me after soaking it in cold water. I place it on her forehead after squeezing out the water from it so what remained was the coldness of the water in the cloth.

"If anything happens to her, I will rip your skin out without killing you." I warn him again after sitting beside her. Prescilla is with sienna. She got shot in the arm, because this asshole right here didn't have enough guts to shoot her at chest and after Hazel said them something, he became worried sick. As if someone knocked senses in his mind, he picked Sienna up and asked that tall guy Joon Wo to pick hazel up and bring them in their mansion, along with us.

Hazel starts to squirm and cries a little in low voice. She is having a nightmare, because her breathings have gotten faster. I try to wake her up, but no response; I splash a glass of water on her arm. I couldn't splash it on her face, since she's having fever, not even on any other body parts. She gets some conscious, but doesn't open her eyes fully.

"Wha –" she tries to say but chokes, her throat has become dry, I refill the glass with water and lift her upper body, and place the glass at her lips, and she holds the glass, tilts it and drinks the water.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she touches her forehead and traces her hand down till her chest and nods.

"Was that a dream?" she whispers to herself after a pause.

"Whatever the dream was, it has ended." I say and she nods again.



Even sienna was having high fever when Hazel was burning up, but thankfully, it didn't last for long.

And right now, we are in some room, meeting room, of the mafias, I know it sounds weird as hell, but yeah, they took us here.

"So let's begin" Ha Jun says and looks at Hazel. She takes it as a cue and drinks some water. She clears her throat and leans forward in her chair. But before she could say anything, a hand injects something in her arm, and seconds later, even I, Prescilla and Sienna are injected with the same.

"What the hell was that?" Hazel asks.

"That is called as truth serum" Joon Wo says and sits in front of Hazel.

I'm at left of her while the other two are at her right, and beside them, the other men and then in front of them, their sisters and the remaining men are seated.

"Tell us about you, Prescilla" Dae Hyun says.

"What, about me?" she snaps back at him.

"Tell us who you truly are and how you have arise as an assassin"

"I was just a college student who met these girls in the dorms, she is guilty in charge of introducing us all to Amadore" she points towards Hazel.

"Yes, of course, as if you didn't want to work so badly. Remember that you were up to become a stripper if I didn't introduce you to this mafia world" she retorts at Prescilla.

"Yeah, yeah, you're a daddy's girl so it's obvious you'd introduce us to him."

I don't like where this is going.

"What do you mean, Pres?"

"That you're a liar, and also a terrible person"

"Come again?"

"How can you hide such a big thing from us?"

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?" Sienna interrupts between them.

"Your favorite girl over there is a liar" Prescilla says.

Hazel looks at me with fury in her gaze. "Did you….?" She trails off.

"Of course no. Are you mad? How can I say it?" I justify myself.

"So, you knew about it too?" Prescilla asks me.

"Know what?" Sienna asks. I look at the men, who are forgotten by Hazel and Prescilla. They are looking at us as if they'd seen a ghost.

I know how this truth serum works. I cannot lie, but I can cover up the truth, for now.

"Let's talk about this later, shall we?" I say and Prescilla glares at me.

"Now's the time, MK. Both of you have lied to us, and I know this is the best chance for you to clear yourselves up and account for what you've done" she says.

"Okay, listen up" Hazel says and all our eyes snap to us.

"Are you sure you want to? We can talk about it the other time" I say.

"Now's the time, girl, just like she said" she replies.

"Speak" Prescilla grits.

Hazel takes a deep breath and starts.

"So yeah, I'm his daughter. I'm Amadore's only biological daughter" she says and the room fills silence.

"You're what?" Ha Jun snaps at her.

"You've heard me" she whispers, not meeting his eyes.

"Why did you lie?" Prescilla asks her.

"Because I made a deal with him" she states. Her eyes lock with mine and I see regret and pain in them. I already know everything about her, the tiniest things she told her father and vice versa. Her life history, her everything, I know it all.

"What deal?" it's Sienna who asks it.

"That, I will hide who I am from you and he will not kill you." she says her.

"Kill who?" Sienna asks her.

"You, Sien." She says and Sienna's shoulder slump.

"Why would he kill me?" she asks.

"Because you've got the Korean mafia's blood in you. And I somehow came to know about it."

"Stop beating around the bush, Hazel. Just say it out." Prescilla says and I feel tension build in the room.

"Ha Jun, you had two younger sisters, right?" she asks him and he nods.

"And one among them was killed by your rivals when she was around three?" he nods again.

"She wasn't killed, she was abducted. By my father." She states.

"What do you mean? Just clear it all out at once." Ji ho snaps.

"I mean that, the sister who was rumored to be killed is alive, and she is Sienna. She was abducted by my father, to have her battled against her own blood" Hazel says. "I knew it was her the moment I saw her first time, eight years ago. And coincidentally, she became roommates with me, along with being my best friend."

She sighs and continues; "Amadore had planned to send her to me, he knew I hated this all" she waves at the men and at us, "But knew that I would do anything I can to save lives of innocent people. He wanted my weakness and wanted to test my limits. He set a tracker on her, for months, and later realized that I have only one weakness, friends"

She drinks some water, and I take it as my cue to speak.

"She'd said it to only me, about her secret long before we met Sienna, and he knows that so it was an exception in the deal. But I'm not sure how Pres got to know about her identity"

"Matt gave me the information" she says and Hazel stills.

"Who did?" she asks her.

"Matt, the right hand of Amadore" she replies.

"I don't think this is the Matt you're thinking of, Hazel." I tell her

"How come I don't know about this right hand?" Hazel says.

"We're again missing something here, aren't we?" sienna says.

"Yeah. It's her brother. Or we think it is him" I say and everyone stares at us dumb.

"You guys are taking us in loops; can you be clear for a fucking while?" I seul asks.

"I had two step brothers, one of them was Matt. Amadore said that he died in some mafia shit, but I never believed that. Again, I have told about him to Mk, and I think the Matt Pres is talking about is my brother" Hazel says.

"You're life is pretty fucked up" Ji ho says and she nods at him.

"He has heterochromia. His left eye is blue and right one is gray." Prescilla says. I and Hazel look at ourselves. Her brother had heterochromia too, and his eyes were same color as what she said.

"Let's really talk about this later" I say and she nods.

"I have a question." Sienna says when the room gets silent.

"Yeah?" Hazel asks her.

"What happened that time when you were alone with him?" she asks and Hazel's face turns pale. Of all, we had somehow managed to hide this with everyone with so ease that we didn't fear to get caught in our lie.

"Alone with whom?" Do yun asks.

"Amadore" Sienna replies and looks at her.

"Don't look at her to get the answers. She would never tell you" I say.

"Why wouldn't she?" Joon wo asks.

"Because she chose not to" I state.

"What happened?" Ha Jun asks sienna.

"Day before yesterday, before we planned to pull you guys in a trap, there was a heated argument between Hazel and him –" sienna starts.

"No, Sien, please, don't" Hazel cries.

"We need answers, Hazel. Tell me. Tell me what happened that day when we all went out of the room"

"What happened?" Do yun growls.

"You need not know it" I counter.

"Tell me, Hazu. Tell us all what happened." Sienna says cutting me off.

Hazel looks at me with her eyes already red at the memory. I cannot help my friend at this moment. If I do, I don't know until when we have to feed lies to others. I nod at her and she swallows nothing down her throat.

"He" She stops, "He beat me" she says and a glass drops to floor. It's Prescilla who throws it across the room. She'd hinted the guy's nature long ago. Because, of course he is her step father.

"Why would he?" she asks her.

"Because I couldn't do a task in a proper manner since last five years!" she groans.

"How can we believe you that you're saying truth?" Dae Hyun asks Hazel.

"You literally injected a truth serum in us" she says.

"You're the best manipulator I've seen, you could've manipulated the serum too, who knows" he says.

"You seem to have lost sense from your mind, dude" I scoff at him.

Hazel removes the band aid from her head and shows us all the wound she got yesterday, "This is one of the proofs I have to show you. He hit my head on a table, not even five minutes before you shot your dart in me" she says and unclips her hair and uneven length of her hair fall on her shoulders. One side of her head, her hair is just few inches below her ear and the other side they are till half of her back. "I'd cut my hair when he held them in his hand, to prevent myself from getting hurt" she says

Her hand goes to the neck of her sweat shirt and she slides it over her shoulder. She pinches her skin and hisses.

"No" I say.

"Yes" she replies.

She removes a layer of the fake skin which she had put on her wounds, on her shoulder. It's a burn, which he gave her that day when they were alone in the room.

Sienna gasps looking at it.

"You asked me what happened that day. This did" she says and folds her sleeve and removes the layer of the fake skin. It's a cut he gave her the same day. I knew he was torturing her, I knew everything. But I couldn't help her in any way, other than providing her fake skins and medical facilities.

"Many parts on my body are coated with these silicone-made fake skins" she whispers and removes another one from her neck. It's one of the largest scars she'd had on herself. From her jawbone to the end of her neck.

Joon Wo stand from his seat and starts moving towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Ji Ho asks him.

"To kill that bastard" he growls.