
Chaos In Haven

Eris Clorance; at least that’s what she goes by, is a sixteen year old prodigy. Her bubbly yet brutally straightforward personality surely makes her stand out at school, although it’s her brains that makes her stand out the most. She may seem like an open book and you may think you know everything about her, but the tiny girl had a huge secret that she thought she was hiding pretty well until she stumbled across Noah Anderson. Eris thinks nothing of their reunion, thinking he probably didn’t remember her so she befriends him again. Only to find out that he didn’t forget anything. At all.

yuriiiii · 青春言情
14 Chs


"Move your stupid ass!" Ruby shouted at one of the boys who was standing in front of the fridge for the past ten minutes. Liam and Ruby were arguing over what drink they should get out for us all and now Liam blocked the fridge, not letting Ruby choose what she wanted.

I sighed and looked back to the living room where Andrew and Lucas were twerking for unknown reasons. Ava was filming them, laughing uncontrollably.

Parker and Chris were seated on either sides of me as I leaned against the counter. "Ris! Come up here!" Sean and Kevin shouted, leaning over the stairs and peering over at us.

"I don't want to!" I yelled back over the loud music Ash and Lily were boosting through the speakers as they sang along with Emily. "What?" they yelled back, unable to hear me over the loud music.

"She said she'll be right up!" Parker yelled at the top of his lungs, the two boys smiled and gave a thumbs up before returning to my room. I glared at Parker and punched him with the most force I could and he still didn't budge. "I hate you!" I pouted, seriously feeling too lazy to get up and go to my room even though something told me they were messing it up right now and if I didn't do or say anything to stop them, there would be no turning back.

"I love you too shorty," he grinned at me, ruffling my hair as I groaned. "I don't wanna walk," I whined, the tiredness taking over me completely. I needed sleep, I hadn't slept in three days but I couldn't sleep even if I tried to.

I was going to continue whining but Chris just picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, potato sack style, then started walking up the stairs. "You're making us a snack as a reward," Chris commented while he carried me up.

"You seriously need to eat more, you're too light and you need proper nutrition to grow. Height wise." I hummed in response and added, "Yes dad."

"I'd like it better if you called me daddy though," I smacked his back, not saying anything. I had just met him today but this guy was really free and joked around so easily. Sort of made it feel like we had known him for a long time.

We passed by Elise's room and it was utter chaos in there. Her friends were also here, our house was usually the gathering spot so it was always very loud and messy.

"Ris, mère a appelé plus tôt et voulait vous parler! Appelle elle plus tard!" Elise told me to call our mom later but since she was saying it in French, I figured that our mom had called to talk about her boyfriend. "Do I really have to?"

"I mean you're free to not if you want to be disowned," she paused for a moment then looked at me, "Which I suppose would work in your favour but we both know you won't make it out on your own, so yes. It's best you do."

I muttered a series of curse words in french, making my sister laugh and agree with me since I called her boyfriend and his son shit. Which they were, I didn't hate him because my mom liked him or anything like that.

I hated how he let his son do immoral things and even found a way to make me shut up. I hated it. I hated him, I hated his son and most of all, I hated myself for not being able to do anything.

I sighed and asked Chris to move along but not before greeting my sister's friends. They were nice people and we got along just fine. Sometimes they'd prank Elise with me and it was fun seeing the look of betrayal on Elise's face.

"You speak French?" Chris asked once he set me back down on my feet, "Yep," I replied while straightening my skirt and shirt before opening the gate to the landfill my room had become.

At the moment, the three were still singing very loudly and had not noticed Chris and I. The triplets were having a pillow fight. Aaron, Sean, Liam, Jayden and Carter were stacking up on each other's back, worrying me about Aaron's back since he was carrying all of their weight.

Samantha and Diana were resting on a pile of clothes, Mari was helping Amaya curl her hair while Lia, Zara, Ruth and Nina were actually getting ready, seeing as that is what they came over for in the first place but the rest forgot the purpose of it.

I decided it would be best to stop the triplets first since they looked like they would hit the fan any moment now. "Ok, you three stop before you guys break my fan for the fifth time!" I had to yell since the music was still pretty loud.

"Fifth time?" Chris asked, his eyes wide open out of shock. "Yup, this is a never ending cycle but I would like to avoid it today." I replied and got on the bed to pull Kevin down.

He lost his balance immediately, stopping his brothers too since they fell thanks to him grabbing on Marvin and Marvin grabbing on to Gavin. It was like human Dominoes.

"Also you idiots get off the poor guy, I'm not calling an ambulance if you all break your backs or suffocate poor Aaron to death."

The boys did as I said and helped me clean up the room, along with the girls who had finally finished their Karaoke session. All of us plopped down on the bed, tired from all the cleaning up.

And before we knew it, we had fallen asleep only to wake up an hour later with roaring stomachs. We were all hungry and wanted food really bad but the party didn't start till eight at night

So we did the obvious thing and got Ashley, our very own personal chef to cook for us. Obviously Lily and I had to help her as usual, although she was careful with what she wanted me to do because I was the natural clutz of the group who would always end up burning or cutting herself.

"Jae can you pass me the salt?" Jae Hyun was sitting at the counter with some of the boys so they were also helping us out. Well, technically they were forced to help because Ashley threatened them by saying they wouldn't get any food if they didn't do anything. "Aren't you the sal-" Felix covered Jae's mouth and hit him at the backside of his head before he could finish his comment about Lily.

Everyone knew to not mess with a hungry Lily, she would not control what came out of her mouth. She would also throw whatever was closest to her and right now it was a hot pan and beaten eggs, I doubt he'd want to be hit with either.

"Here," Felix passed the salt while glaring at Jae, still muttering profanities. "I'm not going to kill him, I haven't gone feral yet." Lily said, chuckling at the two.

"We're almost done so can someone go call my sisters and their friends and Ava can you help Emily set the table? Also, Andrew stop putting on a strip show!"

Ashley kept instructing or scolding everyone for the past hour. It wasn't surprising since she was the mom of the group because Ash had always been the most responsible one out of all of us despite being the youngest.

Soon everyone was gathered at the table, the kitchen island and in the living room because there simply wasn't enough space for all of us at the dining table.

All of my sister's friends were ready for the party, so were they. The only people from our group who were ready are Mari, Amaya, Lia, Zara, Ruth and Nina. The rest of us were too busy lazing around or cleaning up earlier to get ready.

The party was supposedly fancy since the birthday boy was a rich boy with elegant parents or simply because they were inviting over their coworkers too. They wanted it to be suitable for both adults and a bunch of teenagers, so it wasn't going to be one of those business dinners your parents dragged you to, is what Jesse (Elise's friend) had told us.

"Also, you guys should go get ready right after you're done eating because the party is being held at their beach house and it's a little far from here." He ruffled my hair and got off to go back to the kitchen to wash his dishes.

I instantly turned towards Emily, "I thought you said it was being held at his house?" she simply shrugged and said she wasn't paying attention so it must've been a mistake.

I groaned in annoyance. So much for someone I didn't even know. I could've spent the day studying or doing absolutely nothing!

All the girls were up in my room as soon as we finished eating to change into something more appropriate for the party while the boys did the same in the guest room.

"Wear this!" Lily held out a white, lace, off shoulder dress that stopped right at my thighs. Ash and Lily always picked out my outfits for parties, probably because I never wanted to go so they'd have to force me into something.

I took the dress and went to change into it but not before telling the girls that they looked hot. They always did anyway. Both of them wore hourglass sheaths that stopped at their knees. Lily wore a black one and Ash wore a red one.

A few minutes later all of us were ready, well all of the girls were ready. The boys were taking forever and Ashley definitely wasn't having it today. She hated being late which is why I'm glad that she hasn't thrown me out every time I was late.

"Ok that's it! I'm coming in and dragging your asses out!" Just as Ashley said that, the boys filed out of the room right away. Felix first in line, already complimenting his girlfriend and somehow all her anger washed away right away.

"You kids! We're going to be late so get your asses out right this instant!" Keith; Edith's friend yelled at us from the front door, making us rush down.

All of us got into our designated cars, we were only taking three cars so we were carpooling. By we I meant my friends and I, my sisters and their friends were taking their own cars.

Felix was driving Ashley's car while Ash took the front seat, in the back seat were Parker, Chris and Liam. At the very back was where Lily, Andrew and I sat.

In my opinion, we three shouldn't have been put together because we were the most chaotic ones and of course we proved it once again as we sang along loudly to all the songs Ash kept playing. Throwing the pillows in our car at each other, one even flew to the driver's seat, scaring Felix to death and showing us all the light.

We played different games, like "I spy","Confessions", "20 Questions", and many more that did not go as smoothly as we had hoped.

Right now we were playing truth or dare, not that anyone could do dares in the car. We were giving the dares so they could do it at the party later, I had to admit most of them were going to be hella embarrassing considering our parents would be there too.

Well, all except mine. They were busy, my mom was currently on a business trip. I didn't mind though, everything was less restrictive with her gone.

"Wait, for real? You've never had a boyfriend before?" Chris seemed shocked when he heard Lily hadn't dated before. "Only because she went all Rory Gilmore to all the boys who confessed to her!" Ashley exclaimed from the front and I agreed.

"She listed down all the pros and cons of dating them and she somehow always had more cons than pros!" I explained and threw a little shade at my dear friend Lilith, "It always comes down to how they're a waste of time! And you're the one helping with the cons normally! You always go on about how relationships are expensive, time consuming, useless and so on!"

"Don't turn this around on me young lady!"

"Shut up shorty!"

"I know you can come up with something better than that," I told her, which she nodded to in agreement. And that's how the rest of the car ride went by as we kept arguing, joking, saying things that made absolutely no sense and singing. Oh, and almost getting us killed.