
Just A Little Longer

I hadn't really planned to stay over again, but I couldn't resist when y/n kept telling me to sleep.

She always makes me feel so happy and content, it's hard to not fall asleep anyway.

I wake up before her, and even though I don't want to just disappear, I can't bring myself to wake her.

Still, I need to get home before Mom realizes I'm gone.

So even though I wish I could stay here forever, I try to untangle myself.

I can move my own arms away fairly easily, but she's laying directly on my chest, with her arms tightly around me.

Plus I can tell our legs are very tangled, without even looking.

Doesn't look like I'm going anywhere.

Her clock says it's still early, just 5 AM.

I can stay at least a little while longer.

So I happily return my arms to their position around her.

Eventually I wake up once again, and notice she's moved.

I thought it was impossible, but she looks even cuter than before.

So I definitely don't want to bother her, but I can't help hugging her tighter and burying my face in her hair.

She nestles closer into me and makes a cute little sigh.

There's no way I can get myself to leave just yet, so lucky for me, when I check the time again, it's only 7.

Just a little while longer.

When I do wake again, I plan to look at the clock, but when I open my eyes, I'm greeted by a smiling face.

"Morning, Angel." I whisper, without even meaning to be that quiet.

"Good morning, Kitty. Have you gotten enough sleep now?"

"Yeah. But I wouldn't mind staying here together forever."

"Me either. Your mom won't be expecting you too soon, will she?"

I glance to the clock again, it's only 9:30.

"Maybe not for a little while longer?"

"Sounds good to me." She grins.

"Not to sound creepy, but you look very cute when you're asleep."

"You do too." She retorts, hiding her face.

"Aw, you're also cute when you're embarrassed."

"You too."

I laugh and hug her tightly.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Just a minute. Long enough to admire your sleeping Kitty face."

"Oh, but your sleeping Angel face is better."

"I don't think so. You're purrty adorable ."

"You're meowst adorable."

"Psh." She huffs and moves to where she can kiss me.

After we pull apart, we lay back, but neither of us can seem to close our eyes for sleep.

Instead, we just stare at each other for a minute.

"You wanna know a secret?" I ask quietly.

"Sure." She says, using the same tone.

"I'm pretty sure I'm in love."

"Oh yeah?"


"With who?" She plays along.

"You. And now that I think about it, I'm pawsitive."

"I don't think that's much of a secret. I heard my mom and dad talking after you left."

"Oh gosh, there wasn't anything bad, right?"

"Nah. But my mom was interrogating my dad, asking if he'd said anything to mess us up, as if he could do something like that."

"He'd definitely have a hard time with that."

"Yup. But she said he better not have because it seems we are obviously head over heels for each other. So yeah, not too secretive."

"Wow, and here I thought I was pretty good at being secretive with things."

"Eh, with the important things."

"Speaking of, I guess I should go, before Mom finds me missing and goes nuts."

"Aww, yeah." She pouts.

"Have you seen Plagg yet?" I try to stall for just a second longer.

"No, but he should be on his pillow, right?"

"I think he's been rooted out."

I look closer and Shadow, and notice an odd lump.

"Is he on Shadow?" Y/n asks, turning and looking at them.

"I think so?"

"I thought they didn't like each other? Or at least Plagg didn't like Shadow."

"Maybe there's been a change of heart?"

"Or is Plagg that upset, he didn't even feel like being threatening?!"

"Well that wouldn't be good, it's one of his favorite things to do!"

"Other than eating cheese!"

It would sound like we're joking, but that is true.

I hope he's not that sad.

Wouldn't he be used to this kind of thing?

As for me, I would be very sad, but I can't say it would be the first time I've had to deal with good things being taken from me.

But I'll be ok.

So I shove the sad thoughts to the back of my mind, and force myself to try and get up.

Getting untangled takes a few minutes, I don't know how we even got like that to begin with.

"My legs are gonna take five minutes to wake up!" Y/n laughs, stretching.

"Yeah, mine too. Hopefully I don't fall off a roof somewhere!"

"Gosh, you better not! Maybe you should just stay here?"

"I wish. But it's already 10. Mom will be waking up soon, if she hasn't already. Hopefully she hasn't tried to come get me for pancakes. Though I wouldn't mind having some."

"Ooh, same. I know we just had them, but we could put different stuff on them!"

"Exactly!" I laugh, standing and walking over to Plagg.

And apparently his new friend.

Before I even try to wake either of them, Shadow wakes up and looks at me.

"I need Plagg."

"And I need food!" Y/n says from behind me, putting on a voice.

I try not to laugh too loudly, but it does wake Plagg.

"We gotta go, it's almost time to be up."

"Ugh." He grunts and pulls himself up, to where he's hovering above the other cat.

I transform, and hug y/n, who has gotten up to feed Shadow.

"I'll see you later. Don't lock yourself out!"

"Aw, but it was so fun!"

"Oh yeah, freezing is the best!"

She chuckles, before saying, "Seriously though, thanks for coming to help."

"Of course! Anytime!"

"Good to know."

I shake my head at her, and we share one more hug.

And then a kiss.

Then I must force myself out the door.

I hurry home, and try to quietly drop into the window, but it doesn't matter.

My door opens as soon as I hit the ground.

"Hey, sleepyhead! I made- what are you doing here?" My mother asks, coming into the room.

"Uh, I, um. Hi?"