
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · 现代言情
20 Chs

Chapter Six: There You Are

{Five Years Later}

It was Keena's twenty-fifth birthday and she grew up gorgeous. Keena decided for her twenty-fifth birthday she would celebrate she never really have a birthday since her parents died since it was a distraction from her training but today she was ready. That the moment that the time was right she would infiltrate the Pierce mafia, and get Aldric Pierce to fall in love with her. She put on a tight red dress that had sleeves that went off her shoulders her cleavage stuck out just enough to see the size and shape of her boobs. Running down her dress were glimmering sparkles to catch the eyes of many. As you looked down her dress further it had a cut right below her hips just low enough so her secret parts weren't showing. It did leave though a whole leg vulnerable and her crimson red heels showed below. It was matched Keena's personally perfectly and it was expensive. Once she decided to go out to a bar for dinner and drinks she decided it was time to show the world who she was she wanted to find a dress that screamed I could kill you in seconds if you mess with me she was thought of going to a store when she decided to check her mothers closet first if they knew the mafia or part of it then her mother must of had some fancy dresses and in the very back of the closet in a box that had her mothers name on it was the dress. A dress that described everything Keena wanted to show off. So Keena then did something that she never did she went back into her parents safe that she found many years ago and grabbed a couple thousand that was in there and bought herself a vehicle. She bought herself a two thousand and fifteen Corvette Stingray Z51 for fifty-one thousand nine hundred dollars now this was a nice car.

Wesley had always warned her if you buy a vehicle then if someone is tracking you they could find you with a license plate so Keena always took a different taxi with a different license plate number. When she wanted to stay hidden that worked perfectly but she wasn't hiding anymore it was time to fight. She wanted those son's of a bitches after her. After paying the price of the car with a small portion of her parents savings she went to the bar. She parked and the world looked at her well the night life staring at her from the line into the bar. It was time to see how much money could talk she went to open the door but one of the security guards of the bar beat her to it he held open the door and she step out. The men in the line whistled and she smirked and tilt her head down walking up to the front of the line when a security guard stopped her

"What is the name Ma'am."

Keena looked at the security guard and smirked she could drop him right now for talking to her this way but she knew it would cause a scene so she tried to think of a way in when a man at the door stared at her.

"She's with me." The guard looked at the man at the door and back at Keena.

"Very well Sir." The guard let Keena pass and she walked right up to the man that got her through the door.

"I had it covered."

"Not tonight you didn't tonight is a very special night."

"Oh yeah and what is that."

"It's my birthday." The man smiled

"Interesting." Keena grabbed the man's hand to look legit as they walked through the doors into the bar he looked her up and down.

"I haven't seen you around here and since you didn't know to bring credentials you don't go to this bar enough what is your name beautiful, and what brings you here?"

"It's Taylor Smith, and it is also my birthday. What is your name?"

The mysterious man laughed and went to the bar. "I assume your old enough to drink what will you have?"

Keena knew this man expected her to order some cute drink but other than her looks there was nothing cute about Keena Raven. "Cutty and water please."

The man looked at Keena before laughing, "Well bartender you heard the lady get her a Cutty and a water on me." The man pulled out a wallet and started pulling out hundred dollar bills but Keena put her hand on his arm.

"Darling pay for the drinks I'll cover the tip." Keena pulled out her own wallet from her designer handbag where she pulled out her own hundred dollars bills and set it down on the table.

The man handed Keena her Cutty and called the crowed. "Ladies and gentle men all of you know it is my birthday, but something you may not know know is that it is also this lovely ladies birthday Taylor Smith say hi." The man had put her out there for the whole bar to see and by the way everyone dressed she knew it wasn't just a normal night that is when she got a glance at a certain man she was looking for Aldric Peirce in the VIP lounge who's eyes were dark as he stared at her. Her mind started to slip away when the man whispered. "Taylor say hi."

"Hi everyone it's great to be here." Everyone cheered and wished her a happy birthday before going back to their normal parting but Aldric Pierce didn't stop staring. "Who is that in the VIP lounge?" Keena asked.

"You really aren't from around here that is Aldric Pierce he became mafia boss after his father died. Don't worry about him though would you like to dance?"

Keena nodded to be nice but she needed to get away from this man so she could get her way to the target. They danced when a man in a black suit interrupted and whispered something to the man and then left. "Sorry to leave you hanging Taylor but I have some business to attend to please enjoy your time here maybe later we can get back together."

"For sure..." Keena acted sad that he was leaving and he kissed her hand. Keena went back to the bar after watching the mysterious man head to the VIP lounge and disappear out of sight.

"Ma'am what can I get you." The bartender asked.

"Send a glass of Mortlach to Aldric Pierce for me."

The bartender didn't even flinch he said he would and gave her the price. The price for one glass of Mortlach was eighty dollars. She paid and left a generous tip and then went back to the dance floor and her plan was in action. This was her birthday present to herself a chance to get to Aldric Peirce. She found the a low life in the bar line and told a different security guard to let him in and she told him he was going to be her date. Here is how the plan would work she would send one of the most expensive glasses of scotch to Aldric Pierce and then she would show him no emotion after, no engagement. He was the Mafia boss he would would find ways to find out who sent him the scotch and when he saw that person dancing with a low life he would get jealous and have his guards retrieve her possibly end the guy but then again she had to learn in war that some people had to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Keena asked the surprisingly sexy man from the line if he was good at dancing and without getting a response by words the man spun her around and they danced to Despacito. As the man dipped Keena her eyes fixated on a man who never didn't lose concertation on watching her Aldric Pierce she had him right where she wanted him. In the next instant the man swung her back up and the music ended and in between songs they looked into each others eyes and Keena had her first kiss. The man placed his lips on hers and she knew from that moment he was dead either now or when she made Aldric Pierce fall in love with her. It was working because as soon as another song started Three men in black left the VIP section one came up to her whispering something to her while to others stood calmly in the background as soon as she followed the one who whispered something to her, the other two lead the man away. She looked back once in guilt she knew that man's fate. The VIP red velvet ropes were unhooked for Keena and she stepped inside sitting comfortably in a chair with three man standing off to the side and two men sitting in other chair next to him was Aldric Pierce.