
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · 奇幻
234 Chs

The arrival of the dragon king


The dragons were furious, and when they reached the limit of their endurance, just as they were about to come up desperately, a majestic dragon roar came from the mountains in the distance.

The Dragon King has finally appeared!


The entire Longyuan Realm was full of air currents, and countless clouds surged and fell over the Dragon Island.

There was an incomparably huge dragon shadow looking down from the sky, formed by the clouds and mist in the sky.

The group of dragons couldn't help being excited. The Dragon King had a very high prestige in the group. In their cognition, he was the most powerful existence in the world, and he could definitely kill the giant bear.

The third elder, who had been around for a long time, couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and finally dragged it until the savior arrived.

I just don't know why the other two elders didn't show up.


However, the joy of the Dragon Clan was obviously a little early. The arrival of the Dragon King did not make Zhao Xiong restrained, but instead let out a roar.

It was as if the explosion of thunder sounded in the ear, and the wind and thunder surged behind him, forming a huge bear shadow, fighting against the dragon head chamber hanging from the sky, without losing the momentum.

The group of dragons were startled and shivered by this powerful power. Is the giant bear so terrifying? Even the absolutely invincible existence in their hearts could not be suppressed.

Zhao Xiong looked up, his eyes did not fluctuate. The huge dragon head formed by the clouds in front of him seemed to be huge and boundless, but it was actually just a manifestation of ethereal energy, not the real body of the Dragon King.

The Dragon King's body is not so big, and it is hidden in the clouds above. I don't know why, and he refuses to show his true face.

If you can't see its true body, naturally you can't use the insight technique to check its information, but you don't need it, just from the diffuse aura, you can see that the Dragon King is definitely an existence that has already stepped into the nightmare level!

"I, the lord of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, Ao Sheng."

The dragon's head hangs down, and the dragon's eyes stare at Zhao Xiong.

The Dragon King noticed that Zhao Xiong was powerful, and he was also a Nightmare-level existence.

And it is very likely that it is a dragon species born from the combination of the ancient dragon and the bear clan.

He has been sleeping in a special area until now, and he was born after the aura recovered. Such a powerful strength can only be explained by this.

After all, the dragons with powerful bloodline have long disappeared, at least not in the main world.

"The patron saint of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, the inextinguishable thunder."

Zhao Xiong also responded.

Strength is a bargaining chip for equal dialogue, whether it is for Zhao Xiong or the Dragon Clan.

But the old dragon king seems to be dying.

In the collision of breath, Zhao Xiong noticed the current state of the Dragon King.

Although this old dragon's aura is arrogant and majestic, and can easily crush the weak, there is an aura of decay and decay that cannot be hidden in the majestic power.

The Dragon King's lifespan is about to end, and it seems that he is on the verge of death, and he may reach the end of his life at any time.

Moreover, Zhao Xiong still sensed an inexplicable strangeness in his breath, but it was not very obvious, and he could not guess what it was.

However, the Dragon King looks old, but his strength is extremely strong, and he is overflowing with an uncontrollable aura all the time.

The combat power is fluctuating and fluctuating, extremely unstable, like a dying star, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

Zhao Xiong remembers that he heard in the story that some dragons have a setting that the older they are, the stronger they are. The old dragon king in front of him seems to be in this state. No one can figure out how he can play at the last moment before death. What a terrifying power.

"The patron saint? Human dynasty?"

Hearing Zhao Xiong's claim, the Dragon King felt puzzled.

Proud as the dragon race, they naturally disdain to deal with the human race, a new race that was born only hundreds of thousands of years ago, but the human race is a race at the top of the food chain before the aura recovers.

It's just that after the recovery of the world, various ancient beings have awakened one after another, the blood of the living beings has returned to the ancestors, and the birth of the divine is so strong that it is metamorphosed. Although the human race is also rising, it no longer has the dominant power.

The Dragon King did not expect this powerful creature in front of him to be the patron saint of the human dynasty. Is it for faith?

It knows that some human dynasties use dragons as totems, and even build Dragon King Temples to provide them with incense, which is the power of faith.

This provides some dragons with alternative cultivation channels, but before the aura recovers, the power of belief is difficult to truly manifest, and is gradually abandoned by the dragons.

The Dragon King continued: "Since you are the patron saint of the human race, why do you suddenly visit Longyuan? My East China Sea Dragon Clan has been staying in Longyuan and not in contact with the outside world."

The three elders have told the Dragon King what Zhao Xiong did before, but no one knows what Zhao Xiong's purpose in breaking into Longyuan is until now.

"My visit this time has nothing to do with the human race, it's just a personal matter. Your son Ao Xuan has offended me, come and have a look."

"Ao Xuan?"

When the Dragon King heard that it was the trouble caused by the unfilial son who escaped from Longyuan, he immediately said: "Ao Xuan tortured his fellow clan, stole treasures and escaped from Longyuan, and he committed a heinous crime. No longer my heir."

"It's funny, as long as you don't admit it's your son, can you get rid of the relationship?"

Zhao Xiong sneered: "Then I slaughtered the dragon clan in this world, and then said that I was sleepwalking. I didn't do it, is it okay?"

Such remarks caused the dragons to be in an uproar, but they dared not speak out. The enemy that even the Dragon King couldn't suppress was really not something they could clamor for.

"I sent a clan dragon to catch it back, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Who are you fooling?"

Zhao Xiong sneered, apparently the Dragon King didn't know about Chilong's death.

But as far as the strength of the Dragon Clan is currently displayed, except for the Dragon King's own shot, which one can beat Chilong.

They are all dragon babies raised in a greenhouse, and their combat power is pitiful. In comparison, Chilong is a dragon genius.

"What do you want."

The Dragon King pressed fire.

"not so good."

Zhao Xiong didn't hide it: "There is no need to look for Chilong, it has already been killed by me."

The group of dragons caused a commotion again. Although the second prince, Ao Xuan, was always arrogant and arrogant, and was out of tune with his family, he was just killed outside.

Jinlong, the fourth prince of the Dragon King who was thrown aside, couldn't help but shouted, "Since you have killed Ao Xuan, why are you still coming to our Longyuan, to report the funeral!"

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Zhao Xiong ignored this mindless golden dragon, the slaughter did not require the master's order, and immediately turned into a long whip and slapped it fiercely again.

Soon there were bloodstains one after another on Jinlong's body, and the flesh was ripped open, causing it to scream again and again in pain.

The group of dragons was stunned, this bear was too crazy, not only dared to run into Longyuan, but also admitted to killing the second prince in front of the dragon king, and beat the fourth prince in public.

"Father, save me! It's pumping my ass!"

"Kill this bear father! It's not pumping my ass, it's clearly hitting your face!"

Jinlong screamed again and again.

The dragons are very speechless, please stop talking, this savage bear has even killed the second prince, and he is not worse than the fourth prince.

"Then what do you want?" The Dragon King said with a dark face.

"Compensation." Zhao Xiong said.

The atmosphere froze, and the third elder signaled everyone to prepare for battle. The bear was obviously trying to provoke the Dragon King.

After killing the second prince of the Dragon Clan, he still dared to come over to ask for compensation. Is he provoking the bottom line of the Dragon King?

However, to the surprise of the dragons, under such a bright provocation, the Dragon King actually held back, still did not make a move, and even expressed his willingness to use the treasures of the Dragon Treasure to make amends.

The Dragon King didn't want to fight. Although it was also a Nightmare, it was approaching the end of its lifespan, and it was so old that it couldn't maintain its combat power for a long time.

What's more, there are many dragon clans here, and one carelessness may lead to the extinction of the whole clan.

"Are you satisfied?"

The Dragon King looked at Zhao Xiong, and he had asked the clan dragon to take out the dragon clan treasures.

"No, not satisfied at all."

Who would have thought that Zhao Xiong still shook his head and said, "I'll be honest with you, I won't stop if I don't push you into a hurry."