
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · 奇幻
234 Chs


This list of mythical creatures makes Zhao Xiong look at the top, and there are already more than ten Nightmare-level existences.

But there is one thing I don't understand. Isn't the classification of monsters proposed by humans? Why are Atlantis people still using them.

Then this question was answered by Neptune. It turned out that the hierarchy was secretly informed to human beings. Now most creatures use this hierarchy.

Zhao Xiong understood this, and continued to pay attention to the ranking of the mythical creatures list itself.

"King of the Deep Sea, Dagon."

No wonder many racial gods are very afraid of this old ruler, who is worshipped as a father **** by the deep diver, and it actually ranks second on the list.

Today's ancient gods have not yet fully recovered, and it is not an exaggeration to call Dagon, the king of the deep sea, the number one.

Zhao Xiong can only be ranked seventh in this list. Although it is only a regular combat power, it is not counted as a trump card, but it is enough to show that the other few are powerful and should not be underestimated. After all, who knows if they have a trump card.

The true strength of Nightmare-level creatures can only be known when they are in a real decisive battle, and this ranking can only be used as a reference.

In the top ten, there is only one racial god, and the rest of the racial gods can only be ranked after ten. It can be seen that the racial beliefs become gods, and the combat power is not too strong.

It is precisely because of this that the Shui tribe is extremely jealous of the deep diver race. After all, the deep diver has two gods. Besides Dagon, there is also a goddess Hydra, who is ranked sixth in the God of the Sea. Before it was born, the comprehensive ranking of the deep diver was definitely the first.

However, among these mythical creatures, what interest Zhao Xiong most is not the deep diver, nor the powerful sea monsters, but the fourth-ranked original sin of greed.

This guy is also a Nightmare, and he must be vigilant to prevent being attacked.

Zhao Xiong didn't forget that the gluttonous little Lolita plucked wool from greed, ate the greedy servant demon, and took away a bit of power.

The two sides have forged a lot of hatred. As the incarnation of the original sin of greed, it is absolutely impossible to let them go easily.

It is worth noting that the little loli, who is the original sin of gluttony, is a new **** born in this spiritual recovery.

The original sin of greed is an ancient existence that appeared in ancient times. An ancient original sin that has lived for such a long time is naturally self-evident, and it is much more dangerous than the original sin of gluttony.

After all, the ranking of gluttonous little loli is out of 20.

But then again, the gluttonous little loli who ate nearly half of the fingers of the ancient gods should still be sleeping and transforming in the depths of the Taiyun Mountains, and it is not far from the nightmare level.

Once promoted to Nightmare level, its combat power ranking will be greatly improved, and I don't know when this guy who signed the contract will come back and continue to be a thug.

At present, two of the seven original sins have appeared, and the other five incarnations of the original sin have not yet been found by the Atlanteans to appear anywhere, so they are not on the list.

"Your Excellency Inextinguishable Thunder, we Atlanteans very much hope to be friends with a strong person like you, so there is another information to tell you for free."

Sea King said: "Not long ago, the Council of Blood and the Council of Alien Beasts joined forces to issue an arrest warrant for you, and they will send their subordinates to assassinate you.

At the same time, a bounty is also issued to the outside world. Whoever kills you will get a reward. The reward is 1,000 fire seeds and the control of four small fire source mines. "


Zhao Xiong thought to himself that this is the disadvantage of backward information, and he didn't even know that he was already wanted.

The council did not ignore it, but issued a bounty for others to kill Zhao Xiong. The amount of the bounty was not small. It was more than the assets he got from the Saltwater Tribe, which was equivalent to the entire amount of an ordinary nightmare creature. My family, maybe there will really be nightmare-level creatures moving.

This can be regarded as a big hemorrhage of the two major councils. After all, their backbones were killed by Zhao Xiong. How many fire seeds were collected in total, it is estimated that they were all distributed as rewards.

Zhao Xiong even suspected that the Blood Council was just a blank check and couldn't come up with so much fire at all, or he even wanted to send it to the door to receive a reward.

Immediately, he asked Sea King about the origins of several forces such as the Blood Council. The Atlanteans obviously knew something about it, but they didn't reveal it completely. They just said that these councils were just a coat of disguise. The face is completely off the table.

Zhao Xiong didn't ask any more questions about this, and it would have been very good for Neptune to tell him that the council teamed up with him for a reward.

Everything was almost over. Just as Zhao Xiong was about to leave, Sea King invited him to watch the arena.

Today is a grand day. The two sons of Sea King will duel in the arena. Anyway, it's okay to be idle, Zhao Xiong readily agrees.

The arena was extremely huge, with ten football fields, which were already overcrowded and filled with Atlanteans.

Zhao Xiong's projection of will traveled with Haiwang Haihou and came to the arena, which immediately triggered a carnival in the audience.

The scene is very spectacular, but Zhao Xiong doesn't have much idea. After all, he has seen too many magical and spectacular things, and even killed a lot of mythical creatures, so he will not be affected by such a small scene.

Sea King and Sea Queen are very popular in the hearts of Atlantis people. When Zhao Xiong's identity was introduced, many Atlantis people were very curious. After all, although he is the master of the dragon family, he was born is from land.

The aquarium actually looks down on the land, and has a full sense of superiority. Not to mention the advanced civilization of Atlantis, from the current point of view, the strength of the land is too weak compared to the ocean. Those so-called The list-level monsters are placed in the sea, and even a wave cannot be lifted.

However, although they didn't look down on land, most Atlantis people were extremely in awe of Zhao Xiong, and they were not so proud that they dared to diss even at the Nightmare level.

Then the two sons of the sea king appeared, making people look back to the duel. The first prince wore golden armor, and the second prince wore silver armor and held a trident, which was the exclusive weapon of the Atlantis royal family.

After a confrontation, the two princes started to fight with the sound of a deep-sea octopus drumming.

The Atlanteans live on the bottom of the sea. In order to withstand the terrifying water pressure, their physiques are much stronger than those of terrestrial humans, especially the royal family of the Atlantis. Even pick up a submarine in the water.

The two princes have already reached the strength of the disaster level, and they are still the stronger ones in the disaster level. Although Zhao Xiong does not look down on them, he has not forgotten that the Atlanteans belong to the scientific and technological civilization, and their stronger power comes from Technology.

This is the basis for the Atlanteans to maintain neutrality and provide trade exchanges for all ethnic groups.

It didn't take long for the battle between the two princes to end, and the second prince in silver armor was victorious, triggering cheers from the audience.

Sea King and Sea Queen are also very happy, after all, no matter who wins, they are their own sons.

Although the eldest prince wearing the golden armor was unwilling, he simply admitted his failure.

However, after the second prince accepted the honor of victory, he did not leave the stage. Instead, he made a move that surprised everyone by challenging Zhao Xiong in the arena.