
Building your own super empire from scratch

Alexander was a diligent worker, toiling tirelessly every day, and had sacrificed a lot to build the empire. However, when the empire began to take shape, he was mercilessly abandoned, leaving Alexander feeling lost and despondent. But when God shuts a door, he opens a window. Just when Alexander was at his wits' end, he discovered a mysterious secret room and met the supreme goddess of life. From then on, his life would be rewritten, and those who had betrayed him would eventually face the judgment they deserved!

DaoistpjUWEL · 奇幻
386 Chs

They're all dead

Early the next morning, Alexander and Ella left Lake City together, heading towards Falling God Valley. 

The journey was not far; they rented a pegasus as their mode of transportation. Setting off at eight o'clock, they reached the entrance to Falling God Valley by three in the afternoon.

At the entrance, several teams were standing, each numbering around a hundred people. Ella scanned her surroundings and quickly spotted Linda, hurrying over to her.

"Master!" Ella called out.

Linda turned around, first noticing Ella, but her attention quickly shifted to Alexander standing behind her.

"Alexander, what brings you here?" Linda asked, her face brightening as she moved past Ella to greet Alexander.

"Just wandering around, nothing much to do lately," Alexander replied.

"You're entering Falling God Valley too?" Linda asked with delight.

"Of course," Alexander responded.