
BTTH: Inheriting Desolate Heavenly Emperor

Reincarnating in the Dou Qi Continent, he became Xiao Ning, a small side antagonist. He was just beaten and humiliated by Xiao Yan during the Coming-of-age ceremony, but he fortunately activated the Heavenly Desolate Emperor's template. In the beginning, he inherited the supreme body tempering technique "Immortal Sutra", and gained one hundred thousand kilograms of divine power in one arm at the first level of practice! As long as you keep killing, you can activate more of the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance.  "Nine-leaf Sword-grass Treasure Technique", "True Dragon Treasure", "Thunder Emperor Treasure", "Divine Phoenix Treasure" -- This is a Translation 

ryuuji_7 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

Info Dump: Realms and Skills(Dou Qi)

1 Dou Zhi Qi/(斗之气)/Dou Disciple: The very beginning of Dou Cultivation.

2 Dou Zhe/(斗者)/Dou Practitioner: Upon reaching this stage, a Dou Fighter can truly utilize the Dou Qi within their own bodies.

3 Dou Shi/(斗师)/Dou Master: Once this stage is attained, a Fighter can use the Dou Qi in their body to form a cloak giving increased defensive strength.

4 Da Dou Shi/(大斗师)/Dou Grandmaster: It is at this point when a Practitioner's Dou Qi becomes hard enough to form an armament.

5 Dou Ling/(斗灵)/Dou Spirit: It's considered a decent enough state to be in where a person's Dou Qi will solidify and it becomes possible to apply it to other objects.

6 Dou Wang/(斗王)/Dou King: At the time when a person reaches this stage, they will be able to form Dou Qi wings and even draw Dou Qi from around themselves. While this amount is not very large, it can still be useful in a fight.

7 Dou Huang/(斗皇)/Dou Emperor: A step into the realm of the truly strong is attained once one reaches this stage. These existences can draw on massive amounts of Dou Qi from the area and briefly hold themselves in the air without wings, Wings also gain a tail(not sure about that).

8 Dou Zong/(斗宗)/Dou Ancestor: A pinnacle existence among most minor clans, a Dou Zong gains the ability to utilize the mysterious 'Spatial Strength' to do things like hold oneself in the air or even create locks in space, where a person can only escape after breaking the lock. However, this method exhausts a vast amount of Dou Qi.

9 Dou Zun/(斗尊)/Dou Venerate: A strong person no matter where one goes, the Dou Zun gains an almost perfect knowledge of the so-called 'Spatial Strength', and can use it in a far more versatile manner than any Dou Zong ever could. This class is characterized by the ability to form wormholes (Gaps in spacetime).

  Peak Dou Zun/(斗尊巔峯)/Peak Dou Venerate: Those who have reached this level have to undergo a profound transformation of their Dou Qi through a series of compressions and suppressions known as the 'nine changes'. This process enhances the quality of their Dou Qi, preparing for the transition to the Sheng class. The amount of Dou Qi required for each change is equivalent to the needs of a Dou Zun with one to nine stars.

Ban Sheng/(半圣)/Half-Saint: This is a transitional stage of the higher-level cultivation realms. It is not considered a true Dou State, but it is still necessary to enter the extremely strong Dou Sheng class. It is divided into the Initial, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.

10 Dou Sheng/(斗圣)/Dou Saint: A peak existence among even top-tier powerhouses, the Dou Sheng is a realm so broken that logic starts to fail here. A one-star Dou Sheng can easily overpower dozens of Ban Sheng, a two-star can easily defeat a one-star, and so on. Upon attaining the sixth star, a Practitioner can open a separate realm for others to inhabit, and the seventh can utilize all the Dou Qi within those realms, effectively becoming the world. A nine-star Dou Sheng is representative of the peak of the world, with no other existence coming close to that. Any casual action of a Dou Sheng can demolish cities, shatter mountains, and destroy space itself.

11 Dou Di/(斗帝)/Dou God: Dou Di is the highest realm of Dou Qi cultivation in the Dou Qi Continent, equivalent to the Sovereign Stage in the Great Thousand World. A Dou Di can change their bloodline, benefiting their descendants, and can single-handedly revive an entire race. They can absorb the heavens and earth into their bodies, forming the Dou Di Body towering tens of thousands of zhangs high, with power capable of piercing through the heavens.


Dou Qi Techniques: 


Huang Class (Lowest): The most ordinary class of Dou Techniques.

Xuan Class(mysterious): A High Xuan and Di class may merely have a one-level distance, but the gap was just like that of the Heavens and the Earth. Most Xuan class Dou Techniques relied on the personal strength of the user to unleash its strength. However, a Di class Dou Technique was already able to rely on natural energy to achieve an extermination-like destructive strength. One was a person and the other was the Heavens and Earth. There was basically no comparison between the two.

Di Class(Earth): A Dou Technique of this class was not only rare but it was also extremely difficult to practice. Back then, Xiao Yan had also suffered greatly when practicing the 'Flame Splitting Tsunami' despite having Yao Lao teaching him by the side in order to merely attain a low-level mastery. When he practiced the 'Three Thousand Lightning Movement' sometime earlier, he was also required to take the risk of undergoing the refining of his body with the wind-lightning strength. If Xiao Yan did not have the 'Green Lotus Core Flame' protecting his body, forget about reaching a low-level mastery of the 'Three Thousand Lightning Movement', he would not be able to enter even the most initial entry level. From this, it was sufficient for one to see the frightening gap between that of the Xuan class Dou Techniques and the Di class Dou Techniques which could not be remedied.

Tian Class (Highest)


Attack Dou Techniques

Defense Dou Techniques

Agility Dou Techniques

Flying Dou Techniques

Secret Techniques :

"Secret Techniques are extremely rare in this world. The extent of their rarity can even be comparable to a high Di class Qi Method."— Yao Lao

Other than Qi Methods and Dou Techniques there are still some special Secret Techniques that exist on the Dou Qi continent. Their effects are usually something that will cause others to be envious. Some of them can even greatly raise one's strength. That night back at Wu Tan City, Xun Er used an advanced Secret Technique to enable herself to raise her strength to the Da Dou Shi class for a short period of time.[Ch-371]

Normally speaking, secret techniques were differentiated from good and bad. Something like how he stimulated the 'Heavenly Flame' to increase his personal strength could be considered an excellent one while Bai Cheng's stimulated the blood to borrow its strength could be considered a lousy one. Moreover, some even more vicious secret techniques might even leave behind harm to the user that was difficult to remove.

However, no matter whether it was an excellent one or a lousy one, a secret technique was an extremely rare thing. It could be a decisive factor during critical moments. In more serious cases, it could determine the victor in a battle.[561]

Known Techniques: 

Xiao Clan's Skyfire Three Mysterious Change

Extermination Fire Body

Snake-People Tribe's Secret Technique

Lightning God Descend

Transforming Blood Skil


Soul Techniques

Soul Skills were just like Dou Techniques. If an expert who practiced Dou Qi did not have a Dou Technique, he would only be able to rely on the power of his Dou Qi to fight another. However, he would definitely be at a disadvantage if he fought with someone who possessed a Dou Technique.

During ancient times, Soul Skills were similar to Dou Techniques and had been separated into the Tian, Di, Xuan, and Huang classes. Currently, Soul Skills are extremely rare.