

The next day Zarti called the number Babinsa gave me... good afternoon, sir. .. I got information that you can marry someone...ouh yes mba can answer. Can I meet you... this afternoon... can finish at 2 am...ok sir I'll be there later Zarti said.... I heard Zarti calling....my heart is also at war.....hemmmm, when do I have to change religions..... when do I have to say 2 sentences of shadat... ihhhh, how come. So it's like this..ahh, it doesn't have to be like this is my answer there must be another way....without having to change religions....but we are still together.. This is all because of yesterday's incident .... Hemmmm If yesterday I didn't fight maybe it wouldn't have happened like this which required me to change religion... On the other hand, the RT also threatens to bring trouble.... My thoughts are getting more chaotic..... Plus... my family is already hostile to me... maybe you could say they threw me out... There are so many people who don't like us being together... for some reason until today we can't stop thinking... is this incitement from my family so many people don't like where we are... or because we live together without ties ...?

Yankkk .....dispersed my thoughts..how come you're quiet let's get ready we're going to meet someone....take a shower... The person is already waiting for us.....iaaaaa I said should I come along??? I'm not going... how about it... we want to have arak masa sa zarti later... You know the threat from RT... how... it could happen at any time..... do you want it????? Do you love me...!! If you love me HALALALKAN .... he said again Yes,,,, deargggg.... But iiiiii when I join you....enter your religion... Indeed, in my religion, Christianity is a long process, I said. What can I do instead of us being araked....I don't want to go on zarti...I'd better go back to Surabaya....Zarti said... Loh..how come like that...??? Do you want to leave me, ok? After what we've been through all this time...? After my family threw me away too..??? Well, it's not like that, Van.. if that's the case, hurry up and let me go so that people who don't like us will die of fleas..... Ahhh still yankkk my family for sure. Stay away from me....what if they hear that I changed my religion...the more they hate me...I replied

So how come people have been waiting for us to meet or not...??? Yes,,,yes... He is....let's go for a walk I said...we also met an ustadz. in the mosque.... Jami Al Mutaqim Mosque is what I read..... That day was the first time I stepped my foot into the mosque.... Zarti started to speak...sir, I mean when I came, I wanted to get married... Sir, Zarti said.... Get married sir... Why are you getting married sir, Emba? Why don't we just have a legal marriage....it's urgent, sir.. later If we already have money then we have a legal marriage... But like this, sir, my future husband is not a Muslim... can you sir, Ustad, be an MUA'LAF, right? Ustad Udin... The ustadz also asked me...do you really want to convert to Islam, mas...I was silent for a moment...ouhhhh iaaaa iaaa iaaaa sir...even though my mind didn't want to say that...want to feel rebellious...but because our circumstances are so cornered that I can no longer refuse my... If so. You memorized the 2 sentences of the creed... Tomorrow I will convert you... only then can I get married...yes, sir, I said... prepare a matrai as well... if witnesses are there? Asked the ustad.....Spontaneously I answered no sir..because I really don't want my family to know that I'm planning to change religions...and indeed my family doesn't even care about me anymore..

If so, the witnesses, Mr. Ustadz, will prepare it... Ready sir ustadz...tomorrow we will prepare everything including the funds needed and the conditions...if that's the case we'll excuse you sir permission to go home....yes said sir ustad,, assalamu'alaikum...sir said zarti ..we left the mosque...the... When I came home from the mosque, I was really upset...my heart and feelings were upset....it had to be like this...had to change religions,, it's impossible, it's impossible.....but if I remember the incident I had a fight with my family made me even more convinced to change religions... apart from that it was to dampen people who started to disturb our existence... well, I admit we were wrong because we were already living together even though there was no bond... yes, that's how it is when you fall in love with one each other... logic doesn't even apply.... Van, you have memorized 2 sentences of creed, zarti ask.... that's it... that's easy... I've heard 2 sentences of shadat... in a matter of minutes I can pronounce 2 sentences of shadat perfectly..... . Wihh you memorized it really quickly said Zarti complimented me .....at least if in front of the ustadz you're the most nervous...it's okay,,small If I just do that, I said back...suddenly Zarti hugged me and kissed my forehead ku... ehhh ehhh not mukrim yet I said can't kiss first...

While laughing joking zarti You're naughty, Zarti said while laughing, right, tomorrow, Sahhh Why am I trying to come to this...I said...sacrificing religion for you zart...how come for me to answer zarti...the truth is for usaaa and hafiz...reply zarti...ouh yes Van don't forget prepare the dowry.. for tomorrow..ouh yes yes yes I say.... Duh, what's the dowry? Hemmmm....oh yes zart if money is okay???? 10 thousand can also be said zarti..free yank... said zarti the most important thing is we are legal don't think too much about dowry... I remember that I have a collection of old coins.... Pretty complete.. I also framed the ancient money mixed with the current money amounting to 7 1 2023 .. seven hundred one thousand two hundred and twenty three according to our wedding date.... Yes, I've taken a bath there.... it's already late... tar az continue...assiappppp nagging I said... The next day we headed to the mosque we went to yesterday.... we were only the three of us without my relatives I mean and my continued child.... Come on, sir, I'm ready to be born and inner heart, I said... the ustad after giving the sermon... also said let's say the 2 sentences of shahada... replied Mr. Ustadz. Now you are back Fitri like a new born baby....Thank God Zarti also said that word....while smiling at me...I've never seen her that happy.. I have now become a Muslim... without the knowledge of my family and friends and also the environment where I live....