

After finishing converting me... Mr. Ustad gave me a letter of conversion... a sign that now I have become a person. Muslim.... Now you are a Muslim....don't forget to pray...ok the teacher said later Emba Zarti will help you...ask questions if you can't... Let Zarti teach you...ouh yes sir I said... After this .... Let's continue with the wedding, ok .... hemmmm this wedding is really a very simple wedding I only wear a T-shirt without a shirt.... even so Zarti and I are still happy because this is our goal to be united. My relatives...no one knows....that day was my happy day with zarti... Until now, they don't even know, haha, it's really funny...but this is what happened.....it was on purpose I hid all of this..... What my family knows is that we still don't have a bond..just hanging out together.. Come on, ready, said Mr. Ustad... yes, sir, we said.. Mr. Ustad took a small table and called us to sit, the witnesses also sat down... The dowry has been prepared.... done sir... Mr. Ustad was a bit surprised by my dowry..... woww where did you get it?? It's already rare.... it's also difficult to find..... I just smiled I collected ancient money. twenty three rupiah...haha how rare is that... I thought.... Come on, let's start.... the program, the ustad started to read the prayer... what I just heard, I really don't understand...because I'm still layman...I just follow witnesses and zarti when mentioning aminnnnn... ..aminnnnn.....amennnnn.....come on now you Van shake hands if I give you the code...you say right away...ouh yes sir what do you want to try first...just go ahead sir I said because I was out of my head... the ustad started to read the prayer while shaking hands with me....and then gave the code "" I accept the marriage and the marriage is zarti binti father su***o with the dowry being paid in cashiii ....suddenly the witness shouted Sahhh.... It's a relief, it's mixed, it's funny, I didn't expect that we were already husband and wife.... The guardian of zarti is the ustad who married us... In short, our story...the ustad ordered to take care, meaning that his physical and mental needs must be fulfilled Yes, sir, I replied...

Don't forget that old money is laminated... it's rare and hard to find...we just laughed... It's all like this, sir...yes, now you are husband and wife...hah, is it this easy? i thought.... If that's the case, we'll say goodbye first...thank you sir Sembar ok handed us our thank you envelope to him... who married us... It's calm and happy... I know it's as easy as it used to be, right? We don't have to be married, we have to fight, we don't have to fight.... Van now you are faith and head of the family What do you order, I'll definitely follow Zarti said... Oh, that's it.. I answered.. Yank....thank you for willing to sacrifice for me and my child.... Until you lost everything....your family is even against you, you say...changed religions....even to the point where there were fights since I came into your life....in the past You could get together happily without thinking about anything. ... Now since I'm here you want to buy anything think first...to support me and my child....Zarti said..... Ugh what am I doing because I love you .....I hope we stay together until grandparents don't have to.. Mikit What's weird is weird..... Let's just live it..... even if you are siblings I hate it, I just consider it from the process of life..... We don't ride on food from them anyway.... What do they want to talk about us, don't worry about us.... instead, we show that we can ... just think of it as a race..... People who hate us... talk to us, we are proud, they are jealous with us.....in fact we are above them....hahaha I said while laughing.... Just do what is our part....don't have to take care of other people...what they want to say is up to you, it's up to you. We...I don't regret marrying you.....I don't regret being a convert.....all I do is for you guys. i love you zarti... I also hugged Zarti and kissed her forehead,, I love u dear...love you too my husband.... The peace of my heart embraces the woman I really love...we also make love.....hehe.... after making love I go to the terrace to smoke.... hemmmm, the taste is delicious after making love and then smoking.... Isn't it this beautiful to build a small family...eat something to cook...sometimes it's prepared....haha I'm sorry new bride...sometimes I laugh to myself enjoying life full of happiness... Thank you GOD for bringing me to the right woman... who loves me sincerely... who wants to accept me for who I am Apart from being beautiful, Zarti is also very understanding, doesn't demand much...always grateful even when she's lacking and what amazes me the most..... Zarti never leaves her prayers... Sometimes you always remember me to pray... teach me. Take ablution..... Yankkkk.....suddenly a zarti voice was heard calling me...where are you...in front of yank..I said... Zarti came up to me .... I want to say yankkk ..... Said Zarti,, what dear.... Come sit near me ...Zarti also sat on my lap I hugged her ...she... What do you want to say...while kissing his ear..... This is how zarti starts the conversation for now Let's postpone it first okay to have children.....I don't want to open my birth control Loh, why did I say surprised... like this... don't be angry... we are still just married, our life is also not organized... our economy is still not clear on its income. Sometimes got sometimes not.. We also have to take care of Hafiz...we still need our attention...Amel We haven't taken it yet..I want to pick Amel up at the village so that our family is complete... It's okay, aren't you angry...Zarti said in a spoiled voice I also nodded in agreement. Yes, yes, it's okay... I also think so, even though Hafiz is not my own flesh and blood, I really love him.....

Yes, let's sleep again, I said...it's still late...or shall we continue round 2, I said. Oh, naughty, do you still want it? Zarti replied. Yes, yes .... yank ..... Come on, come on...