in a time where humans can create cards to access magic like abillities, a young man prepares for war but experiences love and competitors along the way
In the year 2041 AD humanity discovered a new biological change in Japan.
When 75 children under the age of 4 were taken into the hospital for regular checkups it was discovered that a biological metallic cube was forming in the left breast of the children just under the heart.
This metallic cube was unknown as to its purpose, it did not affect any biological function, the lungs did not struggle and the blood flow continued as usual.
15 of these children had the cube surgically removed while the other 60 were on a wait list.
As this removal was happening more children around the world were being discovered with this cube growing inside them.
After it was decided to wait a year for observation it was found that the 15 children with removed cubes became stunted and lethargic all the time, while those with the cubes gained increased regeneration, strength and improved constitution of the body.
After this was found, the cubes were left alone but studies were conducted on what formed the cubes and their functions
At the same time as the discovery of cubes growing in humanity, it was also found that various animals were gaining their own mutations.
For example, a beetle that lives near a volcano gained increased heat resistance and the ability to spit fire.
A Deer in Canada gained increased speed,
It was also found in these mutated animals that a crystal was forming in the chest cavity of unknown purpose.
After 8 years in 2049 AD
It was found that every child after 2037 gained the metallic cube growing in their left breast.
As those with cube turned 12 in 2049 the cube changed into a rectangular cube with a minimum 12 slits for something to be inserted into but was unknown as to what would be inserted.
It did resemble a memory card though.
In the second generation in 2080 Dr Shaun Murphy jr discovered that the new mutated animals had compatibilities with Computer code.
After 12 years of money spent on research it was discovered that the mutated animals that were killed could be converted into a memory card 1 inch wide and 2 inches long.
Dr Murphy Jr. first discovered this using the corpse of a white tailed dear.
One of his assistants at the time inserted this card into his box
Having done so a blue screen appeared upon its insertion to the assistant.
Enhancement AQUIRED
Species, North American white tailed dear
Rank: F-
Skill granted
Enhanced hearing: grants the user enhanced hearing by 20%
Time limit 3 days
At this discovery Governments and those with money went crazy funding research into this massive breakthrough
It took another 10 years before it was discovered that by including the animal's crystal into the memory stick creation would change the card from a temporary to a permanent card.
With this discovery many countries devoted research into card creation and research into animals for both military and civil use.
By 2100 it was found that there are 2 types of cards
3- Passive
Active Cards were found to give magic like abilities for example
Active Volcano Beatle Rank F: allows user to spit fire for 2 minutes with cool down of 30 minutes.
But the higher ranked active cards also gave mundane abilities
Active Volcano Beatle Rank D: Allows user to spit fire for 6 minutes cooldown of 28 minutes, also gives user heat resistance of 5%
Now Active cards were great but they also tired out the users fairly quickly since it relied on stamina.
Passive cards on the other hand did not require any stamina for use but did offer any magic like abilities
Passive Volcano Beatle Rank F: grants user 10% increased skin strength
Passive Volcano Beatle Rank D: Grants user 30% increased skin strength and 15% heat resistance.
Now with the potential abilities people tended to prefer Active cards more than passive. Those who chose Active cards tended to become Hunters or joined the army.
Those who used Passive cards tended towards civilian life and focused towards their trade like welders leant towards Passive Strength and heat resistance enhancers while Bakers leant towards enhanced taste or teachers to enhanced thinking speed.
Of course, with this distinction between card users there became a sort of Higher Archy and those with strong Active Cards tended to become Funded by governments or Rich Patrons living the life of rock stars while those with weaker cards became the grunts of society.
Now with Boxes having not developed fully till 13 it was decided around the world that one could not own their own cards till the age of 15. Between those ages cards could only be used in training facilities.
At the age of 17 one could join Academies of Card Creation and Combat.
In these academies one could choose either to go become a researcher or develop capabilities to fight in the army or hunt monsters.
This Academy was fully funded by the Rich and Government for 3 years.
During those 3 years and 2 years after graduates either worked for the government or the academies investors to repay the free education
During these changes the Monsters began to flourish and small remote human settlements were destroyed.
This made Frontier towns pop up where hunters would come to hunt, Scientists researched and the average joe tried to expand into the wilderness to build their homes.
Many years have passed
Cards have become a commodity,
It is now the year 2150
4 generations have passed since the discovery of the Box and Cards
Countries have now discarded nuclear weaponry and other traditional weapons such as the gun due to the enhancements of cards having greater affect with less repercussions globally
Charles Macalpine lived in Canada Ontario and was 15 years old.
His family were farmers in northern Ontario in a Frontier town called Cochrane
Frontier towns were named such due to the lack of human civilization and the immense population of Mutated Creatures which became known as Monsters.
And as stated above Charles lived in such a town
Growing up his family grew Barley and Potatoes.
Being the oldest child he was in charge of Heavy labour tending to fields and pest control.
Pest control usually meant the killing of small monsters such as Rats and coons
If bigger creatures showed either his father would take care of them or a request would be sent to the local Guild.
Of course, being a young boy and rebellious having grown up on stories of killing monsters and those of poor upbringing gaining massive fortunes, there came a time he did not tell his father about monsters even though he should have.
One such case was today.
After having weeded the Yukon Fingerling patch Charles patrolled the Farm borders looking for threats.
Having dealt with many Rats that shot spikes like porcupines Charles was not overly worried
Around and around the fields he walked
Until he heard a rustle in the Raspberry brambles
Sneaking forward he unlatched his hatchet and prepared to strike.
Expecting a rat or rabbit he sprung forward swinging the axe.
But soon his body was shaking from the shock of hitting something strong and unmoveable.
Soon he was smacked out of the air.
Rolling on the ground and in pain from a gash on his left bicep he looked at the creature.
This creature stood on its rear legs, it was clad in spikey plates and equipped with sharp claws and a spikey tail.
This was the Granite pangolin
After a Pangolin that was a pet was released into the wild it began consuming the Granite located in the Canadian Belt, this caused it to gain harder claws and sharper nails. Of course, with Breeding with other released pangolins it soon became a thriving species
It also became an omnivore due to the abundance of animals in northern Ontario.
Due to its defense and sharp claws, it was known as the gate keeper of the Ontario Frontier.
Standing up he jumped out of the way of the monster's attack.
Standing to the side he wailed on the pangolin with the blunt side of the axe.
As the Monster fell stunned its tail swung up and lashed across the young mans face
Shouting in pain Charles scurries away in pain.
Recovering the Pangolin lumbers forward and rises on its hind legs to deliver the fatal blow.
With blood in his eyes and nerves flaring in Pain Charles saw the monster stand up, taking the chance he swung his axe with all his might at the soft skin at the underside of the neck.
Right after the Pangolins blood gushed on the collapsed human.
The monster then crumpled to the ground dead.
Charles laid there beside the monster for close to 2 hours.
Recovering a bit Charles stood up and hoisted the creature on his Shoulders.
Looping his hatchet to his belt he then began trudging through the fields back home.
Based on the sun it would soon be time for supper.
Walking to the front porch his mother let out a shriek at his appearance and rushed to help.
During the cleaning and stitching of his wounds he began retelling the events to His Father and Mother.
"This is good news, we can sell this creature for a hefty chunk of change, that could last us for a month of winter supplies. The Gate keeper is a lot better compared to the usual rats," said Father
Hearing this Charles could not help but scowl slightly but did not say otherwise
Seeing this Mother asked what was wrong.
"I wanted to make this into my first Card since I will be legally allowed to own cards in a month, I am hoping I will be accepted into the Royal University of Defence and Arts when I apply two years from now." States Charles
"Honey, I know that you have always wanted to become something greater than a Farmer but we don't have money to make cards that could aid in giving you a strong potential." Mother says sadly
Father continues "you have a good life here; you will be inheriting half the fields. Would it not be better for you to focus on improving them?"
"Mother I have learnt from a scientist in town how to make my own cards, so I will not need to spend money"
"Father, I love the farm, and I plan to farm hen I too have children, but right now I am adventurous, young and healthy, the University lasts for 3 years so by the time I am done that and 2 years of service my youngest brother will also be entering a school, that way you will not be without any help. But please let me take this chance, If I fail then I will just farm anyways."
Hearing this his parents leave to their room to discuss privately
When dinner was prepared Father, Mother, Charles and his two younger siblings John age 13 and Sam age 9
Mother asked" John and Sam do you have any plans for the future? What you want to do with your life?"
"I want to become strong and claim land in the Frontier farming and selling Monsters for cards." Says Sam
"I want to increase the orchard we have and start a brewery." States John.
Father spoke "very well, Charles your mother and I have agreed that you shall be allowed to apply to the Royal University, we will offer you money for you to rent a lab so that your First Card made will not have defects." "Sam if you start training, we will also help you get into the University."
Sam nodded eagerly while Charles nodded in thanks.
John felt slightly jealous "mother father, if they will not be at home to work does that mean I will inherit their share of the farm?"
Charles Scowled slightly but held for his parents to reply.
Father spoke "John your brothers have worked just as hard as you on this farm, Charles as the eldest will receive the Largest parcel which will be to the north near the river valley, you will get the Orchard and farm around the house, and Sam will get the long narrow patch and Pasture to the West."
"I will be settling my own land, so you can have my portion, just give me a few animals for free when I settle down."
Charles could not help but smile at Sams thinking when John nodded in happiness.
"I will keep my Parcel until I have decided if I will settle here or make my own home. "Said Charles.
Soon the meal ended
Heading into the Barn followed by Sam and Father Charles began the gutting of the pangolin.
Taking a sturdy knife, it took a bit of effort piercing the underbelly scales, but was able to quickly get the job done.
The next day Charles travelled 15 km by foot carrying the Pangolin alongside.
Entering a small research facility he approached the receptionist.
"Hello Ms., I was wondering if I could rent a Lab for card creation."
"Yes sir, the rate will be $1650 for 3 hours and go down to the 3 floor below ground and the 5th room on the left. That room will be stocked with common monster parts and crystals please mark what you use and pay before you leave"
Paying the amount Charles made his way to the lab
Unknown to his parents Charles has been using a scavenged Card computer for 3 years experimenting with the corpses of Rats, Squirrels and Racoons
Traditionally Cards were made using the DNA and Crystal of 1 animal.
There have been cases of 2 or more DNAs being fused with 1 crystal into a card but they were usually very taxing on the user.
It has Been found impossible though to put 2 crystals into 1 card though, they kept becoming inert or combusted on their own.
But through study Charles was able to develop a way of putting 2 crystals into 1 card.
By creating 2 identical cards from the same species
This process took 2 hours.
This resulted in the first card from his kill and the second from the Research stock
His Kill -Passive card Granite Pangolin Rank D: Increased skin strength 120% increased Strength 90% increased bone strength 100%
Stock- Passive card Granite Pangolin Rank D: Increased skin strength 120% increased Strength 90% increased bone strength 100%
He then Separated the Crystals data from the stock card and spliced it with his kill's card.
This took 45 minutes to make and resulted in an improved card
Passive card Granite Pangolin Rank C+: Increased Skin Strength 200% increased Strength 150% increased bone strength 160% resistance to fire 60% increased Metabolism 50%
Seeing the results he was incredibly pleased but decided from this moment on no one will ever have access to his research notes, he will use this Knowledge to climb to the top using Passive Cards.
Seeing the benefits he decided to withhold from inserting the card into his box and instead to increase his current physical abilities.
Making these plans he made his way to the lobby and paid the $2500 needed for the Stock he used.
Making his way home he decided to run
Once home He told his family the Success of the card and its abilities but left out the method of its creation only stating that it was a good pangolin.
For the next year and a half
Charles helped around the farm but also worked out more
Originally, he could bench press 250 pounds but now could do 540 pounds.
Squatting could now do 750 pounds
He also decided to pad a bit of fat on so that when his enhanced Metabolism began, he would not starve right away.
As it was six months till the Academy entrance he sent in his application and noted down the dates for the entrance exam.
Seeing how close it was to the date, he finally inserted his card so that he could get used to it.
Lying down on the ground near the radishes he inserted the Pangolin card.
At first nothing happened but then his skin and bones began to hurt.
His Muscles twitched
His stomach began to work faster
And after 6 minutes these effects began to subside.
At 8 minutes decided to try standing.
Sitting up was no problem but when he lifted himself off the ground he accidentally overpowered and flung himself back to the ground.
After 3 more attempts he could now stand.
Slowly he began to walk.
It first felt like he was jogging
But after a while he was able to finally walk at a semi regular place.
For the next month he began to refamiliarize himself with his body.
Once he became comfortable, he began practicing with his hatchets by hacking into trees and throwing them at rats.
2 months before the entrance exam Charles went into town to sell fruits, potatoes and beets.
Walking to the marketplace he passed a paperboy yelling out.
Hearing this Charles purchased a paper for $5.
After setting up his booth he opened the paper and began reading.
Global mail September 15th 2152
Steps to war
RUSSIA AND CHINA Have become active
Russia has begun conscription and begun preparations for border expansion.
As of September 10th 2152, it was discovered that Russia has begun war preparations to expand their borders. On September 13th it was announced that China has also begun war preparations.
Question now is who will join who?
Who Will be invaded?
What will the Americans do? Who will step up to face the two unstoppable super powers!
Before he could continue further, he noticed an elder man named Gus approached with a cart.
"Hey boy, can I get 50 pounds of potatoes and half that for beets?"
As he was loading the bags into the cart Gus noticed the paper.
"I guess you've read about the potential war, no worries boy I hear the Canadian ambassadors are strengthening ties with Great Britain and the Aussies."
"You didn't mention the yanks there?" replied Charles.
"They seem to become more insular every year, just last month they have announced the border will now be closed for none citizens."
Gus continued "have you also read that some of the royals will becoming to the royal academy here this coming year?"
Charles was surprised "no! I did not but why would they come here and not stay in England?"
"No clue but I have heard there will be 4 of them coming here and 3 going to Australia, so this is probably for diplomacy. Anyway, the ones coming here will be the Princess Victoria and her twin Prince Hadrian then their cousin Duchess Elizabeth and Duke Wilhelm from Germany. I would love to learn their cards probably something city destroying."
Soon talk seemed to die down and Gus made his way to the next stall.
Charles began to think.
With me going to the academy and soon after the military odds are I will be fighting those Russians and Chinese so no slacking off for me. Now those royals I should probably stay away from my mother's soap operas on high-class people make me unsure as to what to expect in reality.
Going home he sees his brother john and Father sitting at the porch.
John spoke "Brother, I would like to go hunting for a monster to make a card could you join me and make the card for me?"
"I don't mind, but do you have a particular animal?"
"I was talking to father and I want some sort of strength enhancer for my first card."
"Alright grab your tools and let's go."
Hearing this father smiled and pulled out his Spear while John grabbed his bow while Charles got his Hatchets.
1 hour passes
The 3 men could be seen traipsing through the forest north of the farm.
As they walked further and further, they began to notice signs of larger creatures.
Soon they came across a River lynx which adapted to spit high pressure water beams and was resistant to water attacks and fire.
Seeing this John chose it for his first card wanting the agility and the Strength.
Lining his arrow up with the sleeping lynx he loosed.
Everyone seemed to hold their breath until the arrow landed.
Unfortunately it was not enough hitting only a shoulder and an irate Cat.
It soon tracked the men down and rushed forward.
Father went to meet it head on while John prepared another shot.
This time the Feline dodged the arrow but was stunned by a thrown Hatchet while Father gave the killing blow.
John then went about field dressing the river lynx.
The three then began walking home and unfortunately did not pay attention to their surroundings.
All of a sudden there was a roar and a large brown creature rushed out and lashed it claws at John
John who was walking at the front of the group had no time to prepare.
With the second son laying on the ground with large claw marks on his flank Father rushed forwards to ward it off.
Charles took the chance to pull his brother back a dozen feet and took his shirt off to staunch the blood flow coming from the deep wounds.
But as he was doing this Father was batted aside by the Bear. Father yelled out
"Charles take John with you and run! I will hold the bear off tell your mother I love her very much."
hearing this Charles refused knowing that he was stronger than father and had a better chance.
Rushing forward he threw his hunting knife while preparing his Hatchets
Meeting the bear head on Charles withstood the Bears paw while swinging one hatchet up at its groin.
Spinning around the pained beast Charles climbed its back but was soon thrown off when the bear attempted to crush him with the ground.
Rushing back in the young man sliced at the thighs of the ursine.
And throwing one hatchet at the Bear for a distraction he jumps into the bears embrace and shoves a knife up into its skull.
The bear thrashed once… twice… then laid dead.
Getting up Charles went to check on father who had a broken arm and rib but had no cuts.
Going to John he pulled out the emergency med kit and began stitching up his brother.
John spoke pained" Charles thank you so much! I did not want to die."
Charles smiled "well now you will have a great monster to make into a card. Lots of strength in this one"
John denied "no the bear is for you, you saved us plus you will need this kind of card in the military."
Helping his brother up John made a sling for father while Charles cleaned the Bear.
The bear was a short haired grizzly bear.
These bears were known for being 3 times stronger than regular grizzlies they also could eat poisonous foods but did have weaker fur so they were easy enough to kill if one were prepared for it.
2 days have passed
Unknown to the rest of the family Charles went back to the forest in search of another short haired grizzly at 2 am.
Traipsing into the forest he soon found one sleeping near a dead Black Cherry.
Sneaking to from down wind he aimed at the head while chucking a hatchet while rushing forward to finish it off.
The Bear was too confused upon waking up that there was no attack before its death.
Going back home he loaded the two corpses and the lynx into a cart and grabbed his wallet before making way to the research facility.
There was the same receptionist.
"Hello sir, you are back again? Very early it seems what can I help you with?"
"Could I rent a lab for card creation again? Also, I will need an elevator due to the specimens being large."
"no need sir jut uses the large lab on this floor 5th room on the right. That would be $4000 for three hours but since you are here well before anyone else would be you just need to pay $2500."
Charles paid the amount without much worry since he has a nice nest egg saved up from selling rats and other corpses for research along with his stipend from selling farm goods in the market.
First, he began his own cards which would take the longest.
This resulted in some fairly impressive cards which gave a better enhancer than the percentage-based ones usually seen.
Passive Card Short Haired Grizzly Rank D: increase strength 3X, increased skin strength 50%, poison resistance 40%
Passive Card Short Haired Grizzly Rank D: increase strength 3X, increased skin strength 50%, poison resistance 40%
Separating the crystal data from one card he spliced it into the other one.
Soon the result was impressive
Passive Card Short Haired Grizzly Rank b-: increase strength 4.8X, increased skin strength 80%, poison immunity, grants intimidation
Intimidation is passive: everyone will now be slightly intimidated by your presence thinking twice for attacks.
Pleased with his treasure he began creation of Johns card while pocketing His Rank B- card and the one without the Crystal.
At 2 hours and 40 minutes the lynx card was created
Passive Card River lynx Rank C: user can sense water sources within 120 meters, increase strength by 80%, speed increase 90%, smell enhanced by 60%.
Feeling proud of his accomplishments he cleaned up and went home.
As he got home, he saw his family preparing for breakfast.
Walking up to john he gave him the river lynx card.
"Wow this is impressive, can I insert it now?"
"No wait till after Breakfast and make sure you are lying on the ground outside when inserting it the enhanced abilities are discombobulating at first."
Charles then sat down and helped himself to sausage potatoes and eggs.
After Breakfast the two brothers went outside and laid ground to insert their cards.
This time Charles was twitching for a good 20 minutes due to the increased ability.
And of course, standing up was a hassle as it was before.
Looking over he did notice his brother was doing well but his hands were covering his nose, probably couldn't handle the increase of smells.
John kept twisting his head around in a panic reminding Charles of someone on drugs.
"what's wrong?"
"That water source sense is annoying as fuck, I sense everything with more than 20 millilitres of water which includes water bodies and animals it will take a while for me to get used to this."
The two brother then sat there getting used to the new abilities.
"Anyway, brother when do you leave for exams?" asked John
"I leave in 1 week and I will get my results 1 week after so I will stay in the Academies city until I get my results"
John simply nodded.
Time skip 1 week.
Traveling to Ottawa took 3 days, this was where the Academy was located.
Getting there he saw massive clumps of people waiting to register. By his estimation there mut have been close to 4000 people.
After 8 hours waiting in line, he was soon at the registration table.
The receptionist asked "Name and hometown?"
"Charles Macalpine of Cochrane"
"Military major with minor in Card development please."
"Very well you have your first exam for combat in 45 minutes go to the Macdonald training site, and tomorrow your Card development exam will be at 12:50 in the Burns research lab. I will have a guide escort you."
Taking his paperwork Charles followed the indicated Guide.
"So, are you confident on passing the exams?" asked the guide
"Yeah, I am confident to pass but just not sure if I will have the grade to beat the other 4000 people"
"Don't worry about that, 500 for the Martial program and 500 for the Sciences will be accepted, with classes being at 50 each, just do your best."
Making way to the training grounds the guide also showed the Labs for tomorrows exams.
Soon he was left alone in a line of 3 others for the combat exam.
Their names were Chelsea, Henry and Joeseph they all came from Toronto and already Charles could tell they were pricks.
"So, how many cards do you have? I have 5 cards each worth $50,000?" snobbishly asked Joeseph.
Chelsea responded with 2 cards each worth $80,000 each
Henry said 6 cards each worth $15,000
Charles said he had 2 cards worth $8000 total.
Hearing this Joeseph sneered "those sound-like commoner cards, why are you here with the elite of the Royal Academy, did your mother bend over for the Dean?"
Henry tried to calm down the boy feeling the threat of Charles from his intimidation.
"I don't see why those who pass the exam can't be here, this is one of the best academies in Canada, so shut your mouth or I will rip that tongue out."
"Hah I would like to see you try!" Joeseph then emitted flames from his hands.
Before a scuffle could occur, Josephs name was called by an instructor.
The snobby shit soon left.
Chelsea spoke "Sorry about my brother, our family owns many research labs and since he is the heir he is a bit spoilt."
"You better keep him on a short leash or his face might get disfigured" spoke Charles angrily.
"Anyway, are you here to be a hunter?" asked Henry
"I will be joining the military; Father has connections that will get me to be a captain right out of the academy same with joseph," said Chelsea.
"I will join the army but since my family are farmers, I won't have things that easy." Said Charles.
"Ah don't worry to much as long as you show worth someone will notice; my father is only a mayor so he does not have any worthwhile connections" Henry said.
Soon 40 minutes passed and Charles was called up.
"Hello Examinee Macalpine, I am Instructor Hewett, before we continue to the practical answer my questions." "First what cards do you have."
Charles then told of his cards and their abilities
Passive card Granite Pangolin Rank C+: Increased Skin Strength 200% increased Strength 150% increased bone strength 160% resistance to fire 60% increased Metabolism 50%
Passive Card Short Haired Grizzly Rank b-: increase strength 4.8X, increased skin strength 80%, poison immunity, grants intimidation
"Hmm very rarely have I seen anyone use passive cards for the military, why did you not choose something active?" asked Hewett
"Sir, everyone seems to rely on Active cards, so if I outlast them and have constant boosts, I think I could win most fights."
"Next question are you military or Hunter?"
"I will join the military, especially with the potential war."
"Very well choose a weapon from the rack and join me in the ring."
Seeing the instructor walk off Charles grabbed 2 dulled hatchets and a long knife which he tucks in his belt.
Meeting the man in the ring Charles rushed forward the moment the words attack was uttered.
Rushing forward he batted the instructor's sword away while swinging with the other weapon.
The man stumbled slightly but recovered and parried with another sword he unsheathed.
The two began exchanging strikes, to change the stalemate Charles ducked and spun around to face his opponents back before throwing one hatchet.
When Hewett turned around to defend from the projectile Charles spun again to his opponents back and unsheathed the knife and went back on the offensive.
Going back in for the next few strikes, Charles was quickly disarmed by the instructor at the 12-minute mark.
"Very good Youngman, those cards have impressive effects, but a problem I noticed is you have no actual axe skills just strength and cunning, going to my back showed that." Very well you pass. Come to the atrium in 7 days to see if you made it into a class."
Hearing this Charles made his way to rent a hotel for the next few days.
The next days exam was fairly simple
He had to create 2 cards within 1 hour each tailored for a specific task, unfortunately they had to be active
With the given materials Charles made
Active card PHOENIX PORCUPINE Rank C: shoots 35 Firey quills from each wrist cooldown 15 minutes, grants increased sight 60%
This was tailored to a scout in the military.
The next was for a naveyman
Active Card Tank orca rank C: increased swimming speed 150%, increased strength 50% increased defence 80% allows seismic sense.
Pleased with his results Charles made way to a bookstore.
After following a few directions, he found a bookstore which was surprisingly lavish polished granite columns and gold trim.
Near the entrance were armoured guards who gave him stern looks.
Greeting them he entered the store.
In the store he first located an atlas which showed the current borders including where frontier towns were.
After skimming one worth $500 dollars that showed maps from around the world.
Next, he made way to the Card creation section which seemed to have a girl his age surrounded by guards reading a book.
Nodding to them he began browsing theoretical work which has either not been tested or proven hoping that this would give him ideas.
One theorem he decided to purchase was from the original Card creator Dr Shaun Murphy Jr. this theorem stated that the more suited the human was with a monster the greater the card effects, only problem was figuring out how the monster was suitable.
Glancing at other shelves he saw an encyclopedia on monsters around the world and their common cards.
As he approached, he was soon blocked by one of the guards.
"Do not approach the princess." Growled the man
"I am sorry but could you pass the monster encyclopedia second row from the bottom?"
The guard simply scowled and did not move
the Princess spoke "Edgar give the gentleman his book he does not look harmful"
Edgar did so but forcefully placed it in Charles hands pushing him back slightly.
"Thank you, Princess, which program, will you be joining at the academy?"
"Well, I will be joining the Card creation and research, I was never inclined to violence" the princess saying this gave a smile which Charles thought was very pretty.
Nodding to the princess he soon made his way to pay for his books.
Once there he also collected some pencils and notebooks.
Yes, he knew he was jumping the gun but out of 500 students he was sure he could make it into the academy.
Making way to an armourer he began browsing but became frightened at the prices.
Armour made from enhanced steel began at $20,000 per piece
Armour made from defensive monsters like rhinos began at 80,000 a piece.
Knowing his lack of funds he soon left but not before noticing that smug prick Joseph buying a suit of Magma Salamander armour which for a full set was worth 1.2 million Canadian dollars.
At the end of the week Charles was tired of the elite pricing in each store and realised that he should stock up on supplies in Cochrane before coming back.
Entering the main atrium he asked the receptionist for his class information.
Looking at his rank he noticed that he placed 25th out of the 500 accepted while for card creation he was 45th out of 500.
He was placed in homeroom 1A which tended to have the highest of the elite.
But for his other classes he would be placed with the elite who had just as or better marks than his own
Proud of his accomplishment he then packed up to go home.
At home he proudly presented his position and began telling stories of the wealthy city and the cost of everything and his need for armour.
Unknown to him his family traded sly glances while Sam the youngest withheld giggles.
Father asked" well son we are proud of you, when are you going back and will there be a room for you? or do you need funds for an inn."
"I will be fine each student will be paired up and placed in a dorm room, and I will leave in 1 week."
The rest of the week Charles focused on Farm work so his brothers had less to worry about till he left.
But the night before he had to go buy supplies and armour, he was presented a gift from the family.
"Dear we know how expensive armour could be, my cousin the Blacksmith gave us a discount knowing you were going to the Academy." Said mother
Charles began unwrapping the gift and saw a beautiful armour made from Pangolin hide and 2 other unknowns."
"This armour is made from your pangolin it is lined with the wool from Nemean Mountain goat. Near impenetrable and has temperature regulation abilities, between that wool layer and the Pangolin skin is a layer of Fire newt skin allowing increased defence from fire." Smiled his father.
Moved at the sight of such an expensive gift he thanked everyone profusely.
The next day gathering supplies from the town he was given gifts from many people for his accomplishment of getting to the academy.
A pair of sturdy boots made from Crag Buffalo a popular midtier defensive animal.
Clothes made from high quality cotton and Wool from the tailor
Notebooks and Pencils
Old man Gus gave a few bottles of vodka he made his wife also gave him a month's worth of dried meats.
With his gifts Charles was soon on his way
Entering the Academy city was a very different atmosphere now.
There were just as many people with there being 1000 students in each year, but the tense energy in wait for the exams was gone.
Marching up to the front desks He was soon greeted by the same receptionist that he met the first day
"Hello, give me your acceptance form and I will give you the necessary papers." Said the lady
Charles did so
"Very well young man, you will be put in a dormitory with another young man from 1A Martial, with your placement in the A class you will receive free Meals and a monthly stipend of $20,000 that can be spent on anything including armour, books and cards. Please be aware that if you do not keep your position by the half year exam you will either loose the stipend or get it reduced so, please stay vigilante in your studies."
Nodding Charles left to follow the map to his new Apartment.
As he walked through the buildings the Decoration seemed to get More opulent the closer to the Main campus he got.
Entering a Dorm with Polished Marble arches he went to the First floor and the room at the end of the building.
The Door was an ornate piece of solid Bur oak with a shiny polish engraved with images of animals.
Entering he saw it was a large room being 15 meters by 20 meters.
There were two king sized beds on opposing walls each paired with their own large wardrobe, Desk, Armour and weapon racks.
Placing his things at the foot of his bed he could not help but be awed of the view of the courtyard outside.
Those flowers his mother would just be venomously jealous of.
Turning around he began unpacking his things
Placing clothes in the wardrobe, books and supplies in the Desk
As he was Polishing his armour the door to the room soon opened with 2 men in shiny armours marching in.
Standing up he observes the 3rd one to enter
This was a young man his age dressed in very expensive but simple clothing
"Greetings my Name is Wilhelm Reichner ranked 2nd in the Martial exam, you must be my room mate"
"Yes, nice to meet you, I am Charles MacAlpine ranked 25th in martial and 45th in science."
"Hmm, so you are also smart, you will probably be in the same science class as my cousin Victoria."
Having said the greetings Wilhelm ordered the maids that were standing outside to bring in his stuff.
Seeing this Charles went back to polishing his Armour and hatchets.
As the day grew late Charles went out to the city in looks for a meal.
But of course,
With it being a city full of elites the prices of food reflected it but the quality was no letdown.
Choosing a small pub, he was greeted to the smells of meaty and hearty meals.
Ordering the lamb stew he also ordered a cider
As he nursed the Cider waiting for the meal he began to look around.
Not surprising he did notice that the vast majority here were older men smoking or drinking.
But surprisingly he did see Instructor Hewett in the corner who he gave a nod to.
Looking beside him at the bar counter he greeted the Scruffy older man who was nursing a stout.
"Hey Oldman, I am Charles a new student to the academy."
Scowling the man spoke "what do you want Brat! I don't want to listen to your stupid bragging."
"I am sorry sir to bother you but I was wondering if you could tell me if there is a cheaper district in this city. You see I am a farmer and I can't afford to pay these crazy prices I see all the time."
The man paused and took a look "the name is McColl, what's your rank?"
"I am Rank 25 in Martial and 45 in science"
"Go two alleys east of this one and you will find the Journeyman's district, this is filled with new craftsmen improving their trade but have cheaper prices to attract customers."
Charles nodded in thanks before turning to the recently arrived meal.
"Who was your instructor for the martial exam" asked McColl
Pointing to Hewett, Charles spoke his name.
The old man hummed before leaving Charles to his meal.
Eating the stew, he could see in the corner of his vision the old man stand up and shuffle off
The next you could see Charles in one of the training grounds
Here he was testing out different Weapons
He agreed with Instructor Hewett that he did not use skill but Strength with the hatchets.
But something else he noticed is that he had no reach and had to throw his weapon each time the enemy was too far away.
So, to fix this he decided to learn another weapon that was longer and use the hatchets as a sidearm.
Swords were a no
War scythes were interesting but not what he needed
Pole axes and hammers were close
But he soon settled on the Halberd and the Glaive
Not sure which to choose he decided to practice both liking their ability for slashes and thrusts along with the long reach.
As he practised stances while slashing at an enhanced wooden post, he felt eyes on him
Looking towards the source he saw his roommate Wilhelm sitting with three others all surrounded by guards.
He noticed one was the princess from the bookstore with the pretty smile
Waving to them he went back to practising
Soon he saw Instructor Hewett approach
After giving a greeting, he began showing steps to improve the weapon usage
After Training Charles decided to roam the hallways
Walking near the library he saw Henry who was waiting in line with him at the exams.
"Hey, great to see you. what class did you end up in? I am in the B class," said Henry
"Good job. I got in to A class."
"Impressive for Someone from a farming background and limited funds for cards. If you don't mind what cards do you have?"
"well I plan on using only Passive cards, the First is a rank C+ Pangolin that increases skin strength bone density and strength. The second is a B- Shorthaired Grizzly that multiplies strength and offers passive intimidation."
Henry whistled "whooh those are some nice cards, I have 6 active all B+ rank, a fire fox lets me create fireballs, Water lynx lets me spit water beams, Hercules beetle creates an armour shell that increases strength, Granite Boar allows the manipulation of earth, wailing chimp allows sonic attacks, and a vampire bat lets me convert consumed blood into stamina and allows 30-meter teleportation."
"Wow those are something else, but on exam day you said your cards were around $15000 each, I refuse to believe that."
"Well, you are right in a sense, all of these cards were gifts so they are very expensive, but if people underestimate you then odds are they won't bother you."
"Anyway, with you being in A class it seems like you will be with the Royals. I feel kind of jealous"
"Yeah, I even have a royal named Wilhelm rooming with me."
"Damn, you lucky bastard, rumour is Wilhelm is loose with his money pouch. You could probably get him to buy you a few things."
"Nah, my mother would beat me to death if she ever heard me do anything like that."
Henry laughed nodding along.
Later at supper time he went back to the pub for supper since the academy meals would not start till tomorrow when classes began"
At the pub he saw Hewett and McColl again.
Sitting at the bar he ordered a cider and corned beef sandwich.
"So boy, are you taking any officer classes or just the combat?" asked McColl
"I will just take combat, since I doubt, I would have skill as a leader."
"Now that won't do, I will get you into officer classes but you must promise to work hard at it."
"Thank you, but how could you do that? Aren't you just an Oldman?"
"Ooh I have my ways." He said with a grin
The rest of the meal was in silence
Getting up and paying Charles then began to tour the city
Heading towards the East where the Apprentice district was, he encountered another district with lots of Music and lights.
Takings a gander he was soon surprised to find that this was the red-light district with brothels and prostitutes both male and female.
Slightly embaraced being a virgin and from the farm he quickly turned and walked off but many saw him and giggled at the sight.
After going around many alleyways
He approached the bookstore he went to the first time
Seeing it was open he entered
Greeting the clerk he went to the theorem section on card creation.
One fascinating theory was that cards should be able to be made from more than one animal from the same species for example
Traditionally a card would only be made from let's say the Volcano beetle
But the theorist is stating that you could create a card with 4 different beetles
Volcano Beatle + Hercules Beatle+ Dung Beatle +Scarab Beatle= 1 advanced card
Unfortunately, the theorist could not find the proper catalysts to bind them into 1 card.
The best that could be done was 2 different animals of the same species but the cards went inert after 30 seconds or less
A Note Charles made in his notebook was to try this but use the crystal of a 5th and stronger animal of the species as the catalyst to see if it would bind.
Good news is he could go back home and harvest rats for this experiment.
Closing the book, he went back to the theory by Dr Murphy Jr on the tuning of the humans to particular monsters.
In Charles notes he jotted down the ability to turn human DNA into card code, but in the notes of the Dr it said that the Human DNA ended up destroying the crystals Code before end products could be found.
Surprised by this factor Charles boldly printed and underlined that Crystals were fairly sensitive, that they probably needed to be treated first before the DNA code of the desired monster.
Charles also made note to see what would occur if you put another creature's crystal with the DNA code.
In one of the other theorems in the bookstore it was said that the Crystals code became inert and the DNA was destroyed.
Before he could go further into his research a clinking of metal made him look up.
There he saw the guard Edgar coming in with the princess.
"Ooh, you again? I see that you have made it in to the academy"
"Yes, I have, If I am correct your cousin Wilhelm is my Roommate."
"Is that so, well if he harasses you be sure to come to me" saying this the princess giggled.
"Well sir, you have quite the pile of books, what are you looking for?"
" I am reviewing different theorems to try experiments on since I entered the science program, hopefully these will aid in my personal cards in the future."
"You made your own cards? What were they?" asked the princess
"Before we continue my name is Charles, what is yours?"
"Oh, pardon my rudeness I am Princess Victoria. Nice to meet you Charles"
"Well, my cards are rank C+ and B- both passive they are made from the Granite Pangolin and the Shorthaired Grizzly. To put it briefly my lifting weight is now over 1600pounds"
"Impressive, well don't let me interrupt you further."
Saying this Victoria grabbed her own chair and began browsing books.
Going back to work Charles began studying his notes on his unique card creation
Marking down the thoughts of making different cards then splicing the crystals into one card while the DNA is spliced into another then combine the two.
Though he did think the Crystal card would collapse on itself before combining could occur.
As he scribbled away, he did not notice the continuous glances made by the princess.
After an hour of silence Charles stood up and said his good byes before walking off
With Victoria and Edgar after Charles walks off
"My, my isn't he an interesting fellow" Victoria smiled
"My lady, my research says he is a farmer don't get attached"
"Do not tell me what to do! I can be friends with anyone I want" stated the princess angrily.
"I am sorry but your mother has instructed me to protect you from people that could abuse your friendship."
"I doubt he would attempt that he seemed pretty honest."
"I think you are blinded by the pretty part princess."
Back with Charles in his room
Entering he saw Wilhelm writing on his desk
"Well, well, where are your guards your majesty?" asked Charles jokingly?
"Hah, pretty brave for a lowly farmer, but I instructed them to not guard me at night."
"Hmm, anyway with you and your cousins here what are the possibilities of Russia and China actually proclaiming war?"
"Ah I would say 100% ever since the Yanks became insular fucks those 2 have been thumping their chests, my cousins and I have been sent to different countries royal academies to strengthen ties and to gather the elite into special combat and scientific units."
"Anyone catch your eye yet?"
Smirking slightly with a strange look in his eyes Wilhelm denied.
"Anyway, I was looking at that armour you have, that is pretty high-class for a farmer like you."
"It was a gift from many people in the village, my relative is the blacksmith so he did the work for free while the materials were sourced from other townsfolk who also offered them for free."
"I must say I feel slightly jealous." Stated the duke
"Hah hah ha"
The banter continued before the two turned in for the night.