
Bound by Moonlight

Dhalia: She meets a guy at school who resembles the strange being she saw that night. She can't forget his unusual eyes and captivating scent, but she's unsure if he's even human. Determined to uncover his true identity, she sets out to find the truth and understand her feelings for him. Henry: He is a man who has shut off his emotions after losing his love, encounters Dhalia, a pure and innocent girl. He finds himself unable to resist her captivating beauty, yearning to touch her skin and taste her tender lips. However, he tries to keep his distance, fearing the pain of losing love again. Despite his efforts, he can't resist their connection and must confront his feelings.

Tale_Teller · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

A Secret

"Let's stop for brunch," Henry suggested to the group, breaking the silence that had settled within the vehicle. His consideration for their hunger was met with unanimous agreement from the others.

"Yeah, sure," they all chimed in, their anticipation of a delicious meal evident in their voices.

After a short while, they arrived at a beautiful restaurant, its inviting atmosphere beckoning them inside.

Finally, they arrived at the restaurant, its charm and warmth enveloping them as they stepped inside. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and the clinking of cutlery filled the air. The group settled into their seats, engrossed in conversation and the excitement of the day's plans.

Conversation flowed effortlessly as they made their way towards the restaurant. Amidst their discussions about the project and their aspirations to create something remarkable, Jack proudly declared his skills as a painter and his belief in their chances of winning.

"I'm a good painter," Jack exclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence. "I think we can win!"

His words elicited laughter from the group, a lighthearted response to Jack's enthusiastic proclamation. Grace, in particular, couldn't resist teasing him. "Oh really, Jack?" she replied, a playful glint in her eyes.

While the laughter filled the air, Dhalia's mind wandered to a different line of thought. As the conversations continued around her, she couldn't help but ponder the question that had been gnawing at her thoughts: How could she find out whether Henry was the same person she had encountered that night?

After a leisurely drive, they finally reached their first destination. The group had dispersed, each member seeking the perfect spot to find inspiration for their project. Inside the RV, Liam had settled in, seeking rest and solitude, lulled to sleep by the gentle motion of the vehicle.

Despite her determination to remain focused, the uncertainty gnawed at her. She sought a way to confirm her suspicions without revealing her doubts to the group. It was then that a flicker of an idea took shape in her mind, what if she can share secret with Alice.

She knew she could trust Alice with her deepest secrets and vulnerabilities. With a sense of urgency, she led Alice away from the others, desiring privacy for their conversation.

"I want to tell you something," Dhalia began, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and trust. "But promise me you won't tell anyone."

Alice's eyes widened with intrigue, her curiosity piqued by the seriousness in Dhalia's voice. "Of course," she assured her friend, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "You know I'm a vault. Your secret is safe with me."

Dhalia took a deep breath, her heart pounding within her chest. She knew that sharing her suspicions about Henry carried risks, but she also couldn't bear the weight of her doubts alone any longer.

"I think Henry is not human," Dhalia finally revealed, her words filled with a mix of fear and fascination.

Alice's initial reaction caught Dhalia off guard. Instead of lending her unwavering support, Alice burst into laughter, a sound that echoed through the secluded spot they had chosen.

Dhalia's heart sank, her vulnerability exposed and momentarily rejected. She struggled to regain her composure, hoping to make Alice understand the gravity of her concerns.

"What are you talking about, Dhalia?" Alice chuckled, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I know he's tall and big, and he must be wild in bed, but I don't think he's not human."

Dhalia's eyes widened, her suspicions met with disbelief. She feared that Alice wouldn't take her seriously, that her doubts would be dismissed as mere fantasy. But deep down, Dhalia longed for her friend's support, hoping that Alice would help her uncover the truth.

Alice noticed the flicker of disappointment in Dhalia's eyes and realized the depth of her friend's conviction. She softened her laughter, realizing the importance of the moment. She wanted to be there for Dhalia, even if she couldn't fully comprehend or believe her suspicions.

"I'm sorry, Dhalia," Alice said sincerely, her voice gentler now. "I didn't mean to dismiss your concerns. Please, help me understand."

Dhalia took a deep breath, gratitude washing over her for Alice's willingness to listen. She recounted the events that had transpired that fateful night, describing the two men and the subsequent encounter with Henry. Alice listened intently, her skepticism slowly giving way to intrigue.

"Are you sure it's him?" Alice finally asked, her tone softer, laced with curiosity and a desire to support her friend.

Dhalia met Alice's gaze, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "I think he is that same guy," she confessed, her voice carrying a mix of fear and determination.

Alice pondered Dhalia's words, contemplating the possibility that lay before them. She recognized the seriousness in her friend's voice, the weight of her suspicions. And though a part of her remained skeptical, she couldn't ignore the passion and sincerity radiating from Dhalia's every word.

"Before jumping to any conclusions, let's be sure," Alice suggested, her voice gentle yet tinged with her own hidden motives. "Because, you know, I want to date him too."

Dhalia nodded, relieved that Alice was willing to join her in uncovering the truth. A renewed sense of purpose and excitement surged through her veins, the weight of her doubts now shared with her closest friend.

"Yeah, I know," Dhalia replied softly, a mixture of gratitude and determination in her voice. "We need to be sure."

As they stood in that secluded spot, enveloped by the tranquility of nature, Dhalia and Alice formed an unbreakable bond. A shared secret forged their friendship further, and together, they embarked on a covert mission to uncover the truth about Henry.