
blurred lines

“The line between light is so very thin.” Is a saying some people say for people who did bad things but for good reasons. But that doesn’t apply in this situation, with both light and dark being the same in the eyes of one man. When he and his class are summoned to defeat the demon king by a goddess he is excited. Being able to be a hero for someone is a dream of his. But when his stats are low and the goddess and his class turns on him he is filled with hatred. So he goes to the goddess’s enemy the demon king. But when the demon king isn’t any better and openly ridiculed him in front of his generals and royalty he is left devastated. Now kicked out of the two places he thought he could belong how will he deal with this new situation. What will the broken man now do? ======================================= I will also post extra chapters if we hit goals I set, but for now I’m setting the basic goals for me. 1k reads = extra chapter 50k reads = extra chapter 100k reads = extra chapter 250k reads = extra chapter 500k reads = extra chapter 750k reads = extra chapter 1 million reads = extra chapter And I haven’t thought about the rest Updates every Sunday!

Original_Sin · 奇幻
24 Chs

Chapter 5: Learning Of The New World

Kenjiro is seen out on a field doing farming, digging up small trench's for the food and then putting some cut potatoes in them. Then putting the dirt back over it for it to grow.

Kenjiro was thinking while starting the farm for the potatoes, this was one of the jobs he was given. He has been here for about a week and has learned some things about this world.

Turns out he was very far away from the demon's territory. One of the demons had probably brought him out here, for what reason he didn't know. And it was unlikely for the demons to come towards this village as the wasn't in the way to the kingdom for the demons.

The village was also surrounded by forest except in one direction which would be a path to a small town where people could get a carriage to a bigger town or city. In the forest surrounding the village were some small monsters like goblins and slimes, although apparently something bad had happened there ages ago and they had sent out a request to the guild.

But they had no proof of something stronger being there so the guild wouldn't accept the request. He had asked what had happened in there but no one told him and they said if he wanted to know he would have to ask Eisen, but when he brought the topic to Eisen he got all depressed so Kenjiro dropped the topic.

Kenjiro also learned about the Adventures Guild, from some retired adventurers who had come back to their home village, which was the village he was currently staying in. From what he heard it was your standard system, with the lowest rank being Rank F and the highest being Rank S, with the power scaling of Rank S going up forever although the peak of Rank S was considered the Demon King and the Goddess Rehella.

Religion was also very prominent in the world with most religions worshiping the Goddess Rehella. Although other species sometimes worshiped different beings that they considered gods.

Like the Elfs worshipped the World Tree, Yggdrasill. It was considered the true home of all Elf's and where the first Elf was born. Although apparently no one knows where it is, or the elf's were hiding it.

Demi humans worshipped a multitude of gods, although it really depended on what type of Demi human they were. Like Wolf Demi humans worship Fenrir, a powerful S Rank monster who was said to be able to destroy the whole world, although it was slayed by a person who nowadays is called a hero, although he died after only taking seven steps away from the corpse of Fenrir.

Then the Fox Demi humans, who worshipped the Nine Tailed Fox, a gigantic fox taller than mountains with nine tails. Instead of being slayed by a hero, the Goddess slayed it herself, with that one action being one of her first acts to help humanity.

Then there were cat Demi humans, something that even Kenjiro heard about even before being transported here as there were some memes about Elon musk making cat girls. They didn't have any god to worship so instead they worshipped powerful cat people in their history, most of them being heroes that did something incredible.

Then of course there were the demons, who of course worshipped the Demon King. It was pretty simple, the demons worshipped anyone in the demon race who had overwhelming power, it just so happened that it was the Demon King who had that power.

As Kenjiro put the shovel he was using at the side of a house that was close to the farm he was working on he continued his thoughts.

He also learned that heroes weren't just summoned like he thought, it seemed the people in this world had enough sense and respect to give people who did impossible deeds the title of hero. Although the people of this world did know of the legends of the Goddess summoning people from another world as heroes for very drastic situations.

Although this small village wouldn't get the news of the heroes being summoned until someone went outside of the town and came back or a stranger from another village came and told them the news.

Kenjiro walked down the village towards Eisen house, as that was where he was currently staying. While he was walking he waved at the kids that ran by him, and they shouted their greetings as well before running after their friends.

He had gotten a mask made by the village tailor so he wouldn't scare the kids, which he appreciated. It was made out of some breathable material that was sometimes itchy but Kenjiro got used to it.

It went down his neck and tucked into his shirt and went above his nose but under his eyes and hooked around his ears and neck to hold it up. It was mostly brown, as was everyone's clothes here, but had some black around the ears and neck as it was stronger material.

He had changed out of his school uniform at this point and had got some clothes that were acceptable in this world. A white shirt and a brown leather coat to keep some heat in. With black trousers and some leather shoes.

Mostly everything was made out of leather or wool, as it was the easiest materials to get for a mostly isolated village.

Kenjiro had also gotten better at talking. His voice was still hoarse and he knew it was probably going to stay that way. He was able to talk for longer though, although at most a few more sentences than normal.

His scars had mostly healed, they were still there and his skin was in the same condition he had felt it in the first time, but it didn't agitate him as much as before.

When he had gotten back to Eisen's house he smelled some food, and looking at the sun it seemed around the time for food, he must have spent more time on the farm than he expected.

When Eisen heard the door open he didn't even need to turn around to know it was, Kenjiro had this way of walking that made his footsteps sound like a giant. He still had no idea how he did that, Kenjiro wasn't even doing it on purpose and he walked normally.

"Make sure to close the door this time, kenjiro." Eisen shouted out in a scolding manner. And Kenjiro had to go back and close the door properly. The door had a lock to keep it closed as the wind got stronger at night, and Kenjiro had forgotten to do the lock one night and the next day both Eisen and Kenjiro had woken up freezing.

"Foods just ready, sit down and get ready to tell me about your day." Eisen said as he started pouring the food into the bowl.

Kenjiro on the other hand got out his notebook and started writing down what he did today. He hadn't talked much today but this way in case Eisen wanted to properly talk he could answer some questions.

Soon Eisen had come into the room with two bowls of soup with pieces of meat and vegetables in it. They couldn't afford to make proper meals, or like rich nobles like Eisen had said, so they had soup as they got a bit of everything, it was easy to make and saved food.

The only time the villagers were allowed to eat a really good meal was on special occasions, such as a birthday which would get them a full chicken, at least that was an example Eisen had given. And when one came of age, they would get out the beer and multiple roast chickens and celebrate until late at night. And the whole village would be involved in both of these events as everyone was friends with each other.

Although Kenjiro hadn't had soup in ages before he came here, it didn't taste too bad. Eisen was a master at making it, but Kenjiro guessed that was what happened when you cooked the same meal your whole life. But although it was good it couldn't hold a candle to five star restaurants back in his world. Although eisen's food would be as good if not better if he had all the advanced technology Kenjiro's world had.

Eisen sat down and Kenjiro passed him the notebook that had today's date on it and Eisen started reading as they both ate the food. Eisen nodded his head a few times while reading, clearly happy and other times wrinkled his forehead, deep in thought.

Eisen shook his head with a sigh as took a sip of the soup on his spoon before talking to Kenjiro. "You need to stop doing so much, you'll tire yourself out. I know you want to pay us back but you don't need to do this much."

Kenjiro shook his head in refute. "Trust me, it's okay. I would do more if I was able to." Kenjiro replied, his voice still hoarse from the wound but better then the first time he spoke.

Eisen just sighed. "Fine, you can keep doing this but no more. And if you can't handle all this after a while you can take a break. And I will force you to take a break if I have to." Eisen warned as he pointed his spoon at Kenjiro threateningly. But they both knew he was joking by the small kind smirk on his face, although they both also knew he was serious about the break thing.

"Try if you can, old man." Kenjiro responded jokingly. After a bit of intense silent staring they both burst out laughing. With Eisen's laughs being Loud and Kenjiro letting out silent laughs.

Eisen could tell he was laughing as he saw the smile on his face because he took his mask off when he came into the house.

After that they talked for a bit more, Kenjiro having to write down answers if the answer would be too long to talk.

After that Eisen and Kenjiro headed to their rooms and went to sleep. Kenjiro had been given a spare room that he had cleaned out and made into a proper room for himself.

Then the middle of the night came, and the nightmares started for Kenjiro. It was all just flashes for memories. The hatred on the Goddess's face, his classmates shouting insults, him falling as Matsuta looked down on him, going into the Demon King's castle or the hole of all the Demons, meeting the Demon King and the Demon King's words.

"I will not give you power. If this is what you are like at the start then you'll never get stronger." He bent down to Kenjiro's height and pushed one of his fingers up to his chin so Kenjiro was looking him in the eyes. "The reason heroes are so strong is because they don't think about normal skill limitations. If you think you're at the limit of your skill or you think you know how your skill works, that is what will happen. That's why demons are so strong! We have no limits! Unlike you pathetic human!"

His clawed hand started to come towards Kenjiro's face before he woke up with a silent scream, sitting up and sweat pouring down his face in buckets. His eyes had tears in them that he refused to let fall.

But his mind couldn't get rid of the Demon King's words. It might've just been to show he was superior or his race was, but… what if he was telling the truth?

It was a long shot and probably not true but to just give him some false hope. But it just kept repeating in his mind. "If you think you're at the limit of your skill or you think you know how your skill works, that is what will happen."

His kind went to his only skill, what if he could change it. With the way he looked at it?


Type: Passive

Description: Allows the user to eat as much food as they want without getting full, they will also never get fat from overeating food. The user will also not be able to throw up from eating food or from overeating.]

What else would gluttony do? What else could it do? He thought for a while, when it came to him. As if a lightning bolt struck his head, a figurative light bulb turned on in his mind.

Who said that gluttony would only allow you to eat food? What if it could eat something else?

[Skill 'Gluttony' upgrading…

Skill 'Gluttony' successfully upgraded. Skill is within the limitations of the user.]

Thank you for reading this chapter, hopefully you enjoyed! I’ll see you next week, as I upload one chapter every week!

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