#NoRomance Black Vampire It's the 1400s. Dracula, the strongest being on Earth, resides in France. She devours all who stand in her path. Humans, vampires and...? No one's exempt from Dracula's wrath... #BlackAuthor #Horror #Action Please support me, the author! https://account.venmo.com/u/alanchipmunk cash.app/$ap1933
[1400s France]
An assortment of Black vampires are searching the night for somebody. A small light flashes in the distance and gathers all of their attention. A short Black woman donned in dark armor is transforming her gold magic ring from a large circle of blood into two iron weapons in preparation for the impending battle. She's Dracula, the vampires' target. Her red eyes and new curving gold swords gleam back at them. They rapidly march their way through the snow towards her.
The fastest one arrives in seconds, only to get quickly chopped up by Dracula's golden blades. Dracula's short swords begin magically sucking in streams of blood from the vampire's wounds, forcing the unfortunate vamp's body parts to stay levitated in the night air. These lifeless husks finally hit the ground as the next foolish vampire comes to strike Dracula.
Their sharp nailed attack misses after a fast back step from the Queen of Vampires. The lesser vampire's clawed hand pierces through a building's outer wall instead. Dracula breaks the ground beneath her back foot to dash in at them with her weapons held out at each side. Her right blade runs right through the row of stacked bricks beside her. In under a second, she leaps and has that same sword slash up the wall and through the neck of the arm-in-wall vamp. Dracula's feet hit the snowy ground. She turns to promptly greet the rest of the now headless vampire's corpse with a violent dance of dual blades. This time Dracula uses her mouth to blood suck their red liquid from through the air to her opened red lips. After seconds of being rendered into a hover by Dracula's powerful blood feeding, the night creature's now shrunken bits rain into the soft snow. The next fool makes their way to Dracula…
Dracula's long, porcelain-like fangs are utilized to slash out their poor throat. Another enemy vampire gets grabbed by the neck and forcefully slammed to death against the familiar wall. Dracula's red claws rip from head to toe straight through the next vamp. Then each of Dracula's left hand's nails suck in a thin stream of blood from this torn apart victim. While this suction continues, another vampire arrives. Dracula marionettes the carved carcass by the five blood strands that her crimson claws are still telekinetically absorbing and rapidly whips her hand repeatedly to bludgeon the latest vampire to death. The final set of blood suckers arrive and she reforms her right hand's ring into a massive circular sword that surrounds her body. The dwindling group of vampiric fools run and jump at Dracula, only to get greeted by the metallic edge of her giant ring sword or the stiff remains on Drac's left's makeshift blood whip. Even both, if they are the more unfortunate. The rounded surface of The Queen of Vampires' gigantic golden sword siphons all the enemy blood from the air and snow. The blade punctuates the end of the massacre by magically transferring all that blood from the circle sword's red crystalline cylinder grip to Dracula's mighty veins.