This is a story of a young boy named Gael. The boy that wanted a simple life. He cheated death itself. And, hopefully, he will live to tell this story......
In the outskirts of Mount Varian, there laid a small town with a small population of people. The people there always kept to themselves—be it a family problem, or a robbery—nothing was ever said towards one another. As far as the eye can tell, there wasn't much justice around here since there was no sheriff, or any other form of monarchy. No one would even notice a little boy that stayed cooped up in his house because of his cruel father. The young boy was never one to argue, especially with the likes of his father. Another reason why he never leaves is because he was too afraid to get help from the commoners that lived nearby, for this tragic young boy's father beats the lights out of his mother and forces her to do the most unspeakable things in life.
And all this boy can do, is silently cry for help.
The young boy sat in the hallway, listening to the painful and helpless cries of his mother, who is currently taking a beating from his sadistic father. He felt the tears run down his mother's face. He felt the slaps, pushes, pulls and punches that she endured. He felt the blood, slowly and agonizingly drip from his mother's lips. He brought his knees to his chest and sent another silent cry for help.
"Do you think I like doing this, Lily? Do you think I like hurting you? For once in your pathetic life, do what your told and be a good wife! Is that too much to ask?!" His father spat sourly and continued to beat her.
"I'm sorry, Samson! Please! Gael... Gael is sleeping! Please stop, I won't do it again!" There goes his mother's cries followed by another string of pleas and apologies that always went in vain.
It was always the same thing every night; Samson comes home and expects the most from Lily. But when it doesn't meet up with his standards,
Lily ends up battered, broken and bruised.
Gael hated himself for not stepping in and helping her, despite her constant requests to stay away when this happens. He hated himself for being a coward and not a man. If only he could find a way to make his father stop hurting his mother. If only—
A blood-curdling scream erupted from the living room followed by a loud crash. The silence that came last was gnawing at Gael's soul. His skin began to crawl and his blood ran cold as he thought of the worst. He scrambled to his feet as he ran to the living room only to find his father staring down at his mother's unmoving body.
Gael prayed to that his mother was unconscious from the impact of the push, though anyone can instantly die from getting pushed to a glass table. The blood was driving Gael mad. He finally found the courage to call out to his mother.
"M-Mother?" He whispered, letting out a shaky breath in the process. When she didn't respond, his knees began to buckle, making him fall to the floor and cry. He held on to his mother's blood-soaked dress as he broke down. He sobbed and sobbed and his father did nothing nor did he say anything. Even if he did say something, it would just make him feel even more disgusted with himself. Gael just witnessed the death of his mother—at the hands of his father no less—, he did nothing to prevent it.
Does that make him just as guilty as his father?
His father.
His father!
"For goodness sake, Gael. Stop yer cryin' and grow some balls. The neighbors will hear and get suspicious. Why don't ya be useful fer once and clean this up? Don't make the same mistake yer Ma made." He spat. Gael forced himself to tear his eyes away only too see the bastard's eyes. They held no remorse, regret or guilt.
Just the color red.
Gael got up to his feet and clenched his fists. "My mother... she's like this because of you! You were supposed to be her husband, not her master! You selfish, greedy, sadistic coward! A man who hits a woman is no man at all. In fact, the only thing you deserve right now, is to get your filthy manhood removed for ever laying hands on her!!" Gael snapped and charged at him.While running, he snatched a piece of glass on the ground and held it like a knife.
Before he could strike, the piece was snatched from him and he was pushed back. He didn't even have time to react when his father punched him hard in the chest. Gael felt something in his rib cage crack, that's when the pain kicked in. He wheezed and gasped for air as Samson laid a punch to his face. By the time he was on the floor, Gael couldn't even find his voice as Samson broke his leg.
"You... You! You stupid, spoiled brat! After all I've done for you, you dare talk back and insult me?! You know nothing about what's going on between me and that whore of a wife! But honestly, I don't care anymore. All I care about now, is getting rid off all of the evidence and nobody will know that a vampire like me has been living and walking amongst them for a long period of time!" He began to laugh maniacally before stepping on Gael's face and continued to speak. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm a vampire. No need to explain how now, because you're gonna die and I will continue to live.... FOREVER!!!!" He threw his head backwards and let out a series of laughter.
"You shouldn't have come, Gael." He growled. "You should've just been a good boy and left well enough alone."
Poor Gael thought he was hallucinating from the blood loss, or was he not? His father's canines began to grow sharper and longer, like fangs.
He threw his head back and laughed once more before lifting his foot in the air.
Gael stiffened and closed his eyes, preparing for impact.
But it never came.
What did come though, were two hooded figures that burst through the window and grabbed Samson by the arms. Two more male figures appeared and helped a woman in. They were all dressed in black except for the lady who wore a gold silky dress. She looked like a noble—not that Gael has seen one before, especially around this town. The lady had a large paper fan to her face, completely covering her identity. But the second she snapped it shut, her face was revealed and her glare towards Samson was enough to kill thousands. She had light brown skin, hair as dark as the night sky and red eyes. He wasn't sure if they were real or not. Maybe he was still hallucinating?
"What. Have. You. Done?!" She yelled. "I knew that one of these days, I would regret giving you such a gift, Samson. It's laughable to see that that day came sooner than I thought." She looked over too see Lily's body—which was lying unresponsive to all of the noise happening— and walked over to it. Gael struggled to crawl over to her, lifted a bloody hand and tugged on her dress. She looked down and stared at him with an expression that Gael was unable to read.
"My... my.. my mother... s-save h-her.. please..." He managed to say while taking in deep, shaky breaths and coughing blood in the process.
Her brows furrowed as she kneeled over to him and peeled his hand off of her.
"I'm afraid that she is long gone, boy." She said, not a hint of sorrow or grief.
That was when he gave up. Reality began to hit him a bit too hard. He laid there and decided to wait for death to knock on his door.
"You've tampered with your gift for far too long, Samson. Your actions have led to the death of your spouse and the injuring of your child. Though, I'm partly to blame because I have excused your past sins one to many times. But never again." Gael heard her say. He looked up to see his father with a distraught look on his face. It soon began to contort to fear.
"D-Daria, don't do it! Please! Can't you just bring the woman back to life? Vampires can do that, right?"
The lady, Daria, clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. She lifted her hand and signaled to the hooded figure next to her. The figure bowed his head and took his hood off and revealed a very peculiar, yet insanely handsome man. He walked over to Samson, whose movements were still restricted.
"May I pass judgement Countess Daria?" He asked with a low, husky voice.
"Not yet, Leviathan. The boy must be treated first." Daria walked over to Gael and kneeled down. She cradled his head in her lap, grabbed a shard of glass next to them and slit her wrist sideways. She then held it to his lips. At first, Gael didn't know what her intentions were. He was just a random boy who was cursed into a family where his father abused his mother and gave both of them no freedom at all. And just when things went from bad to worse, she and some strangers appear out of the blue, and suddenly she's lecturing his father about 'abusing his gift' and is helping him? If she knew his father, then why didn't she come sooner to save both him and his mother?
"Boy, drink. It will heal you."
Gael was not so sure anymore and had no choice but to trust her intentions. He parted his lips, latched and began to drink. Swallowing back his bile, he took small sips of the revolting metallic blood until she pulled away and laid him on the couch to rest.
She took out her paper fan and walked over to Samson. Anyone could feel the tension in the atmosphere.
"Samson de Nero, you have been chosen for judgement on the murder of your significant other, Lily, the revelation of your gift and your attempt to murder your offspring, Gael. How do you plead?" Daria said, keeping Leviathan at bay.
"Go to hell." Samson spat.
"Very well. I hereby declare you guilty. Sentence: Death. Leviathan, if you would?"
Leviathan smirked, "With pleasure, milady."
And in one swift move, Leviathan grabbed Samson's neck, snapped it and tore his head off.
Not long after Gael lost consciousness.