
Blinding Eclipse

She's found bleeding and with a broken heart. Alpha Isaac never expected to find his mate in such a state. But the last thing he ever expected was for her to be the princess.

avatron · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Chapter 2

She never had felt anything like it. Warmth in a time of bitter coldness. Something about it... is intoxicating. Her mind rouses awake and she opens her eyes slowly only to fall onto the face of an angel. He's so close to her, his nose practically touching hers. Is this the Other World? And this angel is greeting her in?

He's so warm, she thinks to herself as her eyes, still hooded with fatigue, gazes into his face. His eyes, a chestnut brown flecked with gold, gaze at her in awe. Who are you?

Her eyes, a vibrant green, look up at him in confusion and exhaustion. He has never seen eyes so green. His body moves without thinking and his wolf encourages him to lay claim to those luscious pink lips that call for his attention.

Her eyes close as the angel kisses her gently, tingles of his magic flowing through his lips and crashing through her body like the waves at sea. She should push him away. No man, or angel, has a right to kiss her like this, but she doesn't. His touch is so warm and comforting... it's exhilarating. She craves it as her heart pounds quickly in her chest and her stomach swirls with butterflies. Is this his magic's doing? Having her body react to him like this?

Niven's hands tighten into fists by his side. She might not be his mate, but his alpha's? He wishes he were dreaming. Felix quickly looks at the Enforcer and the dark look on his face. He approaches him, pushing him towards the door.

"You need to leave before you do something you regret," his leader commands him, but his eyes never look at him and he doesn't respond. "Niven." He's forced to look at the beta and Felix is shocked by the pain that's in the man's eyes.

"You need to leave," Felix commands again and Niven looks at the girl and his alpha as they share a smile between them. Niven turns to leave, pushing through the door and slamming it closed behind him.

She jumps at the slam of the door, her eyes leaving the angel. Fear and panic flood her system and the man turns her head backs to his. One look into the man's reassuring gaze and she relaxes.

"What's your name?" His voice is smooth and she shivers.

"Amelia," her voice is soft and timid. Isaac smiles as his wolf howls.

"I'm Isaac," his thumbs smooth over her cheeks and her eyes soften and grow heavy at his tender touch. "Rest now, okay?" He kisses her forehead and watches as her eyes flutter closed and her body relaxes. Isaac doesn't want to leave her, his wolf and heart are screaming at him not to, but he knows he has to deal with that Enforcer.

"Isaac?" Felix says hesitantly. Isaac stands, running a hand through his hair before turning to his friend and chuckling, his cheeks flushed.

"Guess I better start on that paperwork then."


Niven couldn't believe it. Of all the people who had to be her mate, it's him? He growls and his fist connects with the tree nearby. His hand aches from the contact, but it does nothing to ease the anger and disappointment in his chest. He hoped that no one would be her mate then, he could just... Well, he didn't really have a plan.

He just... Wants her.

Niven groans, running a hand over his face. Want her? Is that what he wants with her? No, that isn't true. He's never felt this possessive over a girl before and what really drives him crazy is that she isn't his mate. He has no right to feel like this.

So why does he?

"Niven," he turns quickly to the voice, his eyes widening with surprise. Alpha Isaac stands before him, his aura of power radiating off of him. Niven quickly salutes.

"Alpha, sir." Felix stands off to the side, watching the exchange.

"Thank you for saving her life," Isaac says and Niven blinks at him. "If you didn't, I would have never known she was my mate."

"Yes, sir," Niven doesn't really know how to respond. He's never spoken with the alpha before. He's only ever seen him around and what everyone else says about him.

"I understand that you... Have grown attached to her, correct?" Niven swallows hard and nods, hesitant of the questioning gaze in the alpha's eyes.

"I... I can't explain it, sir," he says and Isaac looks at the man before him. He's strong and a great fighter from what Felix told him on their way over to the training grounds. "I know she isn't my mate, of course, because she's yours..."

"Yet, you feel some connection with her," Isaac finishes and Niven nods.

"Yes, sir, I... I, of course, will respect that she's your mate and not interfere with that," Isaac can't help but laugh softly at the man's nervousness.

"I know you will, Niven, but," he steps towards the man and he tenses up as Isaac's alpha aura crashes over him, his wolf cowering in submission. "Do not grow too attached. I'd hate for her to fall in love with two men when she is only destined to be with one." Niven swallows hard at the dark look that crosses over his alpha's eyes. He quickly dips his head.

"Y-Yes, sir, of course." Isaac smiles, happy with that.

"Good day, Enforcer Niven." Niven salutes again and watches as his leaders walk away from him, back towards the main house. Anger suddenly flares into his chest, but he knows he doesn't deserve to feel like that. There's no reason for it. He knows she belongs to him. He knows that no matter what, he cannot have her.

And that, he thinks, is what makes him so angry.


"How are you feeling this morning, Amelia?" Willa asks as she sits by her hip on the bed, her healing hands touching her head and checking the wound on her stomach.

"Better, thank you," she smiles and Juda, the young apprentice, hands her a cup of tea.

"Are you in the mood for a visitor?" She asks, a mischievous look in her eyes. A visitor? Her mind jumps to the man from her dreams who kissed her. Is it him? Is he even real?

"I... I suppose so," she sips her tea and Willa grins, getting up from the bed and opening the door, waving the person in. Amelia stares wide-eyed as an unfamiliar man comes in. He isn't the man from her dream. Disappointment flares in her chest though she knows she has no proof that man from her dream is even real. This man is tall with sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes. When he sees her sitting up and awake, he smiles.

"I'm Enforcer Niven," he introduces as he stands before her. "I'm the one who brought you here." Amelia's eyes flicker to Willa who has a gleeful look on her face. What is she so happy about?

"Oh," Amelia says, eyes returning back to the man. He's handsome, sure, but she wants to see the man from her dreams. "Thank you, Enforcer Niven." He smiles at her and gestures to the stool beside her bed.

"May I?" She nods and he sits. She looks over his hunter green clothes and wonders why Were's even bothered with uniforms. She heard their clothes get shredded to bits when they shift into their beasts. She wondered if that was true.

"Niven came to visit you every night after his patrol to see how you were doing," Willa says off to the side. Amelia's eyes snap to the man who gives the mage a hard look as his cheeks redden.

"Is that true?" She asks him and he looks at her.

"Yes," her heart skips a beat at his commitment to her. "You were badly injured and I had to make sure you were okay."

"I'm... getting better," she replies, her voice low. Her hand touches her stomach, her mind flashing to the moment when he pushed his dagger into her. She can still hear his laugh in her mind. The look on her face as she touches her wound makes his heart hurt. So much pain in those beautiful eyes of hers, that he can't stop himself when he touches her hand. Her eyes snap to his, shock in them.

"We'll find who did this to you," he says and she's shocked by the determination in his eyes. No, you won't, she thinks to herself. He removes his hand and she turns her attention to her tea.

"There was another man," she says suddenly, unable to help herself. Confusion plagues Niven's face. Is she talking about her assault? "He... I don't even know if he was real."

"The man who hurt you?" She shakes her head.

"No," her eyes meet his and his jaw clenches at the look of awe in her eyes. "The man who kissed me."


"It isn't often that you call me into your study, brother," Vanessa chuckles. "There must be something of utter importance then." He doesn't laugh and her smile falls. He looks perplexed as he holds his hands together in front of his mouth.

"I found my mate," he mutters and she blinks. Did she hear him right? His mate?

"Repeat that again," she asks and he gives her a pointed look, dropping his hands to his desk.

"I found my mate," he repeats and she stares at him before a grin spreads across her face. She gets up quickly, throwing his arms around him and squeezing the life out of him.

"Isaac! Oh, my Goddess, this is amazing!" He sighs, rolling his eyes and patting her arm.

"Yes, it is," his tone is flat and she looks at him, confused.

"You aren't happy about this?" He runs his hands over his face and she's surprised by the fear that crosses over his face.

"It isn't that I'm not happy," he says softly. "I just... Don't know what to do." She gapes at him. This isn't the brother she knows. The brother she knows always knows what to do.

"What do you mean? She's your mate, you go to her," he shakes his head.

"It's the girl that was brought in," he says, pulling the necklace from his desk drawer and handing it to Vanessa. "She had this with her." Vanessa feels the gem between her fingers.

"A noble?" Isaac shrugs.

"We don't know," she gives him a pointed look.

"Then go see her, dummy," she puts the necklace back into his hand. "Go ask her." He doesn't respond, he just stares at the necklace.

"Isaac," she sighs and he glances at her. "Go to her. She's your mate."

"It isn't that simple," he replies and she rolls her eyes.

"Only because you're making it complicated," Vanessa says, her hand touching his shoulder. "There's nothing complicated about your mate."

"I don't know where she came from or who she is, other than her name," he says. "If she's a nobleman's daughter, you know what they'll do about it." Vanessa nods solemnly. Those humans only care about being right. They'd sell their entire family to win something so trivial. If her brother's mate really is a noble, hell even a royal (though what are the chances of that?), then they'd use it as a perfect excuse to drag them back into the war.

"Talk to her. Find out for sure and then you'll quit overthinking the worst," she replies. "Bring her the necklace, too, since it's hers."

"Alright," he sighs, putting the necklace into his pocket. He stands and exits his study, his sister right behind him.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She asks as they enter the kitchen. He shakes his head.

"No, I need to go see her alone."


Juda is assisting Amelia with building her standing tolerance, her face twisting in all sorts of pain. The sun is setting behind the trees, a warm orange glow brightening up the small room through the window.

"Let's take a break," Juda says, helping her sit down back on the bed. Juda hands her a glass of water, helping her sip it as Amelia's head feels light.

"I don't think I'm ready for standing yet," she muses, sighing and grimacing in pain. Juda nods.

"Agreed, but it was worth a shot." Amelia nods, handing back the water. Juda then hands her a cup of tea, which Amelia knows is to help with the pain.

"Lady Willa said she'd be healing you again before dinner," Juda says, taking the tea back after Amelia finished it. "That way we can try to give you solids." Amelia smiles.

"I'd love a good home-cooked meal." Juda smiles, nodding, and taking the dishes to the sink. Amelia can feel the tea beginning to work and she feels tired, yawning. Then, there's a knock at the door. Amelia looks at the door, watching as Juda wipes her hands off on her apron, approaching the door and opening it. She quickly dips her head and steps back, opening the door.

Amelia feels herself stop breathing and there's a roar in her ears. Entering the cabin is the man from her dreams. He is real. She gawks at him as he approaches her, his gait powerful and his strides long. He exhumes power and respect, an alpha, she can tell. He kneels in front of her, his hands resting on her knees. The heat from his hands is hot and sends waves of comfort through her body.

She gapes at him. Is she dreaming again? Her hands come up and her fingers touch his face. Surprise and awe cross over his eyes as she feels the light stubble of his jaw. Angels wouldn't have stubble, would they? But angels wouldn't walk like an alpha, if that's even what he is...

"Isaac," his name is a breath on her lips and his heart literally melts. His wolf howls and all he wants to do is kiss her again.

"Alpha, I would appreciate it if you weren't trying to woo my patients so late in the evening," Willa chides, forcing the two out of their trance.

"Apologies, Lady Willa," Willa smirks at him before pulling her awe-struck apprentice out of the cabin. Isaac sits across from her in a chair, their knees touching.

"You're real," Amelia breathes and Isaac chuckles.

"I am," she gapes at him.

"I thought... I thought I had gone to the Other World," she says, her face reddening. Isaac smiles at her.

"And I was an angel?" She downcasts her gaze, her face continuing to redden. He reaches forward, touching her chin and turning her attention back to him. Her eyes widen at as his touch and the way it makes her body react.

"I'm flattered," he muses and he can see the realization that crosses over her face as she recalls Willa's words. "Alpha…"

"Alpha Isaac," she breathes and he realizes it was more to herself than to him. His brow furrows in confusion.

"You know who I am?" Her eyes widen and there's a flash of panic in those brilliant green eyes. She doesn't answer and he searches her face. "How do you know who I am?" I'm a princess, of course I know who you are, she thinks to herself, but she can't outright tell him that. Isaac's mind races. No common human would know who he was. There was no way. He pulls his hand away from her face and takes out the necklace.

"Maybe you can tell me about this then," she looks down and she immediately covers her mouth with her hands as she gasps. Isaac watches her reaction carefully and is shocked when her eyes fill with tears. With shaking fingers, she takes the necklace from him, her fingers brushing over his skin. She stares at the gem and her mind aches with now painful memories.

Oh, Gale, why would you do this?

"Amelia?" Isaac asks worriedly as she chokes on a sob. He watches as the necklace falls out of her hands, clattering onto the floor. Her eyes are distant, tears falling down her cheeks. He moves closer to her and her eyes finally settle on him. Her heart is breaking in her chest while at the same time, being stitched back together again.

Hiccuping, she looks up at him. An angel. Her hand lifts and she touches his face again. His eyes soften and he touches her hand. He's so warm, she thinks, unable to stop herself when she pulls his face to hers. Maybe he could heal her broken heart.

Isaac's heart is hammering in his chest as her eyes, red and puffy, stare up at him. The green of her eyes stands out against the red and with her hand on his face like that, it's hard to control himself. Their noses brush and her eyes flutter closed.

Her breath is hot against his lips as her hand slips into his hair, her touch like sparks against his skin. He presses his lips against hers and she relaxes immediately in his arms. His kiss could not compare to the traitor's who broke her heart. Something about kissing Isaac is like kissing peace incarnate and her body craves more.

His hands caress her face, her scent engulfs him, his wolf whining in the back of his subconscious. He'd be happy to spend all day doing just this. What was he so afraid of before? This? He had never felt more complete in his entire life. They break away, his lips still hovering over her's. His thumbs wipe away her tears as she gazes up at him.

"You're my mate, aren't you?" She whispers and that takes him by surprise. Not many humans know too much about Weres unless...

"You're the princess, aren't you?"