
Blinded by the love

"This is Rumaan's child" I heard mama said. I didn't look up at her. I keep my head lowered. because I didn't have the courage to face her. "This is not my child," he said abruptly. I looked at him with wide eyes. I was beyond shocked. What he just said. Did I hear him right? No, he can't say that. How can he? But as he looked away from me, my heart beats stopped. my breath hitched. And that's where he broke me completely "HOW DARE YOU RUMAAM" mama yelled and slapped him. "Mama..." he was shocked that his mother slapped him " don't call me mama.," she yelled and was about to hit him again but I stopped her "no mama," I said and they all turned to me I slowly get up and went in front of them " he's right.. this is not his child" I put my hand on my stomach and said I had tears in my eyes but I did not let them fall in front of him whom I loved with my everything because now I was tired of crying for his love. I was blind. Blind by love but not anymore. Everyone looked at me shocked even Rumaan couldn't believe what I just said ....... Hana Rafeeq Mirza a beautiful innocent kind-hearted 20 years old girl Everyone loves cared and respect her but the one she loves since childhood her cousin her love of life, didn't love her neither he respects her. Rumaan Ahmed Mirza a hot handsome and flirt 23 years old boy. He was famous as a playboy in America. He never cared for those things which he gets easily and that's what Hana whom he got so easily. And he just wanted to get rid of her at any cost. He knew that Hana was crazy for him that's why he always took her advantage. Will Rumaan ever realize his mistakes or if he realised it will be too late??? Want to know?? Yes? Then join their journey with me

love_ange20 · 奇幻言情
14 Chs

First night / He left

After their nikah, everyone blesses and showers them with so much love.

Hana is sitting with marziya Shabana and Riya in her room.

Ruman was sitting in the living room playing games on his tab when muneeb came.

Muneeb and Rumaan were not good friends

"Hey Rumaan" muneeb called him cheerfully.

"Hi" he replied while playing the game.

"What are you doing here?" Muneeb asked

"Can't you see ?" He asked pointing to his tab.

"I can but I can't see your wife... where is she?" He asked.

"Don't know" he replied still busy with his game.

"What!! How can you say that? you don't know today is your and Hana's first night? your married man now doesn't behave like a kid" He said and rolled his eyes at Rumaan.

Rumaan looked up at him and jumped off the sofa

"Oh yeah how can I forget? Today is our first night... I am such dumb" Hi said and palmed his forehead

" Yes, you are.. if I were you I was with Hana right now," muneeb said

"But you are not.. and Hana is my wife," Rumaan said glaring at muneeb. He didn't like muneeb's words. And run toward Hana's room.

Muneeb just shrugged his shoulders. And went to the dining room for dinner.

When Ruman came to meet his little bride Riya stop him.

"What?? Am I not allowed to meet my wife?" Rumaan asked.

Shabana and marziya looked at him and shook their heads as to no.

A little frown appeared on his forehead.

He looked at Hana and smiled.

"Hanu, baby come, let's go to my room," Ruman said While extending his hand toward her.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes

Hana smiled got up and was about to take his hand Shabana stopped her.

"What mama?" Rumaan asked.

"You can't take her with you," she said with a small smile

"And why so..? She's my Wife and today is our first night," Rumaan said.

Shabana marziya and Riya's mouths were wide open at his choice of words.

Hana was shyly smiling looking down.

Rumaan grabbed Hana's hand and was about to leave from there Shabana held his hand to stop him as she came to her senses.

"Now what mama?" Rumaan asked irritatedly.

Shabana didn't say anything and just stare at him.

"Who told you about the first night and all?" Marziya asked

"No one," Ruman said shrugging his shoulders

"Then how do you know about the first night?" Riya asked raising her eyebrows.

"Arre aapi. I saw in a drama.. so I know thus after marriage wife goes to her husband's house and his room and it's called first-night" Rumaan replied innocently.

"So now let us go" he demanded.

Everyone smiled at his innocent demands.

"You can't take her beta... until you and Hana complete your studies," Shabana said softly kneeling in front of him.

"Do you mean I have to wait until my exams are over? " Rumaan asked sadly

"No you have to wait for 10 years" Shabana replied.

"What?" Rumaan yelled in shock.

And looked at Hana who keep looking at everyone.

"Yes beta you both are kids now.. so you both have to wait for at least 10 years for your first night," Shabana said smiling looking at both of them.

"I am not a kid she's a kid," Rumaan said pointing toward Hana

"No! I am not. look I am your bride you can't call me a kid" Hana argued

"Yes you are a kid that's why we can't go to my room for our first night because you are always scared at night and go to mama's room to sleep.. such a kid, " Rumaan said rolling his eyes at Hana.

"No! I am not" Hana whined.

tear-filled her eyes.

"No hanu don't cry baby.. he's a kid," Riya said and marziya nodded.

" No, I am not. look she's crying not me so she's a kid"

"Rumaan shut up," Riya said glaring at him

"But aapi..."

"Shut up everyone" He was cut off by Shabana.

Shabana took Hana and Rumaan's hands.

"Listen, both of you.. you both are kids. until you both complete your education you can't stay together in the same room.. neither you both tell anyone out of this family that you married. This is a secret." Shabana said

They both listened to her but didn't say anything.

"Promise?" Shabana asked while extending her palm toward them.

They looked at each other for a second and then Shabana.

"Promise," they said in unison while promising her to take her hand.

Shabana smiled and hugged them.

"Now go Rumaan," Shabana said to Rumaan.

Rumaan looked at Hana for the last time and walk out of there.


After dinner, all went to their room While Rumaan came to Hana's room.

Hana was about to sleep when Rumaan enters her room.

She turns and looked at him

"What are you doing here?" she asked and went in front of him.

"I am here to say sorry," he said while extending a beautiful red rose.

Hana looked at him and then at rose then again at him.

"For what?" She asked crossing her arms in front of her.

"I made you cry on our first night... so that's why I feel sorry," he said making a cute puppy face.

Hana couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"It's ok," she said and took that rose from his hand.

"Now go and sleep," Hana said and turn to go but Rumaan held her wrist to stop her.

She looked back at him and asked

"What maan?"

"I have something for you," Rumaan said and gave her an R alphabet-locked chain.

"What is this maan?" She asked looking at the locket chain.

"You can't see it?? This is a locked idiot" he replied and laughed.

Hana narrow her eyes at him

He shrugged.

"Ok this is a gift.. your wedding gift," he said.

"Wedding gift? But maan this locket is your favourite.. mama gave you this on your last birthday.. and most importantly this is your name's locket " Hana said trying to give the locket back to him.

But he shook his head.

"I know it's mine but you too are mine na. So What belongs to me is yours " Rumaan said grinning ear to ear

Hana blushed and looked down

"But still maan..." she was saying but Rumaan interrupted

"Listen... after marriage husband give his wife a wedding gift and I don't have anything else to give you as a wedding gift except this locket... And I wanted to give you something which always reminds you that you are MY WIFE" he said proudly emphasising the word 'my wife'.

His confession makes her happy.

Hana smiled looking at the locket in her hand.

She gives it back to him.

"What hanu? You don't like it?" Rumaan asked making a sad face.

"No!! I really like it but..." Hana said hurriedly but stopped in the middle.

"But what?" Rumaan asked raising his eyebrows.

"Umm... I want you to make me wear this locket" she said shyly playing with her fingers.

Rumaan smiled and nodded happily.

He came in front of her and wore her a locket.

They both looked at each other and smiled happily.

" Now my gift?" he asked extending his hand.

She looked at his hand and then at him.

"Umm... I don't have anything to give you" Hana said feeling embarrassed.

"It's ok Hana.. but you can give me one thing," he said small smirk played on his face.

"What," she asked

"Umm... A kiss" he said putting his finger on his cheek.

Hana looked at him with wide eyes.

"What!? No"

"What! yes"

"But maan this is not a gift," she said looking at her hands and playing with her fingers.

"It is," he said

"Who told you?" she looked at him and raised her eyebrows

"I saw in a movie... a boy gave his girl a gift and asked her for a return gift.. but she said she had nothing to give him so he said that she can kiss him as his gift," he said grinning cutely.

Hana didn't say anything she again looked at her hands.

"So.. can you?" He asked coming a little closer to her face.

Hana looked up at him for some time and then smiled shyly before nodding her head slightly.

Rumaan coming more closer to her and she kissed his cheek and looked at him who gave her his charming smile.

Which made Hana happier.

"Ok now go it's too late," she said

Rumaan nodded and kissed Hana's cheek and went out.


2 months after Hana and Rumaan's nikah Hana's father passed away.

Hana was broken after losing her father.

She didn't eat anything for the whole 2 days.

Everyone tried to console her.

But she was deeply broken no one was able to ease her pain

Therefore, Rumaan was the only one who can ease her pain.

Because he was her everything.

Shabana gave a meal to Rumaan and told him to feed Hana.

And as expected Hana ate.

Days passed by like this.

It has been 2 years since their nikah. and Hana and Rumaan become closer to each other they become best friends.

As the day went on, Hana's feelings for him was growing stronger.

On the other hand, Rumaan becomes hard to handle. he fights a lot.

Most of his fight's reasons were Hana. Because he didn't want her to befriend any boys. Even though she never talked to any boys as per Rumaan's demands. Though she didn't have any problem with that because she can do anything for him. she happily did everything he said. but If anyone tried to get closer to her he broke their nose. Every other day his complaints came from his school. Even his principal Threatened his parents that they would expel him from school if he keeps behaving like this.

So that's when Shabana and Ahmed decided to send him away from Hana. Where he can forget about everything and concentrate on his studies.

Where his sister Riya lived with her husband. America.


Today Rumaan was about to leave for America. He was not ready to go but he has to.

Hana was really sad today. And was crying continuously. She didn't want Ruman to leave her here. But Shabana makes her believe saying that it was very important for Ruman's bright future.

Rumaan came to Hana's room to say goodbye.

"Hanu" he called her

She was crying on the balcony.

He came balcony and stood behind her.

"Hanu" he called her again but she didn't turn

"Hanu I am going," he said

No response

"Hanu talk to me"

Again no reply

"You won't talk to me?" He asked

still, she didn't turn nor she said anything but kept crying silently.

"Ok I am leaving now.. you won't talk to me na. Take care hanu" he said and turned to leave but then Hana called him.


Rumaan turned and waited for her to say something.

"Do... don't...le...lea..leave.. me" she said with hiccups

"Hanu.." now Rumaan's eyes were also filled with water.

She turned and hugged him

"Maan please" she sobs in his chest.

Rumaan hugged her back tightly.

"Hanu I really don't want to leave you but mama baba they say it's very important for my bright future" he pulled her back and cupped her face.

"Looked at me," he said

she looked up at him.

"I promise I will come back soon and..." He paused for a second and then continue

"When I will be back I will take you to my room and we will spend our first night together," he said smilingly trying to lighten up Hana's mood. Which worked. Hana chuckled looking at him

"In sha Allah," she said smiling. She had still tears in her eyes

"But maan... how can I live here... without you," she said and many tears left her eyes

"Hanu... please don't cry," he said wiping her tears.

"Ok but you have to promise me that you'll call me daily," she said extending her hand in front of him.

He takes her hand as promised her.

He hugged her again.

" hanu.. don't befriend boys and..." he broke the hug and looked at her in the eyes.

"....Never forget that you are my best friend you are my wife your mine," he said Sternly

She smiled and nodded.

" Yes... I am only yours" she said proudly and smiled.

Rumaan smiled and placed a kiss on her lips.

Hana was shocked but before she could say anything thing he runs out of the room.

Leaving crazy hana behind him.

Now the purpose of Hana's life was to wait for her maan.

He left the country and went to America.

In the first few days, Rumaan used to call Hana but then he reduced it.

He got so busy there with his new friends that he forgets about his Hana.

Who was here waiting for him with every passing second?

8 years passed by like this.

Hana was still waiting for him with her every breath.

She never talked to boys if anyone tried to talk to her. Or if she wanted to talk to any boys in the class she always stopped herself and touched that locket and reminded herself that she was Rumaan's and Rumaan wouldn't like it if she talked to any boys.

And there Rumaan became the richest smart handsome playboy in his college. Every month he wants new girlfriends. Rumaan gets rid of girls very quickly. He hates serious relationships and everyone knows about him in his college but still, every girl wants to be with him for some time.

Hana often saw his pictures with different girls on Instagram. She felt hurt seeing him with someone else but she always convinced herself saying that Rumaan will come back for her one day.

Because she had full faith in her nikah and unconditional love.

But deep down in her heart, she knew that Rumaan didn't love her nor he believed in their nikah anymore.


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