
Bleach Template System in Fairy Tail

Arthur, a young man is transported inside of the Fairy Tail with a special system giving him templates of Bleach Characters, let's see how the world change due to this new variable

QuincyEcht · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Chapter 02

As soon as he woke up, Arthur glanced at the magical clock prompting him to rise, his face contorting with a pained expression. He purchased a news journal to catch up on the latest updates, and as expected, the eight guilds—well, seven if Fairy Tail's two teams were counted separately—qualified for the "finals" of the Grand Magic Games.

Observing the bustling activity around him, he noticed a multitude of people making their way to the mountain where the arena was located, eager to witness the opening ceremony of the tournament.

'Well, let's see Fairy Tail get booed,' Arthur chuckled inwardly, joining the flow of people heading towards the mountain. Moving at a moderate speed, he continued to peruse the news journal for anything of interest. Suddenly, he sensed someone looking at him, and as he turned his head to identify the source of the sensation, he encountered Ultear and Meredy dead in the eyes

"Nobody told you that creeping behind someone is not something to do ? " said Arthur with his perpetual smile on his face as he faced the two women

"And you, what were you doing going toward the tournament ? " asked Ultear with narrowed eyes

Arthur deadpanned at her question, what was this woman thinking ? If he wanted to go to the tournament, did he need her approval

"In the latest news, I don't think that I need your approval to go and watch the tournament ?" he replied to her with a smile before turning back and re-entering into the crowd.

"Wait !" cried Ultear but Arthur was nowhere to be seen as he activated his Shunpo to go faster into the crowd.

Some time later, Arthur arrived above the arena and used Shunpo to stealthily appear on an unoccupied spot to watch the opening ceremony. Arthur looked down on the arena that was being filled by more and more people by the second.

'Hmm, there's a lot more people than in the show' Arthur noted as he continued to look around, spotting the Guild leader of Sabertooth on the opposite side of the stands.

Arthur whistled as he looked around a bit more before stopping to look at one of the statues of the arena spotting Ultear and Meredy, he accentuated his smile as he waved his hand at them.

He slowly looked at the announcer for the tournament Mato that walked toward the middle of the arena.

"Hello everyone and welcome to this new edition of the Grand Magic Games, I am your announcer Mato !" the man hidden by a pumpkin head exclaimed as the arena went into an uproar.

"Now let's dive in directly into the games by introducing the 8 teams that qualified for the last stage of the tournament !

Coming into eight places is FAIRY TAIL ! " 

Instead of the applause that was due to one of the best guilds in Fiore, what met the team from Fairy Tail was boos and cries of disgust.

'How disgraceful' Arthur looked all around him and choose to clap with his smile on his face

The pumpkin head continued to announce the teams until Sabertooth appeared in a glorious applause from the crowd.

'These arrogant fools' Arthur frowned at seeing them, indeed they were ranked first but their arrogance was palpable through the entire stadium.

'The first trial is not that interesting' thought Arthur as he remembered the trial that Rufus, the masked mage of Sabertooth, will be dominating.

He stood up, deciding to go on a little stroll as this trial was not important, the fight afterward was and the only moment where he could harvest completion percentage for the template.

As Arthur left the venue to the stands where he could see people he found a familiar face, the young Wendy was being accosted by the strange puppet from Raven Tail

'Is this a joke ? ' Arthur frowned as he saw the familiar circumstances. The large puppet was just a decoy as the little shit from yesterday was again behind Wendy preparing to pounce on her.

"Huh ? " said Wendy as she turned back to see the same man as yesterday holding the familiar Raven Tail member by the head

"My,my what do we have here, perhaps yesterday's lesson was not enough for you ? " said the smiling man at the puppet as he continued to squeeze it. 

THe little monster started to squeal as it started to thrash around, the larger puppet rushed at Arthur in a swift manner, in response he pointed his index finger toward the larger puppet

"Hado #4 : Byakurai" a beam light pierced the puppet as everyone near the fight left running and screaming.

"Stop ! " cried Wendy out as she saw what the man did to a fellow mage

The man looked at her smiling before throwing the little monster into the larger one and aiming his palm toward them

"Hado #31: Shakka-" before he could finish his incantation Wendy's used her magic

"Sky Dragon Claw" she cried out as she sent a fist imbued in wind magic toward him

'She actually attacked me ? ' frowned Arthur as he saw the fist coming at a very slow speed for him, he sidestepped it and flicked the forehead of Wendy, not before looking at the puppet that disappeared.

"Ouch ! " she cried out receiving the 'attack'

"Wendy!" came the voices of two other Fairy Tail mages, Max and Gajeel.

"Hey, you! What are you doing to Wendy?!" exclaimed Max as Gajeel lunged towards him.

"Iron's Dragon Club!" Gajeel's arm transformed into a pillar of metal, hurtling towards Arthur's smiling face.

'Is this a trend to attack before asking questions?' Despite maintaining a smiling exterior, Arthur frowned internally as the steel club came in front of him. He used his palm to absorb the brunt of the attack.

"What?" Gajeel exclaimed upon witnessing this. "Woah!" Arthur effortlessly sent Gajeel flying with a flick of his wrist, not before pointing his index finger towards him, generating a small

"Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō." Six thin beams of light struck all around Gajeel's midsection.

"What is this? I can't move!" Gajeel cried out, attempting to move fruitlessly. "Max, Wendy, destroy these!"

Hearing the command, Max attempted to do something but found himself bound by

"Bakudō #1. Sai," Arthur's voice was once again heard, and Max's arms were secured behind him.

"What?!" Max exclaimed, thrashing but unable to break free.

"Well, if you excuse me, I would like to go buy food," declared Arthur, chuckling to the two Fairy Tail members before starting to depart from the fight.

"Stop!" Wendy's voice was heard as she stood up with a small red mark on her forehead and tearful eyes. "I'll fight you!" she declared, looking at Arthur with determination.

"You?" questioned Arthur, his smirk widening even more.

She didn't even have the time to speak before Arthur's hand was in front of her, her eyes dilated a few times before she fell asleep. Arthur gently placed her body on the ground.

"Inemuri," Arthur said as he looked at the two Fairy Tail mages bound by his Kido.

"Well, gentlemen, I bid you goodbye for now!" he cheerfully declared, walking away as what remained of the crowd let him pass.

"You bastard, unbind US ! " cried out Gajeel as more members of Fairy Tail arrived promptly to dispel the bindings.

'Well that was quite fruitful' noted Arthur as he saw the template going up a bit

[Gin Ichimaru : 33%]

Arthur bit into a strange apple that he bought on a stall inside the arena, it was quite incredible how large the arena was, magic was incredible.

'But the strength of Gin is not his Kido but his Bankai' I thought as I looked at Gin's knowledge for a bit, it was strange, the Zanpakuto didn't have a soul, it was as if it was just a copy with just the powers in it. Suddenly I heard boos and applause from the stadium and I knew that it was time for the duels

'This is gonna be fun' Arthur gleefully thought as he used Shunpo to return to his seat.

The first match was between Lucy from Fairy Tail and Flare from Raven Tail, as the pumpkin head announced the start of the match Lucy summoned her Scorpio and Taurus spirit to create a strong duo attack

Arthur whistled seeing this 'She is quite strong' he commented with a little nod as he continued to watch the match as Flare retaliated with an hair magic attack as she created an enormous wolf made of her hairs but Lucy just summoned the Gate of the Cancer to cut her attack, effectively rendering her attack useless.

The two woman grabbed each other, Lucy used her magical whip and Flare used her hair to grab on the blondie, the two were sent into an aerial dance but soon, the two fell on the ground, but it seemed that Lucy was mainly good despite the fact that Flare used her hair magic to create fire on her ankles

Perhaps the fact that she spends a lot of time with Natsu enhances her fire resistance ? ' Arthur thought as he stood up ready for his moment.

Lucy looked at her opponent but she saw Flare do a strange thing, she seemed to to point at the lodge where Fairy Tail was located, and as Lucy looked she saw Asuka, a little girl from the guild with a strand of Flare hair on her, then as Lucy looked back at Flare with frightened eyes she saw her smile even more

"Be quiet, Stand still and no magic, if you disobey you know what happen" said the red-haired girl as she proceeded by whipping Lucy with her hairs magic

"ARRRGH !" the blond woman cried out as she experienced untold pain as Flare was laughing madly seeing that.

The arena was in silence as the beating continued, the battered body of Lucy was seen on the ground

"I surr-" she started to say but in an instant a gust of wind appeared and a man with a strange attire was seen in front of Lucy, the man had a beaming smile on his face

"My, my what do we have here, a little sadistic cheater " the man said as the arena erupted in outrage seeing the interruption of the fight

"Who are you ! " cried out the announcer "What you are doing is trespassing in-" 

"Please, can you shut it for a little moment?" Arthur requested, looking at Flare. "I came here to see good matches, but what greets me is a little cheater using her magic to threaten dear blondie here!"

"Look what I found!" Natsu screamed from the stands as he held up Flare's hairs, revealing her deceit to everyone present.

"So, what do you have to say in your defense, cheater?" asked Arthur, sporting an enormous shit-eating grin.

Flare trembled, glaring at Lucy while totally ignoring Arthur. "DAMN YOU!" she screamed as her hairs transformed into an enormous blazing wolf, perhaps three times the size than the first time.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Arthur, not moving.

In an instant, an enormous pressure emanated from nowhere, weighing on everyone in the arena.

"What is this?" Natsu exclaimed, falling to the ground and panting.

"It comes from this man!" Mavis announced, looking terrified as she pointed towards Arthur.

"Attacking me, how hurtful for me," Arthur declared, walking toward Flare. Her attack halted in the air as Arthur's reiatsu crushed her.

"Perhaps I should dispense an apt punishment for attacking a member of the Gotei 13," he continued, arriving in front of the girl. As he took hold of his zanpakuto, Flare fell to the ground unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

"Not strong enough to even withstand this little," he said in a low voice audible to everyone in the arena. "But well, you fought well, little girl," he complimented Lucy before abruptly disappearing.



Well I'll finish this chapter here

See you soon :)