

A girl, different from others, in a judging, stereotyping world thrives to achieve her goal. Should they be romance and hair trouble on her path? We’ll see!! Come in this world and see you might be surprised to what happens. When I decide to upload… 3v3 lol Mature Content Hi. Now that I got your attention. No judging or anything. I mean great minds think a like.— Yhana is a normal girl- normal as it one can be- she just finished with her college studies she started looking a job. Not too long after she became a Graphic company’s programmer. With a knowledge like programming there’s so much she can do but that’s not what our story is about. She now lives with her best friend who’s an artist and everything is going well. And at work there are hot people to trip for. Until love problems show themselves and heart break. Is that a love triangle I sense?

Someone222 · 青春言情
6 Chs

lucky number 22

Yhana left the house and started to make her way towards the station.

She had done this many times and everytime the judges always had some kind of reason for not choosing her.

Either it was her personality or height there always was someone better to choose. Yet she never gave up on her dreams. She worked day and night endless. She even once got a goat yoga coach. But she never stopped moving forward.

Today's audition was as usual but she felt differently about it. She felt this time just might be the one.

When she finally got of the train she made her way to the building the website talked about.

When she entered the room she could feel the enthusiasm in everyone present. There were a number of people who had already arrived and were getting prepared.

The audition was a dance audition. They would be given numbers and sets of moves to learn on the spot.

The first round was mostly to eliminate people who couldn't adapt quickly.

Which on the opposite was an advantage for Yhana because of the number of times she had been through it.

She had gone through almost all of the round in her previous auditions except the 3rd to last

round which she had only passed once.

As normal, it started with all the contestants dancing simultaneously and the judges picking the worst out.

There were 7 rounds in total which went on for 4 days to catch the late and inconsistent.

After the second round they were all allowed to rest while the losers left. And our girl was still in the game!

Then came the final round of the day. There were about 60 people left and the normal number of finalists was sometimes 2 or more, who were then allowed to choose what to do with their victory.

The final round of the day was simple and the worsts were also picked out because everyone had been exhausted after the work-out they had been put through. To Yhana it was a little bit more of a challenging than usual but she stayed confident in herself.

The numbers were called and she got you keep her lucky number 22.

When it was finally over she started to pack her things.

A person that looked like they were younger than her approached her.

"Hey, number 22. You were amazing out there"

"Thank you, you too" replied Yhana although she hadn't payed much attention to anyone else.

"Name's Yoshedai but you can call me Yoshee cause it's cuter. >w<"

"Ok Yoshee, I'm Yhana"

"O wow! Both Y's--Yoshee andYhana. Cool! Where ya headed off next?"

"I was actually going home..."

"Bummer… I know! You should come with me to get Brunch."

"The next rounds will be here tomorrow at 7:30AM. Being late or absent will get you disqualified" they heard the host say loudly for everyone to hear. "Thank you for coming. You are all dismissed."

At that same time, she watched as one of the judges walked past the room at the opposite side. He had a tall build and blonde hair. His eyes we're brown but light Hazel like shining fresh soil under the sun.

"He looks rich" she heard one of the girls not too far say.

"And hot" completed Yoshee next to her.

Later that day they made there way to have brunch together.

"I'm telling you! This place is super good you'll love it" said Yoshee excited to have a new friend.

'Ah...why did this girls I just met have to come make me socialize. I just wanna go home...in my bed, my back's killing me' Yhana thought to herself.

"So what do u usually do after your auditions?"

"Go home" said Yhana a little annoyed. She wasn't usually hostile but this time she was really drained out.

"Uhm. I don't usually have a lot of people to hang with so this is when I actually meet people with the same interests as me. Pitiful am I right?"

"Of course not. I'm quiet the introvert myself so I understand that feeling."

"That's awesome we'll be great friends then! Come let's go before it gets too busy."

They both got off the bus as Yhana was being excitedly dragged by Yoshi.

'Who even has that much energy after all that work. '

They were slowly making their way to the small a shop when she noticed someone familiar.

'Is that Jesse? With a girl?!'

If you see this you’re awesome

Insta: @kawaiigurl122

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