

DE_CZAR · 奇幻
161 Chs


For the first time in history, Marcus called for his Attorney, An Attorney who he never paid but chose to stand in for him, That Attorney's name is Mr Levi Garrison, A Young Lawyer who is in his thirties.

Mr Levi Garrison was the only one amongst his Attorney Colleagues to see the lies set against Marcus, He had this warm feeling that Marcus might be innocent of the accusation led against him.

Although he tried to bring this up with his colleagues but they rebuked him.

He felt he needs to fight for Justice so he chose to stand in for Marcus as His Attorney, even though Marcus wouldn't pay him, Marcus sometimes rejected and insulted Levi in other to chase him away but it was futile.

Levi stood strong and firmly believed that Justice must previal, Understanding how well corrupt the Judiciary system has being, He tried to fight his way but it was too strong against him, It was like he never stood a chance.

Levi Garrison is quite brilliant and smart but not even he alone could stand against the Mighty Men of this Nation who wanted Marcus dead, It was like a small ant fighting Against a fully powered human.

Levi suprising to the news of Marcus calling for him, He rushed to HMP Belmarsh to meet his client, as an Attorney, He was giving straight passage into Marcus's Prison cell since Marcus wasn't allowed outside.

" Hello Marcus, How've ya been doing? " Levi asked.

Expecting the disdainful replies of Marcus like he always expected but he is quite stunned to see Marcus smiling at him, Sitted on his bed while staring at Levi, Marcus is seen dressed in his Prisoner's Clothing.

" Attorney, Your name is Levi Garrison right? I remembered it, and to answer your question, I've been doing well " Marcus said, Levi could see the bright sudden hope on Marcus's face, He doesn't understand where he gets all those energy from.

" Marcus Renold, You seem very different from the Marcus Renold I've known for the past six years, What has gotten into you? " Levi asked while Folding his arms, He is seen resting his back on the wall.

" Nothing really, I am just currently burning with hope, You see....I would like to set myself free from this Prison, I am innocent after all " Marcus said when Levi widened his eyes in shock, he was stunned.

" You want to be free? I thought I was being busy over here trying to force you to be free....Why the Sudden change of heart? " Levi asked, Now that his client is being cooperative, This Case will be in their favor.

" Well I just realized I have two little sisters I need to care for, They are twins and I need to find them before anybody turns them into Enemies, They are my Precious sisters " Marcus said, Ofcourse hiding what just happened.

" So they are the burning light in your darkness right? I am quite joyous to hear that from you Marcus and now that I know that my client's gives me his support, We might have a chance " Levi said.

" A Chance? But how... Everyone stands Against me " Marcus said.

" Yea I know, You are the center of Hate, Everyone in this Country despises you since you were accused of Killing The Lord Chancellor, Your father... Although there are no evidence to pin it against you "

" But still there are petitions being filed Against you, Many people wants you to be sentenced to death, That's how dangerous this case is, Once we fail...Your freedom is over, You will definitely be sentenced to death " Levi said.

" I know that already, That's why I want to be free...In this world were money rules, Is there any possibility that there can be bribery? " Marcus asked, Levi stared at Marcus with a surprising look, Not sure of how to react.

" Bribery? Where do you have such money to bribe higher Officials that stands Against you huh? As you can see...I am not a rich man here, I even lost my job Standing for you and your freedom " Levi said.

" Yea I am aware of that already " Marcus said and he closed his eyes!

Levi Garrison heard message alert on his Phone when he took out his phone from his pocket, He widened his eyes in shock to see the message, It was an alert sent by Marcus from any Unknown Account.

" What am I seeing? Did I just received an alert of thirteen million dollars? " Levi asked in shock, He turns to face Marcus who wore a visible grin, Marcus didn't know how he did it but he just simply imagined it.

[ Request Confirmed, Wealth Skill Activated: $13,000,000 has been transferred to Levi Garrison ]

Marcus smirked after realizing that the Voice actually obeyed his command, He imagined thirteen million dollars being transferred to Levi Garrison and it came to reality, This was like a dream to him.

" That is for standing by me all this while, My Case is just in a few days time, I need to get ready for it, I have no intentions of losing this Case and being sentenced to death for a crime I never committed " Marcus said.

" But...But how did you get this so much money? " Levi asked in shock, Still marveled by what just happened, In all his life, He has never seen this kind of money and now an inmate who has been in prison for ten years just sent such a money.

" I am afraid I can't reveal that to you, It's my secret " Marcus said when he smiled at Levi, Levi quickly composed himself not to be too Overwhelmed, With Marcus cooperation, They will figure out a way.

After discussing few things, Levi left the Prison Cell to his own abode, The day of the Court Case is finally near, The Whole world is anticipating what will be the fate of Marcus the killer of his father.

Marcus knew that....He is alittle bit tensed, He doesn't know how to feel right now!!

But with Levi Garrison's Assurance that everything will be just fine gave him quite the hope, He rested on his bed, Thinking of what he would do once he got out of prison, He just needs to relax for now.

But now Marcus is imagining the money being printed out, There are many things in this world and once he is free from Jail, After Ten Years of being imprisoned, He will try to check out a few things.


Old Man Santos's Home was tracked down by some Group of men in black suits, They were all putting on eyeglasses, They arrived in their Lexus ES 350 model, Immediately they alighted in the compound.

Six Men in Black came out of the Car holding their Glock 19 and 17's Pistols with silencer on them, Advancing towards the mighty villa standing before them, The Men in Black opened fire, Gunning down every possible being they could meet.

Bodies littered on the ground with series of bullet holes in them.

The Six Men entered into the building, Scream and wails filled the air while women and children were shot dead, Old Man Santos may be a Butler to a Billionaire but he was also a man on the labia lifestyle.

He married three wives and the wives bore him sons and daughters but that was no more, Everyone of his family were shot down dead by this Six Men, Glasses were broken and bodies laid to waste.

The Six Men searched Throughout the building but they couldn't find a single trace of Old Man Santos, cursing out loud, One of the Men brought out his phone when he dialed a number and it picked.

" Do you have what I am looking for? " A Frightening Voice spoke out from the other end of the phone, While the Men in Black kept quiet, You could feel the fear Flowing within them after hearing the voice.

" No boss...We couldn't find that dirty old man " The Man holding the phone replied!

" Is that so, Then I guess we are not dealing with an Ordinary Man here, Do you have the weapon? " The Voice asked again, The Being holding the phone wasn't shivering too much, He looks like their leader.

" The Answer still is no boss, Santos really hid the weapon in a place we will never find it, We searched his home but we couldn't find anything so we killed everyone in there " The Man answered.

" Very good...Do not hesitate to call me when you locate Santos, He may be an Old Man but he is still as Cunny as ever, Do not underestimate him " The Voice spoke out again before hanging up on them.

" He-he-he....It seems like the Boss is in a good mood, I thought he would have killed us already for failing " One of the Six Men spoke out, Cleaning the sweats on his face, For a second, He was deeply worried.

" Yes the Boss didn't kill us today but if we fail again....We will have our heads for it, We will locate that Old Fox and pin him down, The Weapon belongs to Our Boss...We will retrieve it " Their Leader spoke out.

With that they left the House of Old Man Santos, Entering into their Lexus ES 350 to leave, They drove out of the compound, Few minutes while driving on the highway an RPG was launched Against them.

Setting their car ablaze at once....A Young Man could standing on a rooftop while holding an RPG, He took out his phone when he made a call, Watching as the Car got set ablaze in the flames of death.

" Boss.... Mission complete, They are all taken care of "