


Bobby's Pov

After giving Draven the shock of his life, I strode past him without waiting for his reply, mouth wide open,  I chuckled silently as I kept on walking. I can still sense him standing behind my back, guessing he was still staring and finding it hard to believe what  I just said. I can feel my stomach rumbling in excitement.it somehow feels like I won for the first time, very silly. 

 It didn't take long before I reached the reception area before I stopped on my track. 

I'm I really leaving just like that? I thought to myself, deep down she was one of my reasons for being here, maybe Draven is actually right, I don't have to deny the fact that I do care, maybe I just want it to stay hidden, I wanted to stay by her side and console her, no! I don't want another person to that, instead of me. But, I claimed I actually like her but my behaviour towards her proved otherwise. I kept on assuring myself that I have nothing for her, but always fighting my subconscious every single time about how I feels. Maybe I might have fallen in love with her at first sight. Gosh! What the heck am I thinking right now? I was bewildered with different thoughts, anyway I'm leaving very soon, so it won't make a difference, all this will fade with time, I pray so.

 I can feel the Reception Nurse staring at me from the corner of my eyes. For some seconds I actually thought I spoke out my thoughts, and she heard me clearly, not until she tilted her head back to the system on the long counter without throwing me a second look. I inhaled deeply, I got many things going through my mind right now, very Essential things as a matter of fact, but here I am thinking about a maid, contemplating whether I should leave or not, stupid me.  I Strolled to the hospital exit door, more like  I trudged actually. I glanced at my wrist watch, "9:00pm" I hissed, I'm not even surprised,I pushed the door open not after looking back to know if I could see anyone that resembled the only image that kept on popping on my head right now. I gently pushed back the White aluminium door, and the creaking sounds made my head creased. The atmosphere  was cold, being night. I pulled my hoodie's cover in my head, and then tucked my two hands inside the two opposite pockets at the front of my hoodie. I quickly sprinted towards my car that was parked in the garage not too close to the other cars. I pulled out the car key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I was about to hop in when a yellow Car caught my attention. It was parked in the second garage , gleaming under the bright lights, I don't think I saw this type of car before going in.

That's when it hit me, I guessed this must have been that bastard car. I quickly hop in without throwing the car a second glance, even though I am wearing a jacket,I can still feel the cold, my skin has started to become numb. I abruptly closed the door, and ruled my hands together.

"Ohhh" I sighed. I was about to insert the car key into its hole, but stopped all of a sudden. I'm I just going to leave like this without saying goodbye to her, no, at least I should let her mom know that am about to leave. I tried open the door back but found myself not even moving an inch out of the brown leather chair. I brushed my hand through my hair in frustration. I don't think I can bring myself to face her, and I don't even know whether she is going to stay over or leave tonight. Different possibility going through my mind, but kept on assuring my self that she will be out any minutes, maybe I should wait. Maybe that will prove that am not dick to Draven.

I clenched my hand on the wheel, looking out of the tinted glass window into nowhere, the time is running very fast today.  But I kept on hoping I will see a figure resembling the person I was waiting for. I checked my wristwatch once again, 9:45, I breath in, I don't have much time left if I actually planned on returning to the castle tonight.  And I need to sleep early in order to wake up early, all because of a silly meeting that involves me meeting the daughter of the boards chairman of my father's company. I buried my head on the wheel, breathing silently. It doesn't take long, or is not even up to a second,  because I don't even know how I dozed off all of a  sudden. Not until I heard someone tapping the tinted window by my side, I used my right hand to brush my face. I can see Melanie lips moving as she kept on knocking on the door, but I didn't seem to hear what she was saying because have wined up.

