
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · 奇幻
30 Chs

Ch. 24 - Mysterious Neighbors And Conspiracies.

Luxury Deluxe private room No. 007, Bungker of Apartment Boulevard.

In the end, Novia returned to her original body. She woke up feeling confused and shocked by what had just happened.

"Novia, you're awake..." Susan reflexively pulled her hand from Novia's forehead when she saw her daughter open her eyes, then she took a resting pose on the spot with her hands behind her which was still full of black aura.

Novia immediately hugged Susan, Susan warmly welcomed and stroked her daughter's hair and said.

"Did I disturb your sleep?"

"Hmmh..." Novia shook her head in the middle of Susan's two large and supple hills.

The little girl pondered for sure and after stabilizing herself, Novia told her about this mysterious event. Susan also listened to Novia's story carefully.

Novia explained how she was in the middle of the wilderness and defeated Luciana's spiritual form inside Lucia's body, just after she entered the dream world in Lucia's subconscious.

She tried to explain how her real body was asleep earlier, but her spiritual form was outside. Susan looked at Novia in confusion, trying to discern what was really going on.



When I turned on the shower, not a drop of water came out. I reached into my pocket, grabbed my cell phone and walked out to sit on the sofa in the living room. Then I called the receptionist on the receipt on the table. On the phone, they said that there was indeed a problem with the water line in the bunker as a whole and the technicians were trying to fix it.

After hanging up the phone, Luna's voice suddenly rang in my head.

[Master, I detected that there has been a weather anomaly above the surface.]

"What kind of anomaly?" I said realistically without using Mind Transmission while tidying up my thigh-tight, shirtless towel.


"What!!?" I spoke out loud and stood up instantly.

It wasn't that I was shocked out of panic or anything like that, but rather skeptical that it was snowing in this equatorial country. plus, it wasn't just a light snowfall, but an outright blizzard.

"What's wrong with your father?"

Susan, who heard the shouting from behind the door, asked her daughter in surprise. Novia responded with a wordless shrug of her shoulders.

Then she got up and led Novia, and was behind her with her hands on both Novia's shoulders. the two of them quickly walked towards the door to check on her.

At the same time as I stood up because of the news from Luna, a few moments later Susan and Novia suddenly came out of the room.

"Nine.. what's wrong..." Susan asked as she looked at me. I turned my head and looked at her as Novia said.

"Wha-what is it.. got..." Susan who responded responsively to Novia's words, her fingers immediately covered both of her daughter's eyes.

"Dad.. big..." although it was too late and ineffective because Novia could still see through the gap of her fingers.

"Nine...!!!" A moment after Susan asked and Novia who said incoherently, the two of them behaved strangely with Susan suddenly calling me in a high tone.

"What's wrong with you guys? Is something wrong with me?" I raised both palms with the cell phone in my hand, while asking Susan.

"Huh?! of course there is something wrong with you! what are you doing!? why are you doing such indecent things?! Did you forget that there are children here!?" Susan started nagging me in a high tone that I couldn't understand in the slightest.

"Indecent? What the h*ck? You mean Novia? How could I forget her?" I replied in confusion.

"You...!" Susan tightened her fingers to make Novia's vision completely dark.

Susan gave a code through her eyes towards my bottom, and instantly I followed the direction of her gaze.

"Aaa...!!!" I screamed like falling into an abyss, when I looked down at my lower body area.

I quickly grabbed the towel lying below, and started to put it back on. I quickly rushed to the changing room next to the bathroom, and put my clothes back on.

Once I was dressed, I walked over to the two of them who were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing my arrival, Susan glanced at me with a cold face and a sharp gaze.Meanwhile, Novia, who was on my lap, hid her face in Susan's armpit.

I just feeling awkward right now, but I got up my courage and said.

"I'll go out first."

Susan changed her expression to a confused one and asked.

"Where are you going? Why so suddenly?"

I said that there had been a snowstorm outside, and it was probably related to the disastrous crack a while ago. And I decided to go check the situation even though the weather outside was very strange.

After hearing my explanation, Susan tried to convince me not to go alone, but I insisted that I would be fine.

After saying goodbye to the two, I immediately took the elevator to the top floor. And when I was at the gate of the Bunker, I was prevented from leaving by the guards. I tried to give some explanations to them, and said that I only went out for a while to see the situation around and didn't go too far.

They finally gave their permission and began to carefully open the bunker door. I geared up and stepped out into the fierce snowstorm. When I looked back, the bunker gate was already sealed.

I put on protective clothing and grabbed my cell phone and activated the GPS to make sure that I didn't get lost in the storm that impaired my vision. Maybe on the other side, Susan and Novia currently sat together on the sofa, worried about my decision.

As I struggled against the blizzard, I noticed something conspicuous in the distance.

Curiously, I got closer and found strange traces leading towards a suspicious building not far from the Boulevard apartment.

The building looked like an old abandoned house.

Without hesitation, I decided to enter the building and find out what was inside. Apparently, the building was a former secret laboratory that was once used for mysterious experiments. I started investigating and found clues that led to a rather complex plan. The details, I can't tell.


The other side, Novia and Susan began discussing the strange events that had just happened.

"Mom, Can you believe the incident that just happened in my dream?" Novia said hesitantly.

"Of course! how can I not believe this cute little girl of mine who has a myriad of miracles?" Susan smiled and tried to dig up information about what happened to her daughter.

They both tried to understand what happened to Novia's dream, and what really happened when her spiritual form disappeared.

"So, mom.. you're accidentally saved me?" Novia sounded very enthusiastic when she found out that, it was her mother who had saved her spiritual body from freezing.

"I think so?" Susan smiled genuinely to comfort her daughter, though she wasn't sure what she had done.

The two of them opened up to each other's abilities.

Susan came to a conclusion in the end, while Novia found out that her mother also experienced awakening and had abilities. Even though, both of them, didn't know too many specifics of their abilities.


When I finally returned to the bunker with the information I obtained from the hidden building, I realized that there was a bigger conspiracy going on behind all the Anomalies that were happening on earth.

"You're back..." Susan greeted me warmly and immediately removed all the protective clothing that was filled with snowflakes.

"Yes, I've found some information and clues about the current blizzard, and immediately rushed back because the weather on the surface was so cold." I made a little excuse that I was feeling cold, but the truth was that I was worried about the two of them.

'Even naked, I won't feel cold if my absolute domain is active.' I muttered as I pressed the cold water faucet to drink, from the '3 Faucet dispenser' next to the kitchen set.

I realized and had to dig deeper to solve this mystery before Susan and Novia and other earthlings were in danger.

It crossed my mind to uncover the truth of all these things, that happened sequentially and continuously. In order to observe the movements of those who came from outside the earth and anticipate their attacks.

As I drank, I thought back to the incident just now,

During my investigation at the old house, I found traces of a secret group that was trying to utilize the spiritual power and Mana that might have been the cause of this blizzard. I guess, this group wants to control that power for evil purposes and gain unlimited power.

While thinking of various possibilities, Susan approached me and suddenly explained about what happened to Novia when the little girl was asleep. While Novia was watching a cartoon broadcast on the television in the TV cabinet in the living room.

After hearing all of Susan's explanations regarding the events in Novia's subconscious, I intended to uncover the truth of what Susan had said.

Knowing that there were other Refugees in the bunker who possessed strong spiritual powers, made me curious. and finally, the three of us decided to meet Lucia.

When we arrived at the middle private room area, we stopped in front of the door of room number 013 and pressed the bell.

Not long after, a beautiful woman in range age of 35 years old, emerged from behind the door. her black curls gracing the three of us.

And while I'm was looking at Lucia, a man and a boy were seen behind her.

And sure enough, everything Novia had told us was true. From the location of the rental room, Lucia's stature, and the characteristics of her family members, everything was accurate.

When I saw her husband and son, I was a little surprised followed by the two of them who also had a surprised expression when they looked at each other.

"Father, aren't these the homeless people near the bunker gate? What did they come here for?" Joseph asked in a quiet tone to his father.

"Shush...keep your voice down, I'm also wondering why they found out about our private rental room." Howard whispered to his son Joseph.

"Stop talking nonsense! Joseph don't be so rude!" Lucia scolded her son and husband when she saw them whispering to each other.

I don't know if Susan and Novia heard their whispering, but I heard it very clearly.

We started introducing ourselves to each other, and when it was Novia's turn to introduce herself, Lucia's face fell when she heard her voice.

"Hello Aunty, I'm Novia." Novia smiled with her cute face with a little bit shyly.

"So you are.. your name is Novia! Nice to meet you!" Lucia smiled at Novia's true form, which was originally the voice of a mysterious figure in Lucia's mind.

In short, three of us were invited in, and we all sat down in the living room. except Joseph and Howard, who excused themselves to go out to meet Howard's acquaintance, who was also in the bunker.

Then I recounted what happened to Novia and revealed some information I had gotten from the old building out there.

"Perhaps, the information I got.. is also related to what you just said."

Lucia revealed that she had also found out about this conspiracy, and promised to help me fight against the evil group, that was trying to take advantage amidst the crisis of the cracks, that were happening everywhere.

After some conversation, we came to the conclusion that this bunker also seemed to contain some secrets inside.

"Well, let's find out more."

In the end, I invited Lucia to work together to exchange information, and protect each other which was useful for the safety of Susan and Novia.

Then we jointly decided to explore the bunker, in order to look for clues and uncover the secrets hidden behind the concrete walls.

As the four of us made our way down into the depths of the bunker, we came across a suspicious empty room.

"This room.. very similar to what I saw inside the old building on the surface I explored before."

I said this after find a hidden laboratory inside the bunker. that was also being used by an evil group to conduct dark experiments.

Some files stored in a drawer in the laboratory, with writing that I didn't understand. but there were pictures like instructions for use, that I could understand.

'Apparently, they also intend to harm the refugees in this bunker and intend to deprive everyone of the abilities gained from the resurrection blessing.'

Although I can read their plan, I still don't know how it works specifically, to take away other people's abilities and possess them.


The clock struck 8 am, when I turned on my cell phone while exploring the bunker further.

'It doesn't feel like time is passing so quickly.'

What's more, the bunker was surprisingly wide and deep. There were so many tunnel paths in the bunker that seemed to be used at some point to carry out their mission.

As we approached the truth, it seemed that the evil group began to realize our movements and considered us a threat.

This was evident from the uninvited guests who arrived suddenly in front of us.

"Who are you? what are you guys doing here?" one of them said asking our purpose here.

"It seems that they've learned of our existence and sent their agents to prevent us from further exploring the secrets behind this bunker." I said this and was heard by the three people who were by my side with Novia in my arms.

We found that a group of evil people, who seemed to be from a heretical path sect, were right in front of us.

"There are about 8 people besieging, it looks like I have to act quickly like when I fought the warrior with the multicolored star."

I swiftly handed Novia over to Susan and quickly activated the Mind Transmission integrated with the Tesseract, a personal dimension unaffected by time.

Without further ado, I immediately moved quickly and attacked them, before they start attacking.


"The great battle between me and them was inevitably fought in the dark bunker, with magic and spiritual power attacks involving all sides."

'Punch! Punch! Punch!'

"Under stressful circumstances and a deadly battle due to the cramped and vulnerable space, I, Susan, Novia, and Lucia managed to uncover the group's evil plot."

Just kidding. even I had wanted to document it that way, but in reality, they were defeated in an instant.. and lay helpless.

Of course I didn't kill them all. I only rendered them unconscious with several fatal wounds, that would probably cause them to be disabled for their entire life.

'It's so boring!'

Although it was easy to make them fall. but in the end, I couldn't get any information from them except for the location point of the other group in this bunker. it was the result of my stupidity, getting too excited when I knocked them all out.

Lucia watched with her mouth agape, as she saw all of my actions. But surprisingly, Susan and Novia looked overjoyed, with proud smiles on their faces.

After a few short battles, it looked like we had succeeded in dispelling the group's evil plan, by leveling their entire nest in the bunker. And maybe, we had saving the entire bunker's inhabitants from their evil.

"Dad, is it done now?" Novia approached me from behind and held my hand.

"Yes, it looks like this is the last one. Hopefully with this effort, nothing untoward will happen." I said to the three of girls in my side, while doing the final cleanup of the evil group's lair. The three of them nodded in agreement.

After uncovering the truth and defeating the enemy, Lucia and my little family decided to return to each private rooms to rest.

Novia who was being carried by me, he took the time to say goodbye, with his face that was very sleepy.

"See u Auntie.." waved at Lucia to say goodbye.

"Bye-bye, sweet girl.. Don't forget to get some rest right away!"" Lucia waved at us. she then slightly squinted at me, and moved his mouth slightly like a kiss.

'What was the married woman thinking? I hope Susan doesn't notice that.' When I glanced at Susan, I breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently, Susan is also very sleepy, and her eyes closed a few times as she leaned on my arm's shoulder.

Afterwards taking a kind of responsibility for guarding and protecting the bunker, as well as ensuring, that none of the skills of the resurrected people here, fell into their hands.

Being involved in such a troublesome matter and a battle, that left my strength exposed before the three just now. I didn't know how to explain it to them.

In my mind, I think do I have to do all this? keep peace on earth? prevent extraterrestrial threats? this all feels like a dream within a dream! can't I live quietly, live an ordinary life, just like before.

"Luna, aren't I already like an Earth Administrator?" I asked complaining in the mind transmission.

[It seems so, Master. I advise you to take immediate steps to invest the Balance in the System so that it can work for you.]

"Hmm? How?"

[There are many ways, you can start from spending on useful things, building partners, forming guilds or the like. every Balance you spend, will return to you up to many times over if it is useful and results in good.]

"Alright. that's interesting! I'll do it as soon as possible!"


Noon, 01:00am, Western Archiquator Time.

Susan and Novia were asleep in the main room due to exhaustion, while I lay down beside Novia opposite Susan.

I recalled all the events shortly after I returned to earth.

'Why is life on earth so hectic? can I make my life on earth as it was in the Limitless Chamber?'

Lastly, I broke through the blizzard and uncovered the conspiracy in the underground bunker and fought with the few weaklings of that still mysterious group.

'Huh how tiring!'

Just as I was about to close my eyes, Luna's voice suddenly rang out and informed me that there was a connection between the spiritual power of the people from the heretical sect I had just fought, and Namira Ziudith's Autarky Sphere.

'Looks like fate won't allow me to fall asleep!'

Cautiously, I told Luna to look for more information about the Autarky Sphere, because I only knew a little of its background such as knowing that Namira Ziudith was the owner of Ziudith Interprise. a famous pharmaceutical and technology company, that also held the key to the Autarky Sphere.

Even so, I don't know if there is any connection between Namira and the conspiracy going on in the bunker. clearly, it will definitely be very troublesome.
