We probably had that dream of wanting to become a Superhero. And if it finally happens, what then? Dan Stevens was an average student who was a nobody. His life was pretty routinary -- Going to school, be bullied, made fun of, go home, and repeat again the next day. Everything changed when he woke up with two options: Hero or Villain?
I could feel my head spinning as I slam into one of the lockers behind me. As I had trouble keeping up my balance, my back slid down where I was currently leaning. Everything around me was in doubles.
Right in front of me was a guy who was yelling. I couldn't make out what he was saying because everything sounded so muffled.
Pain suddenly left its mark on my left cheek. I was punched? I lay on the ground motionless. Probably this was for the best. I'd be beaten up again if I stood up.
"Watch where you're going nerd! Next time you step on my shoes, I'll break your arm!" The guy who beat me senseless threatened me for the last time before leaving the place together with his lackeys. His name was Mark White and was the son of a rich businessman. Those <Mountain Jockeys> are always like that. We call them that because they were all rich people who lived in the upper part of <Sky City> which were mostly mountainous.
Me on the other hand, I'm a <Bottom Dweller>. And you've probably guessed it, it's because we are from the lower and poorer parts of the City. My name? It's Dan Stevens, and I'm an ordinary high school student who's just trying to survive high school. People make fun of me because I have this shiny white hair and pale skin, but I'm mostly made fun of by these <Mountain Jockeys> because I used to be one of them. That was until my dad suddenly disappeared and left me and my mom to slowly fall to where we are.
Don't get me wrong, not all <Bottom Dwellers> are good people, and not all <Mountain Jockeys> are bad people either. It usually depends on the values that they were raised with.
"Dan? Are you okay?" A beautiful girl with fair white skin and Short black hair came and crouched down while asking me that question. Even though she had freckles all over her face, she was still a beauty, no doubt.
Alexandra McKnight, we call her Xan. Also known as my childhood best friend. And she's mostly known as one of the school's top beauty. Even though she wears girl clothes, she has that tomboy-ish vibe in her. We've been together since we were kids. Our parents were also the best of friends. Remember when I said that not all <Mountain Jockeys> were bad? Well, she's one of those people. A few good people.
"Xan?" I asked trying to stand and find my balance. "I have never been better." As I limped, I answered her while forcing the brightest smile towards her.
"Yeah right! Even a potato would do better than you!" She said that before she kicked me on the shin.
"OUCH! What is wrong with you?" I complained.
"Get yourself together man! Geez! You feel fine right?" She retorted.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This girl… seriously.
"Woah! That's the bell! See you later after class!" She said before running off towards her classroom. I better get to my classroom too.
Oh by the way, welcome to Sky City's biggest school, in fact it's the only school in the City which has all the year levels available for all.
This is SCU, also known as Sky City University. Sky City is an Island City just in the coast of Fire City. The only way to get to the island is through the bridge which can only be accessed through the bullet train. Of course, we also have our own airport but it wouldn't be wise to get out of the City through plane, it's quite expensive. Well, except for the <Mountain Jockeys>.
Accessing the island through boats is also a no go, since the island is quite elevated and is surrounded by sharp rocks all around. Before Sky City was established, it was only accessible by helicopters.
Anyway, the school covers one eighth of the island. Yes, it's pretty big, in fact, the island itself is really big. It's size was like a small country.
Being a freshmen, we were grouped together in one large building together with the sophomores. Overall, we totaled around 20,000 students in the 1st and 2nd year. That's practically a lot. Oh did I mention, getting into this University is practically almost, impossible. Sky City is the most progressive and the most famous City in the world. So the university is the best school to be in. People who graduate from this university has an employment rate of 90% and they turned out to be influential people. It didn't matter if you were a <Bottom Dweller> or a <Mountain Jockey>. If you graduate in Sky City University, you're bound to be famous somewhere.
How did I get in you asked? My dad was the lead scientist who helped build the City years ago. After he disappeared, we were guaranteed to have a life even it meant that it was not like our old life.
Well that's about it. Let's get to class. Let me see… FS 112… FS 113... Ahhh! Here it! FS 114! Chemistry class it is…
As I opened the door, a sticky substance came pouring down on me from above.
"Nice one Stevens!"
Mark… That son of a…
"Mr. Stevens, get to your seat please…" The teacher said.
I sighed before heading to my seat. Let's just get this day over with.
When I arrived on my seat, I started wiping of the goo that was stuck on my hair and clothes. The teacher asked us to pair up with our seatmates for the experiment of the day. I was so busy cleaning myself that I didn't notice my partner calling me.
"Dan… hey, are you listening?" My seatmate asked
"Hmm? Yes? Oh I'm sorry, I was too focused in removing the stains." I said as I smiled at her.
"I'm sorry that they keep doing this to you. Really, they are good people who just needs attention." She smiled at me as she said that.
"No worries. It's fine really. Should we start with our experiments?" I said as I flashed her a smile as well.
God, she's really beautiful. The person in front of me is Faye Jackson. Also, she's part of the School's beauty as well and also a <Mountain Jockey>. Her parents are well known doctors here in Sky City. Together with my dad, her parents created a way to slow down the growth of cancer cells. They were so close in creating a cure. Everything went well until my dad disappeared. After that, they were in a dead end.
Faye is really a beauty. Her fair skin and long red hair says it all. I don't even need to mention her figure. It's just as if she was made from a perfect experiment somewhere.
The class ended with us trying to figure out what we would do for our Chemistry project. Faye and I continued to discuss as we head out the classroom and into the hallways.
"So see you this Saturday at the Caffeine Café for our project?" She said as she chuckled.
"Sure. See you th–" I tried to finish my sentence but sudden force pushed me forward. The next thing I knew, I was flying forward face first before sliding a few good meters.
There was laughter echoing in the hallways now. The next thing I knew we were surrounded by students. I shook the dizziness away and I turn my head to see who it was that pushed me.
Blake Williams.
Great… The son of an Air Force General and head security of Sky City. This guy is also the captain of the basketball team and the biggest bully in this School. Why do schools usually have seniors as bullies?
"Stay away from my girlfriend <Bottom Dweller>. You'll rub off your grease on her.> He threatened
"Blake stop it. You're not even my boyfriend." Faye said as she pushed Blake to try to stop him from approaching me.
"Ooooooooooh!" The crowd reacted to what Faye said. Oh no. This is bad.
"You're dead <Bottom Dweller>!" Blake yelled.
"Stop Blake! Let's just go!" Faye said.
Blake stopped midway and said, "Fine. You're lucky <Bottom Dweller>." He wrapped his hands over Faye and started walking away.
As they passed by me, one of his lackeys kicked my stomach and another one kicked my face. After that, they just walked away. The crowd began to disperse and I was left there on the ground.
"Dan! Dan! Stay with me Dan!" A female voice was calling me, but I couldn't make out who it was since I was really dizzy.
As I was starting to pass out, the girl who was calling me became clear. It was Xandra. I tried calling her name but everything blacked out.
I slowly opened my eyes… well, my eye actually. My other eye must have been swollen because I can't open it. How am I not surprise? It's usually like this everyday. I get bullied a lot and I always get beat up. Sometimes, I get squashed to the point of being unrecognizable.
My mom can't do anything anymore. We lost our authority and power ever since my dad disappeared. So I got used to it.
I tried to see where I was. It was my room. Someone was leaning on a chair on the opposite corner. She was asleep. I stood up to see the extent of my injuries. Wow! They really did a number on me today.
"Xa-Xandra?" I tried to call her with a hoarse voice.
"Hmm? Oh! Dan! Don't get up! You're badly hurt!" She jolted up as she said that before running over to me and forcing me to lay down.
"What time is it?" I tried to forcefully speak.
"It's 30 minutes passed 8pm. You were out for almost 6 hours." She said.
"Did you carry me all the way here?" I asked.
"No, some of our friends did, the usual people came to help." She answered.
"I see…" I nodded.
There was silence in the room. I contemplated and tried to remember the last time I went home without any injuries. It was probably a year after dad disappeared. Five years ago, huh?
"This can't go on Dan. You're not exactly weak you know. I know you are good with martial arts. Your dad taught you that when you were 2 years old. Besides, you're not small either that they could just easily pick on you. Why don't you fight back?" She tried to convince me.
I just can't fight back. They have their families to back them up. Me? I have no one. Besides, I can take on 5 to 6 people all together but not the entire school varsity team. And if I did make it out alive, I'd be dealing with the school authorities and their families.
But I didn't tell her that. Instead, I told her to go home and rest. I thanked her and watched her leave the room.
"It'll work out Dan." She said before closing the door.
I smiled and stared at the ceiling. I've been telling myself that for years now. The question is, when will that ever happen?
I just allowed myself to fall asleep since I was exhausted from the pain and from crying as well. This was just another day, and tomorrow would be another battle. I just hope that something would be different.
Somewhere in Sky City…
"This is for the greater good…" A man said before turning on a switch.
"But sir, what if it'll do more harm than good? I mean, it is still in the trial stages and there's still that one small bug in the system." Another man tried to convince him.
"If we don't do this now, then there will definitely be more harm than any good at all. Besides, even if the path decided would be bad, then the war that's coming will bring out the good." He said before the whole building blacked out.
In Dan's room…
It was 10 in the evening and there was a massive storm sweeping across the country. No one has seen anything like this before. In fact, it came out of nowhere. The forecast didn't even predict this one.
But Dan was fast asleep. Probably tired from his day and was numb from what was happening outside.
In his dreams, he was dreaming about his day. It was more like a nightmare. He was recalling all the times he was beaten up today. The worse part was that the dream kept on repeating it over and over again.
He began to sleep talk out loud, "I don't want this… I don't want this anymore. Help… please… anyone…"
[Power-up System Online]
"Please help me…"
[Now scanning the hosts body]
"I'd do anything to get out of here…"
[Scanning success]
"Somebody do something…" Dan said that with tears in his eyes.
He jolted up and he rubbed his eyes. He was now soaked in sweat.
He sighed before he continued speaking, "It was just a dream…"
Thank God it was a dream. Otherwise, he wouldn't know what to do anymore.
Eh? Wait a minute? Why is the pain gone? And why can I open both of my eyes already?
Dan checked his body for any signs of bruises and pain.
"It… It's really gone… They're all gone. How did this happen?" As he was still processing everything, there was something bright in front of him. He looked at it and was surprised at what seems like a holographic floating screen in front of him.
"What the hell is this?" He asked.
There was only one line that was seen on that screen in all capital letters and was bold. It said: