
Being a god [ Discontinued ]

Hey this is my first novel or whatever this is gonna be as right now I'm just confused with all the behind the stuff with writing a web novel but to give a short description as I gave a bigger one in what I think is my first volume, this is a god/game system novel so let's have fun and don't expect much.

kingmidas192 · 奇幻
5 Chs

3: A world being developed into a grand stage

As the years go and go Judas notices the two groups spread and start to build settlements and strongholds, eventually the beastmen and the three crafty races start to develop into what they think is the gift that there god gave them.

the beastmen lead by the one who spoke to Judas who he named in his head as King pig for he was a pig beastman but unlike his name he wasn't greedy or gluttonous as he respected nature and only use what his tribe needed and eventually he developed his own magic enough to control the trees to become the houses and walls for his peoples settlements.

With the three crafty species, well they at first had a bit of trouble as the three leaders blessed with grand visions wanted theres to be dominant but eventually they agreed that they would have their own settlements but would work together as they were kin created by their god. so one by one each race heads off a decent distance but make sure to stay close to the other two races.

the goblins find a dip between the mountains that had a bunch of ore and metals sticking out of the earth and decided that will be there home. they didn't waste any time as they plucked out the ores and metals and with the primitive forges they smelt them together into odd shapes that worked as armor, weapons, primitive clothing bits and other weird ideas. besides that they also started grabbing dead or fallen tree bits and broken stones to form primitive building that was held together by mud, ropes and a goblins will that I will stay there.

the dwarfs knew deep in there bones that there home would be inside the mountains so while marching towards them they made pickaxes and hammers. once they were at a nice flat section midway up the mountain they made camp and started hammering and smashing and chipping a grand entrance while making temporary stone huts. within the stone hunts the leader which Judas called Ragnar was talking to his people to gather the minerals that they extracted while making there home and to smelt it all into pipes and tools, he then instructed them to make small but useful steam machinery that will quicken the making of their home.

The gnomes waddle their merry way into the woods and like the other races gathered resources and started making what they needed for their future but their leader ... pinkie was a ecctrinic gnome and told his people to start making there homes around a large river in the woods and told them while making the houses that they should make a water will to start the process of making their settlement to tick and tock.

Judas going back to himself thought that this is going to take awhile for the fun stuff to happen so maybe a time skip is in order.