
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · 奇幻言情
252 Chs

Chapter Nine

Ron nodded and he and Ludiciel started to walk side by side. Ludiciel remained quiet so Ron used the time to look around. His face was straight, devoid of any emotion but his green eyes showed it all. The hidden excitement, the amazement, the joy. He felt like bursting. The Netheridge castle was awesome!

It was so large he could hardly see the ceiling but there were lights glowing everywhere, making it look so magical. The walls were painted an icy blue which looked cold to the touch. He wanted to know if it was really cold but that would destroy his princely character so he retracted his hand. He also realized that since they stepped inside, it wasn't cold anymore.

Ah pretending was so tiring. He didn't think he could keep up. His back was starting to hurt and his face was feeling a bit stiff. He wondered how his parents could retain such an expression for years.

Leo gazed at Ron from time to time. His heart softened at the prince's antics. He knew Ron was a type of person that didn't like being restrained. Whatever he feels, he blurts it out so he understood how hard it must be for him to suppress his emotions. Their prince might be annoying but he has a good heart.

Prince Ludiciel stopped in front of two large silver doors. "We're here"

The guards by the sides opened the doors and Ron stepped in. He was stunned. The dining table was piled with all sorts of food. There were some he had never even seen in his entire life. He looked at Ludiciel. "A-All that... for me?"

Ludiciel nodded. "If you want more, I can arrange for-"

"No no no no" Ron hurriedly stopped him while waving his hands. "This is even too much. I can't eat it all. Have you had dinner?"

"No. Why?"

"Then join me". He didn't give Ludiciel a chance to decline. He grabbed his arm and led him to the table. "You too Leo. Come. Sit and eat"

Leo declined. He wasn't hungry so he stood in a corner, watching as usual.

The guards inside the room were about to move to protect Ludiciel but he signaled them to stop. He knew Ron was harmless. His mother was right. Not all humans were the same. Maybe his decision was too fast but he has always been a good judge of character. His senses have never failed him.

Ron made Ludiciel sit beside him and so, they started dining. The meat was tender and juicy. Soup was spicy and sweet. Rice was just right. Potatoes had a unique taste. Even the vegetables, which Ron normally never eats, were delicious! Not to forget their wine. It was syrupy, a bit thick and golden brown in colour. At first, he even thought it was honey but when he asked, Ludiciel told him it was wine brewed from golden berries which only grow in the North.

As Ron thought earlier, the North was really amazing!

The guards watched Ron discreetly, all wondering, were all Ashenmores such gluttons? Did they all eat in such an unfashionable way? Do they all talk so fast when eating?

Poor Ashenmores. Ron had successfully indirectly convinced the guards present that all Ashenmores were razz and gluttons.

After Ron had eaten to his heart's content, which was half the table, he leaned back on the chair with a face of pure bliss. And then he burped. "That was delicious" he sighed. "You have to let me eat a golden berry before I leave. As your future brother in law, you must agree to my request".

Ludiciel was amused. "Of course future brother in law. I will take you to my garden tomorrow. The golden berries are personally tended to by me"

Ron nodded, satisfied. He then gazed at Ludiciel. At that moment, the silver hair reminded him of his love, whose name he forgot to ask for. His only hope was the necklace resting beneath his clothes. His love was definitely much more handsome than Ludiciel. A thought suddenly came to him.

He sat up. "I have another request!"

Prince Ludiciel was quite patient. Besides, he had never seen anyone like Ron before. "Please, ask"

"Is there anyone in your Kingdom with silver hair like yours? There's a man I'm looking for"

Ludiciel started to ponder. His siblings all had silver hair like him...

Ron proceeded to describe him. "He's very tall and handsome. He has violet coloured eyes and skin is so white. He carries a blade that looks like it's made of ice"

With each word, Ludiciel's face grew taut. "A blade that looks like it's made of ice?"

"Yes" Ron said, becoming hopeful. "Do you know him? He said he's from the North. I'm here partly because I want to see him"

Ludiciel didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He knew a certain person who fit that description perfectly. Still, he shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't, Prince Ron. I've never heard of anyone like that"

Ron's hope, which was sky high, crashed to the ground. Oh well, he'd just have to rely on the necklace then. Pushing all thoughts of his love away, he gave Ludiciel a dazzling smile.

"Future brother in law, I'm ready for bed"

Leo almost, almost facepalmed.


Called off? What do you mean by he called off the weeding?" Princess Rose asked, trying to contain her anger.

Prince Ron was stunned for he never expected the King to refuse to see them and then send his brother to inform them that he wants to call off the wedding.

"My deepest apologies Princess Rose, Prince Ron, but, the King no longer wants this wedding. You must leave today as well. Netheridge will bear all expenses" Prince Ludiciel said, bowing deeply.

Princess Rose stumbled, nearly falling to the ground but Prince Ron quickly caught her before her body hit the floor. Her beautiful face was ashen and her body trembling. He could see the unshed tears glistening in her eyes.

At that, Ron suddenly felt a burst of anger. How could he do that to his sister?! Why propose marriage and cancel it a day before? Getting cold feet? He refused to accept it. This Northern King would have to marry his sister!