
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · 奇幻言情
112 Chs

Chapter 76: Meeting

What's wrong with this cat? How exciting it looks. Jack, the leader of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Regiment, said that the Flying Leopard Mercenary Regiment was the main mercenary group in this escort mission.

Ignoring Jack's questioning, Night Musou grabs Luo Lin off his shoulder and throws it aside!

Meow~, Luolin was suddenly thrown out and screamed in surprise.

Master! Master! The host is coming! The host is coming! Luo Lin screamed excitedly in Huangfu Qingmo's mind.

Shut up! Huangfu Qingmo's cold voice sounded suddenly, so that Luolin, who had been meowing non-stop, stopped his voice, and the people of the mercenary group were also frozen by Huangfu Qingmo's sudden cold drink.

Master, what's wrong? Ye Wushuang stepped forward with concern and asked.

I was upset to hear it call. After Huangfu Qingmo finished speaking lightly, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Mo'er, don't you welcome the Father? A domineering voice with a hint of chill sounded.

The people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group never thought that someone would appear in front of them, and they didn't even know it!

Look up in the direction where the voice came.

Suck! The people of the mercenary group took a breath, what kind of man is this, he is domineering and natural, he has a dangerous aura that others do not have, but he has such a fit to integrate into the trapped environment, seeing this, Jack waved his hand and asked the rest of the mercenary group to put away the weapons in their hands.

Seeing Jack's movements, Xingyuan felt that he knew him very well, and finally didn't let himself fight.

Let me go! Who are you? Huangfu Qingmo writhed and struggled in Huangfu Liuyun's arms.

Tsk, how can Mo'er be so conscienceless? My father has come to you, and you have forgotten me? It makes my father so sad. , said sadly in his mouth, but Huangfu Liuyun's movements did not change at all, but hugged Huangfu Qingmo tighter.

Let go! Huangfu Qingmo stopped struggling, his eyes were filled with a murderous aura, and his voice was as cold as the ice of ten thousand years.

The people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group all looked at Huangfu Qingmo in surprise, they never thought that this child, who looked only a few years old, would have such a strong momentum.

Jack was relatively close to Huangfu Qingmo and them, so his shock was the greatest. In addition to feeling the momentum on Huangfu Qingmo's body like everyone else, he also felt the rich murderous aura that was accidentally released from Huangfu Qingmo's body!

Mo'er, this is not good, you have only been away for two months, and you will forget about your father, if your father lets you go again, then you will not even forget who you are. Huangfu Liuyun said with a smile, but his words had a deep meaning.

Huangfu Liuyun didn't forget to take care of the outsiders who had always existed around him when he was talking to Huangfu Qingmo, and glanced at Jack, who was surprised, Jack closed his mouth which had grown up from surprise, and left as if nothing had.

Looking at the back of Jack who was leaving, Huangfu Liuyun had a rare smile on the corner of his mouth, but the smile didn't seem to reach the bottom of his eyes.

A group of people headed west.

Wushuang, where is this going? Xingyuan came to Ye Wushuang's side and asked.

The City of Chaos. Ye Wushuang replied coldly, staring straight in the direction of Huangfu Liuyun, only to see Huangfu Liuyun use his left hand to imprison Huangfu Qingmo in his arms, but his right hand scraped Huangfu Qingmo's nose, nodded on his lips, and pinched his cheeks from time to time!

And although the Huangfu Qingmo in his arms had a faint murderous intent on his face, he never really had a seizure.

Damn it! Huangfu Qingmo waited angrily for Huangfu Liuyun, wanting to activate his ability to deal with him, but every time he unconsciously stopped his mouth at a critical moment

What's wrong Mo'er? Don't be angry. It's not cute when you're angry! Huangfu Liuyun said and stretched out his right index finger to point at Huangfu Qingmo's lips, only to realize that he didn't know when he pouted!

Is it tolerable or unbearable? This is so abnormal! Thinking like this, Huangfu Qingmo used force, coupled with a subtle dodge technique, and Huangfu Qingmo broke free from Huangfu Liuyun's embrace.

Hehe! Looking at Huangfu who was hiding in the distance, Huangfu Liuyun's face showed a happy smile.

Mo'er, why are you shy? Huangfu Liuyun said, walking towards Huangfu Qingmo.

Don't come! Huangfu Qingmo thought that Huangfu Liuyun seemed to be preparing to come over, and shouted.

Well? Mo'er is commanding to be a father? Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows and looked at Huangfu Qingmo, but there was a hint of danger in his eyes, which made Huangfu Qingmo feel a chill down his back.

Hum! Huangfu Qingmo felt that no matter what he said, Huangfu Liuyun would find his fault, so he snorted coldly, lay directly on someone's truck, and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Keep moving. Huangfu Liuyun looked at the stopped convoy and said.

Jack didn't dare to refute and ordered the caravan to go on the road, and the owner of the caravan got down from the carriage in front of him and came to the side of the wagon where Huangfu Liuyun was, and followed.

This gentleman, below is the merchant of the City of Chaos, Keno. Don't know what you call it? Kino looked at Huangfu Liuyun and asked.

Master Keno, it is inconvenient for my grandfather's name to be said to others. Xingyuan stepped forward and said, but his tone was very respectful.

After listening to Xingyuan's words, Keno's face looked very embarrassed, and he couldn't advance or retreat.

Sir, miss, please come over. At this moment, a man who looked like a butler in front of him stepped forward and relieved Keno of his embarrassment.

Then this gentleman, go first. After speaking, he didn't wait for Huangfu Liuyun to answer and walked directly toward a gorgeous carriage in front of him.

What's wrong with my daughter? "

Father, why is the convoy moving so slowly? At this speed, when will we be able to return to the City of Chaos? There was a coquettish sound from the ornate carriage.

Got it, I told him to hurry. After Keno finished speaking, he turned to Jack and said, "Jack, let everyone hurry up, so that we can hurry back to the City of Chaos." "

Okay, Master Keno. Jack gave a warrior salute and turned to leave, arranging the rest of the trip.

Kino walked towards his carriage, during which he glanced back at Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo, and finally returned to the carriage without saying anything.

After two days of travel, everyone arrived in the City of Chaos, and the people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group sighed peacefully along the way.

Seeing that the gates of the City of Chaos were in sight, the people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group and the caravan relaxed.

Brothers, hurry up and enter the city of chaos, and everyone can rest. Jack said, the expression on his face finally relaxing a little.

When the others heard Jack's words, they all smiled knowingly.

That's it!

Shout! Shout! Shout! "Three rings in a row!

Burst! Burst! Burst! "Three sounds of flesh piercing!

Strike! Strike! Strike! "Three sounds of flesh falling to the ground!

Then there was a regular sound of footsteps!

The people of the mercenary group and the caravan all took out their weapons and looked at the people in green uniforms who suddenly appeared in front of them with a wary expression.

Who are you? Keno walked up to the men and looked at the individuals with suspicion in his eyes.

The one who wants your life! The leader said, gesturing, and the men behind him attacked the caravan.

Ye Wushuang looked at the person who was attacking him, and a primary magic fireball shot out when Ye Wushuang raised his hand.

Everyone looked at the scorching fireball that suddenly appeared, and their faces jumped, those enemies did not expect that there was a person in the opponent's team who could cast a rudimentary magic without chanting a spell.

Although Ye Wushuang's magic was shocking, it was only seen by a few people around him, and as the fight continued, everyone found that as long as it didn't attack him and the truck behind him, he wouldn't have made a move at all!

This made the faces of the people of the mercenary group darken, but it made those in green uniforms breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts, after all, the level of being able to instantaneously perform primary magic was at least above the great magician, and although the great magician could not issue forbidden spells, he could send out great fan attack magic such as meteor fire rain, as well as the upgraded flame technique of fire art.

Why don't you attack that place? The leader asked, looking at the vacant land on Ye Wushuang's side, and Ye Wushuang's leisurely appearance.

Chief, I'll go see ..., said a blonde man standing next to the leader. Hai% Sky @ China + Wen first HtZw.nET

Well. The leader nodded and then turned his gaze elsewhere. I saw that Kino was heavily protected in the middle by the people of the mercenary group, although the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group was not a first-class mercenary group, after all, it was also an A-level mercenary group, and there were still some good players in the group.

The leader frowned, his eyes rolled, and said: "Stop me first!" The people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group told me, as long as you quit this mission, I can give you three million platinum coins. Think about it, if you insist on this task, in the end, you will not only not get a commission, but you will be accompanied by your life, and as long as you agree to my request, you can go home with the three million platinum coins and live a good life. After listening to the leader's words, they all looked at each other.

You guys! Don't listen to him, think about it, the most important thing for mercenaries is reputation. If you leave your employer today to save your life, how will you continue to be mercenaries in the future? When Kino heard the leader's words, he hurriedly said with a hesitant look on the faces of the people who supported the Flying Leopard Regiment.

Hum! Three million platinum coins are enough for you to live a life without food and clothing. If you guys don't think it's enough, I can add a little more! The chief said, but no one saw the cruel glint that flashed in his eyes.

Without further ado, if we are mercenaries, it is impossible to violate the principle of being a mercenary, and if we violate the principle of mercenaries, then our family will not be able to raise their heads! Jack's sonorous words rang out.

As soon as they heard Jack's words, the people of the Flying Leopard Mercenary Group were firm, they came to do the mercenary mission, if they died during the mission, the mercenary union would distribute the money stored in the mercenary group in the union to the family, and the family would also be respected, but if they violated the mercenary code, not only could they not let their family be respected, but they would let themselves be spurned by the world!

All kinds of thoughts flashed in everyone's hearts, and everyone ignored the shouts of the leader in green uniform and started fighting, and this time everyone in the mercenary group seemed to have figured it out, and the attack was no longer as worrying as just now, and the attack became more and more ferocious.

This increased the losses of the side in the green uniform.

Father, who are these people? Kino's daughter finally came down from Toyosami, a beautiful girl, with watery blue hair and a blue dress, as weak and gentle as she felt, but her tone revealed the pride of being a young lady.

Daughter, why did you come down? When Keno heard his daughter's voice, he was shocked and screamed in his heart!

Yohe, I didn't expect Keno to have such a beautiful daughter," the leader cried, a lewd smile on his face, and his baring eyes looked at the girl from head to toe.

Close your dog's eyes! Am I also your casual watch? The girl screamed!

Kino was dumbfounded, and the people of the mercenary group were shocked, and even the people who were fighting had a momentary pause, "This young lady doesn't know her situation." "That's what everybody thinks.

Even Huangfu Qingmo, who didn't care about this matter, looked up at the girl rarely.

Snow, Sheryl, you... The shock of the crowd was not over, and the leader suddenly jumped to the side, and the subordinates who were not as quick as him reacted next to the leader and were all pierced by the water column that came out of the ground!

Xiao Gong is a good plan! The leader's face darkened, and he looked at Sheryl with a look of deep disgust in his eyes.

And the last moment in the eyes of everyone, she was still a girl who didn't know the situation, but at this moment she became indifferent as ice.

It's a pity that I didn't stab you. With that, the girl turned and went back to the car, and the fight continued.

But the chieftain, who had been standing on the side, also participated, and the chief, with red eyes, attacked in the direction of the carriage.

The people of the mercenary group began to step forward to stop them, but none of them were the leaders of the one-in-one enemy, and before they stepped forward, they were cut in two by the two-handed heavy sword in the leader's hand!

None of the members of the mercenary group under the ruthlessness revealed by the leader dared to step forward, and could only face him with weapons, while the other people in green uniforms moved on to other places.

Chieftain. At this moment, the man who had just gone to Yewushuang's side walked over, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the leader's ruthlessness at all.

Say. The leader stopped.

The people of the mercenary group thought that they had an opportunity, and the people who were originally hiding in the distance stepped forward collectively and attacked the leader!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw those who were attacking him, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

The brother over there said that the man might be a great magician because he could instantaneously perform elementary magic. The man retreated, and the heavy sword in the leader's hand had already sunk into the mercenary group's body.

It doesn't matter if he's a great magician or not, kill him! The leader calmly pulled out the heavy that had been submerged in the mercenary group's bodies, and at the same time commanded the man with bloodthirsty eyes.

Be! The man responded, turning and walking in the direction of the Night Warriors, a violent surge of magic on his body.

As the man moved, the green-clothed uniforms all moved out of the way, and Ye Wushuang looked at the man who locked his gaze on him, feeling the fluctuations of dark magic coming from the man's body, and his face was condensed.

Doomsday Judgment! "

Doomsday Guardian!

Dual-lineage Grand Magician! Seeing that Night Musou was using dark magic, one of the people who saw Ye Mushuang using fire magic exclaimed.

Just when the man was stunned when he heard the Great Magician of the Dual Lineage, Ye Wushuang seized the opportunity of that moment, and a fireball spell flew over, followed by a low-level magic, Flame Impact,

Although the two low-level magics could not do any real damage to the man, they did a great deal to disrupt his chanting.

The next man of the Night's Warriors took a relatively long time to prepare, but this was only relative to the previous instantaneous spells!

Scrape of Chaos! A large area of attack magic took shape, and not only the man who attacked him on the opposite side was shrouded in the attack range of the magic, but also the men in green uniforms behind him were shrouded in attacking Fan Gu. Hai% Sky @ China + Wen first HtZw.nET

Ye Wushuang's words fell, and the rain of black arrows in the sky sprinkled down, although the man held up the dark shield in time because this magic belonged to the single rest of the protective magic, he was the only one who was fine, and the others were more or less broken by the arrow rain, but this skin made those lives worse than death, because, the most powerful thing about certain dark magic is corrosion! All kinds of dark magic itself is a little corrosive.

Sensing the change on this side, the leader stopped paying attention to Shiryl who was sitting in the carriage, and turned to run in the direction of Ye Wushuang.

A dark shield stood up at the leader's side, protecting him from a rain of arrows. The leader rushed towards the night at great speed.

In the impression of everyone, the magician's body is weak, and the speed of reaction is slow! So no one would have thought that when the leader's two-handed heavy sword was about to slash Ye Wushuang, Ye Wushuang's body would move a few centimeters horizontally, making his heavy sword miss, and at the same time there was a short black dagger in his hand! Just took advantage of the moment when the leader was stunned and stabbed at the leader!

Assassin! "After all, the leader is a man who has experienced a hundred battles, and although the speed of Shi Yu Yeshuang's reaction was shocking, it didn't make him forget the danger around him!

So at the moment when Night Warrior's dagger passed through the dark shield and was about to make contact with his body, he retreated and even let out an exclamation of surprise.

Wushuang, step aside! A childish but bone-chilling voice sounded.

I saw a thin young figure appear on the truck that Ye Wushuang had been guarding.

Mo'er, it's good to leave this occasion to other solutions. Huangfu Liuyun also appeared behind Huangfu Qingmo, but with the appearance of Huangfu Qingmo, the fight at the scene was heard, and everyone was stunned by the momentum of the man who had just appeared.

Shut up! You don't have to worry about my business! Huangfu Qingmo looked at Huangfu Liuyun angrily, since these people appeared, he had been holding on to himself and not letting himself make a move, and he didn't even let himself see it, saying that it was too bloody,