read it
"Aah man where is this?" i asked myself i was in a kind of like a room or not a room it was so dark that i can see nothing.
"Man is this where you end up when die it's so boring here" Yep i am like one of those who saved little girls who would end up dead under the truck-kun
"Man i have to say these generation parents are really careless.And i don't know why did save that little girl because i know myself really well i am not that hero type of person well i don't care really as i was an orphan so no one will be sad for me."
GOD-"my child you have been granted a wish to reborn in a new world."
akashi(MC)-Huh but i think i did'nt do a single good thing except for that girl but even that was'nt me who saved her."
GOD-Yes that was'nt you who saved that girl you know that girl was meant to be cure many diseases like cancer,aids etc but you know by mistake a accident happened and that girl was dead when she was young so at that moment we took control over your body and you know rest of it.
akashi-"Ok so that's solve my question now for reincarnate what about it."
GOD-"Oh that's simple you see here this wheel we will start spinning the wheel and when the wheel land on arrow that will be your world and you will be given power according to the world all right now let's do this.
The wheel started spinning and landed on some world i don't know this language.
GOD-"Oh this was an unexpected world" "Which world is it" i asked "Oh you will know when you reborn there.Now for powers" The wheel started spinning there and landed on something again."What is it"i asked
God-"Hmm your powers are all the generation of miracles talent and their abilitied are combined into you" "You mean from Knb anime" i asked
"Yup" 'Alright now i don't have to worry since the powers are not like bloodline so the world will be normal'
All right now for your appearences and your family.
ok i want gold hair and six eyes like eyes and 6"5' height and for famly since i hae powers fron KnB i want family like akashi sejiuro from the anime just double their influence all over the world.
"All right all done now you are set to go good bye."