
Chapter 1

Have you always thought if you could go back to past and rethink the choice you made? Well i always think that sometimes when i look at my life right now but it has all been buried cause i have power beyond my imagination and it was worth everything have been through to get to this point.

" Long time no see, my dear aunt" i said and turned around.

" Well, i needed to check on my dear niece, your majesty" she bowed and smiled at me.

" What the hell do you want at the palace" i asked with no emotions in my tone.

" We haven't spoken since i helped you out and i really wanted to talk you, Madison" she said trying to keep her distance from me. My aunt Lilian is a very beautiful woman. After all this time she hasn't changed at all.

" How dare you call me by name?" i walked towards her my eyes burning with fury and she stepped back until she hit the wall and had nowhere to go.

" Maddi... i mean your majesty, am sorry if i sounded impolite but i really need to apologize. Even if i wronged you but at the end i still saved your life" she said looking directly at me with little sadness in her eyes. I moved back from her and i busted into a maniac laughter and straightened myself.

"You saved my life, how the hell did you save my life. I may be alive but i am dead inside am just a body with no soul, emotions and feeling am like an empty shell. So you dint save my life you killed me" i said

" But you are standing and very much alive and you are the queen of the whole kingdom, everyone fears you so much and

respect you. You are so powerful and you have a beautiful son who adores and loves you so much. I helped you reach where you are. I ... " before she could talk anymore i slapped her across the face and she fell.

" You crazy bitch, you are the most selfish person have ever seen. You planned my death with my own husband after i have given birth to my son and you killed me with that bastard but you felt pity towards me or should i say you dint want to die after you found out the king plan with you so you brought me back to life and made me a monster" i said and bent down towards her my eyes turning red with dark veins spreading around my eyes and my fangs coming out " you made me into this a fucking vampire and i killed five people in my transmission after you took me away to help me learn " i said baring my fangs to her.

" I didn't want to do that but he promised me power and me marrying him so i had to with the way he was treating you i even thought i was helping you then we found out you were pregnant so we waited until you gave birth then went ahead with the plan but after i did that felt so bad and i looked at your son and i couldn't go on with the plan so i changed you to a vampire before you died completely. The king did not know about me, in fact nobody knew who i was until that night. Madison, am so sorry" she said tears spilling from her eyes

" You almost separated me from my son and left in the hands of that man and you think sorry will cut it. This is 19th century, 1840 and rules are taken very seriously and that is not enough . I am the queen i have the right to behead you for what you have done to me but i didn't because i respect the word family" i stood up and went back to my window " you are right about one thing, i have so much power right now since after the kings death. I am the mother to the heir of the throne and the queen everyone fears and respect. No one dares challenge me unless they have a death wish" i said

" You have changed so much, you used to be sweet and loving even when the king maltreats and you use you anyhow you still were so kind and warmhearted, what happened to the Madison i know?" my aunt said with so much bitterness in her voice.

" You happened,you took away my humanity and now i rule everyone with an iron fist which i love the only person in my heart is my son harry and i love him so much" i turned around " you know i married at the age of 16 to someone 20 years older than me and i got pregnant at the age of 19 years. I was having a horrible time in my life and when i found out i was so happy. I was also the queen then but my word made no difference but now is so different.So thank you" i said smiling at her.

" You are sick"she said with disgust on her face I ran and clawed her face and she screamed out of pain " You know you cant hurt me for long cause am a vampire. I am older and stronger than you. I did you wrong and am sorry for that and that is all i feel. I gave up all my initial plan just to redo my wrong and you are still treating my like this. Come on, love give me a break. I gave you this power i trained you, am the teacher and you are the student. Look, Madison what we had in the past should stay in the past, you have a very long journey to go and apparently you will need my help. You asked some questions when i trained you but you didn't ask me the ones i expected you to ask." she told me. I felt all the rage piling up in my chest.

" I didn't want to know because i wanted to life my life as a queen to my people and a mother to my son. I am a vampire thanks to you, initially i regretted it but once i think back to everything, i am truly grateful to you which makes me hate you even more" i told her. My aunt ran and pinned me to the wall. I snarled at her changing into my other form and she did the same to me. But as she said she was stronger than me or i haven't been training well.

" Look, there are things you need to know but you don't to so am not going to force you. There are things that are coming, Madison, things i can't control because i am not the one. You are stronger than you think and probably even stronger than me. You need my help, please let me help you. Am not the only vampire out there just because they haven't come to this part doesn't mean there are not out there. They are conscious and careful so you wouldn't know. Let me help you prepare." she told me with sincerity in her eyes. But you know what, i don't believe her because she is a manipulative and cunning woman. She seemed distracted so i turned the tables around and pinned her against the wall.

" Listen to me Lilian, i don't give a damn about anything you just said. So i advise you to leave here and never come back. Pray tell, i you do come back anywhere near this palace, me or my son again i will kill you and i promise. I don't care if there are other vampires out there, all i care is being a queen and a mother and nothing else so take your speech elsewhere and whatever is coming let it come but never will i ask for your help" i told her. I let her go and her face turned normal again so did i. She stared at me for quite sometime and fled true the windows. Vampire have high jumping skills and speed. Marie barged inside my room with a worried look on her face and she came towards me she didn't know what happened but all she did was give me a hug and i welcomed it because no matter how hard i try to be strong and heartless am still Madison and i needed it.


After the little incident with my aunt, Marie came to keep me company and even though i hate to admit it i really enjoy her company and am fond of her. Ever since the king brought me to the palace has his wife, i thought my life would be perfect and better than my poverty stricken life on the street but it was so much

worse than i expected but Marie has supported me the best way she can which made it bearable because i care for her so much and if anybody dare lay a hand on her i will make that person bleed to death. I told her everything that happened and she listened very attentively to me.

" Your majesty, you cant keep running from your past, you have to face it" she said.

" Am not running from it am trying not to cause commotion. My son is everything to me and i will protect him with everything i can" i said

" Are sure you wouldn't believe what she was saying?" Marie asked me.

" No, i won't because all she does is lie so why will i believe. I have been controlling my situation very well since all this years so what is the point?" i asked her.

" I know dear. It has been hard on you living like this for the past nine years and you are doing amazingly well at being a queen and a mother and am sure you love your people just has they love you" she said with a smile"

I got angry and irritated and said " I don't love my people and they don't love me. I am their queen and i will make sure everything they need is available to them and i wont allow them to leave the kind of life i lived even if not everybody but the majority is okay. They don't love me they respect and fear and i lead them with power not love" i walked towards her and knelt down

" My daughter, you must not have such thoughts. I know you have been through so much so you turned of your humanity but there are a lot of people who care about you but you dont see it" she said and put her hand on my head " i care about you and love

you" she said with tears in her eyes. I hate seeing her crying like this it hurts me even if i have no heart.

" Don't cry, i understand i will try and see from a different perspective" i took her hand and said " and i care about you too" she smiled and hugged me then my door burst open and my son came flying at me

"Mother, i missed you today. You didn't come and see me so i came to you" he said snuggling me and i smiled. Then a guard came inside.

" Your majesty, am sorry i tried to stop him from running around and entering your room please ..." before he could say another word i drew his sword at him

" How dare you try to stop my son from seeing me? I can behead you for your insolence" i said

" I so..so....ry your majesty. It will not happen again " he said with so much fear in his eyes "Now get out" he took his sword and left.

" You shouldn't have been harsh on him" marie said

"Mother, its my fault, am sorry" my son said

" Prince harry, don't run around the palace and if you want to see me come quietly, do you understand" i asked

"Yes mother. Mom, can you read me a bedtime story?" he asked me

"Of course, lets go to your chamber" i turned to Marie "Take care of the maids, i will be back" i said

"Yes your majesty" and we left to his room


After reading harry a bedtime story he fell asleep and i left his room

" Make sure you keep and eye on him" i said to the guard outside his door

" Yes your, majesty" one of the guards replied and bowed at me" You" i said pointing at one of the maid who accompanied me " be with him in case he needs anything at night" i said

"Yes, your majesty" She left and i left the Harry's chamber. As i was heading towards my chamber, i heard noise coming from the garden in the palace and headed towards there. When i got there i saw two guards arguing with a man who i couldn't see

" What is going on out here" i asked and the two guards turned and i got a clear vision on the man they were arguing with. He was so handsome with the moon and candle light surrounding him. He had dark brown hair and he is light skinned, which he seemed to take care very well. He has a well defined jawline and a square shaped face. He seemed well built with the way his garment were gripping him. He seemed to be in his early thirties and so. He was wearing fine silk and a royal wrapper around his waist. He seemed really familiar, like I have known him for a long time.

" Your majesty, this man came here this late at night asking to have a meeting with you and we tried telling him is late so he should come back tomorrow but he is arguing with us" one of the guards said.

" And who are you, disturbing the peace of the palace at this godlike hour?" i asked

He stepped forward and said " My name is Caleb. I was sent from the Hanyang district as per your request of the high ranking minister of the district, YOUR MAJESTY" he said with his head up high. He smiled at me with his beautiful face and that action stole

my breath,I stared at him for a long time and i realized that his smile is to die for.

18th August 1831

What is happening to me? Where am i? Am i dead?. I stood up from the bed. My head was banging me harshly and i also felt lightheaded at the same time. My body felt heavy and cold. I felt seriously hungry like i could eat a whole house. I found myself standing in a small room in an old house. It smelled musty and wooden but i didn't care about that. I felt all my senses heightened. I could hear noises from all corner of the room, animal noises. I couldn't take it anymore so i opened the door to go out. Immediately i stepped out, i felt my body burning so harshly and that all i could do was scream so loudly. I couldn't take the pain anymore i felt like i will burn to death, then all of a sudden someone grabbed me and took me inside the house. My body stopped hurting and my skin was coming back to normal. I stayed like for quite sometime then i raised my head up and saw her.

" Why did you go outside?" my aunt asked me. I felt all the rage and anger and betrayal consume me. She was a woman i loved and trusted with my whole heart and she betrayed me so brutally.

" Why?" i asked her.

" Madison. am sorry i did that to you but i needed power and i had to follow through with the plan" she told me. Realization hit me hard. My son, my precious little boy.

" What happened to my son?" i asked her.

" He his fine, i made sure of that before we left the palace" she said. I felt so hungry, i couldn't control it anymore. I stood up and

went to cupboard and opened them. I saw some food and took them out and started eating them but it wasn't enough i needed more more.

"You don't need those. This is what you need" i turned to her and i saw her holding a person. He looked like he was under a spell.

" And why will i need that? What did you do to me, Lilian? I know i died, because you and him killed me so why am i still alive?" i asked her.

" Maddi, i did kill you because i wanted him to know i killed you but before that happened i found out everything the king planned with me and i couldn't let that happen so before you died completely i gave you my blood and killed you and brought you back again" she said. I was completely stunned with everything she said. I couldn't believe what am hearing. I heard stories about this but i never thought it was real and hear i am hearing it from her and finding out what i am.

" So i am a..." i couldn't complete it and she nodded. I stared at her.

" I am a vampire and i turned you into one and right now you don't understand what is happening to you but i do and i can help you" she said. I shaked my head denying everything but she kept on talking " You are hungry and you need food but those things you are eating won' t help you at all because i know. What you need right is blood, human blood and I am giving it to you" she said and i kept on shaking my head.

" I don't need that at all, you are lying. Everything is a lie" i said. She relaxed and faced me.Her eyes turned red with dark veins coming out around it and fangs in her mouth. I fell down out of shock,, i couldn't believe what am seeing right now. Vampires are real and my Lilian my aunt is one of them and now so am i. She grabbed the man and bit the nape of his neck and i screamed so

loudly begging her to stop. She let him go and turned him to me. Blood was dripping from his neck and i couldn't take my eyes of it. I was mesmerized by it and i craved it.

" You know you want it so stop denying yourself from it and just let go" she told me. She threw him to me and i stared at him. Every part of me wanted to do but i knew it was wrong. The man shaked his eyes like he just came out from a spell and turned he look at me with fear in his eyes. He kept on staring at me. I couldn't control myself again, my face changed and i suddenly grabbed him. He was screaming and i held him down, his blood smelled so delicious and i bit his neck and sucked and sucked and sucked until i was done with him and i threw across the room. I stared at my Aunt and she smiled at me and said " Do you need more?" and i nodded at her