
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · 奇幻
78 Chs

Shadow of Death

He moved towards the shadow instinctively, which sends his team's mates into a panic as they chase after him. The road underneath is easy to run on. Kwanda, follows the shadow across two streets turning into an alley.leading towards the Englewood night market, surrounded by tall buildings just before his team mate Martha following can turn into the alley, a burst of purple circular energy, kills her without so much as scream.

Kwanda is so preoccupied with the chasing the shadow he doesn't realize that one of his team mate has died and neither does Johnny he is more worried about making sure Kwanda is safe.

As they continue the chase the other troop suddenly collapses, Kwanda does think to look back because he can almost see the face of the shadow that he chasing as it is running past a Street light.

If he looked back he would have seen that a super thin razor wire had decapitated the Johnny behind him. Kwanda saw the face of the girl, the girl that Wendy said must be captured above all.

There right in front of him is Lucinda Dawnstar, the Berserker. "Johnny report to the general that we have located the Berserker," As he turns behind him, he sees that he is alone in the middle of a night market, Lucinda smiles and starts running again. Kwanda scoffs he knows it might be a trap but he at least has a few tricks up his sleeve.

First he teleports to just before where she entered the next alley beyond a few stalls, he checks the coast, he knows she is waiting for him, he teleports around to the other side of the alley as he thinks to himself "I never thought the walks with Liza would actually come in handy at all."

He approaches her from behind she is anxious as her body fidgets looking for him to come around the alley. Kwanda uses a constrictive body hold to catch Lucinda by surprise, quickly subduing her. As he is roping up his quarry he scratches himself on one of her scales, Kwanda feels that her arm is full of them, the illusion is created by the skin of a Siren a young Siren.

Kwanda still makes sure she tied up properly before walking into the market area, he calls one of the guards handing her over while flashing his military sigil, "Take her to central and leave her with Major Sibongile Botha, under.command of general Wendy Chestnut."

"As you command sir!" The guards moved quickly and without question his sigil also had the wing of the royal household behind the symbol of the army which is the ratel. The wings signifies a special connection to the royal court.

Kwanda thinks "why would someone want to separate him from the his troops but not have anyone follow them to make sure the whole plan works?" He jumps onto a roof, "The best vantage would be on one of these houses." Unfortunately for him there is not a sole on the roofs.

He jumps down and starts back tracking to discover the body of trooper Johnny who had his head lying on the floor about thirty centimeters away from the rest of his body in a pool of his own blood. Kwanda calls a set of guards this time thou to stand guard until he returns. He moves towards the warehouse he sees a small crowd gathered around the body of Martha, a recent addition like him, who was also on her first mission today.

They had bonded with each other on this point , Kwanda remembers her telling him "That the mission is lot more dangers than we think, as not only is the General here but also her the fates, who have been on multiple mission for the army for the past year, and the fact that she heard the king is taking personally interest in the case."

Kwanda feels sad for the poor girl, he starts scanning around, teleports back to the roof from earlier, his heart is beating faster, he's sweating a lot, currently hold back the tears and fears trying to keep a clear head like Wendy taught him. "How could they have died? they were behind me which means someone else was following us but who?

Kwanda jumps down going back to Johnny's body "Please make sure this scene is investigated properly and make sure to call an military investigator this scene is closed off to none military personnel," from there he walks slowly towards the body of Martha looking for clues.

when he reaches the edge of the street a faint amount of mana can be detected, it has the unique trace of soul, a killing curse. The energy of the soul gives it mana if mana is a soothing river then the soul energy would be red like "when someone pees in a pool." clearly separating it from the rest of the mana.

"On Richmond road their is another body linked to this case, move everyone back and make sure to follow the instructions I gave to the other guards, move at once!" One of the guards is visibly pissed at being commanded by a child.

Kwanda could easily track it "I need to at least find the killer or else the other generals might remove me from the squad." He knew that the people in charge are fickle Wendy had told him about the dangers of failure, "My boy you must always bring something back of use or you might find yourself kicked out of the team."

He follows the energy beyond both crime scenes, at the point where he captured the Siren, the figured moved back towards the warehouse district into a build next to where the operation is taking place...