
Astral Mage

With the humans' desperation to rid the world of magic, Friesha left the perfect hiding place she and her late mother had to pursue the path of becoming an Astral Mage - a title given to magicians who have surpassed the realm of reality towards what is known as universal magic. However on her path, she encounters a young human boy who has the intention of capturing her for the purpose of becoming king. Friesha's hatred for humans have always been very strong ever since the death of her father in the hands of these vile beasts, yet never had the intention of hurting those who serve her no threat. Despite Friesha being already a powerful magician, and the boy's airheadedness and humiliating loss against her, he continues to pursue her through continuous stalking and spying, as well as randomly attacking out of nowhere. Aside from this, she must also alone fight the forces of humanity who would stop her from being an Astral Mage. How will Friesha achieve her goal on her journey. What will Friesha's encounter with the boy be of purpose?

Nirinia · 奇幻言情
82 Chs

Bandit Group (Friesha's note 20)

Sebastian stared at the seven bandits I as he slowly placed the passed out Felgard to the ground. He then went in front of me and said, "I thank you for standing up for my little miss, little miss." He clenched his fists after and stood a fighting stance, fully prepared to fight the seven enemies in front of him. "Please stay by her side a little longer."

Without warning, he instantly dashed towards one of the bandits and landed a strong punch on the face. "Guhuaackhh!" was the only thing which came out of the bandit's mouth as he flew backwards and landed on the ground. He attacked another punch to the next one which managed to dodge, but was hit by the next punch.

"You fool!" one bandit took out his sword and attacked Sebastian as another from the back took out a gun. When the gunner shot his gun, Sebastian held the sword user by the hand and used the sword to deflect the bullet, which flew towards another bandit's scimitar and fell off. From his back, the one who got punched stood up and launched a huge punch to Sebastian. Noticing that, he swayed his head to the side and the puncher punched his own swordsman comrade. Sebastian then held the back part head of the two and slammed their faces at each other.

"Hmm, not that tough of a head now, is it?" he then noticed another attack from gunner and dodged them as he went and swiped his foot on the ground, tumbling the gunner down. Immediately after, he punched the gunner hard on the belly.

The other two, who seemed to be in some kind of power, merely watched their comrades being pummeled one by one. Then, with a face signal from the other one with darker skin color, one took out his knife and attacked Sebastian from behind.

"Behind you old man!" I exclaimed in shock. Sebastian heard me and was able to look back before dodging the enemy and griping his arm.

"What do you want to do to the little miss? Why do you want to kidnap her?" was his question filled with rage.

"Heh! You think I'd just easily tell you about the deal we had with the Mayoubhoughergoise family head to dispose of their youngest child? Hah! Then you got it all wrong, cause I ain't telling you nothing!" the sorry excuse of a bandit spoke.

"Well, it wasn't that easy but," was all Sebastian could say before he let go of the bandit's arm and punched him hard on the face. "Thank you."

The last standing bandit just smirked on the sight of his comrades writhing in pain on the ground as he said, "Now all payment shall be mine. Thank you for ridding me off these hopeless fools." Hearing that made me clench my fists even further with rage.

"Tell me," Sebastian spoke in a loud voice. "Did the family head, Mister Ferdirealm Ashthony Mayoubhoughergoise, really paid you to kill his own daughter?" Although he was extremely serious, he didn't seem to be in shock.

"Hmm, foolish old geezer. Don't compare me to those fools before you," he then took out two guns and pointed them at Sebastian. "Unlike these goons, I won't tell you anything about the oldest son's plan to take over everything the family owns. And there's nothing you can do to make me."

"Well, I didn't really do anything to make you speak but thank you," Sebastian bowed his head slightly.

"Heh! Like I said, you won't be able to make me speak up!" the bandit then started firing his gun.

Sebastian dodged the bullets by running to side saying, "Two guns doesn't really mean faster bullets." He then immediately kicked the bandit's side and he flew to the air before hitting the ground.

"Y-you old fart," was all the bandit could say as he writhed in pain. "So now, you intend to make me speak why we're after the Mayoubhoughergoise youngest child, right?"

"Hmm, you don't even need to speak anything redundant," then Sebastian kicked him on the face, ridding him off his consciousness. "The boy with a wooden sword served as a better opponent than you seven, remember that at least."

Sebastian then turned towards me and picked up the little damsel on his arms like a princess before bowing down slightly and said, "Thank you once again for standing up for her."

"I would've appreciated it, if I really did do something for her at least," I was slightly disappointed in myself.

Then, without warning, something came out from a distant bush and landed exactly at us. Looking closely, I noticed what it was and immediately panicked. However, it was already too late to shout out its name and the thing instantly released sleeping smoke. I tried to use magic but stopped due to the thought of failure and danger which came flashing immediately on my mind. I got sleepy as my eyes started being heavy but did my best to at least see to whom the thing came from.

It was a sleeping mushroom head, a kind of mushroom that releases a huge amount of sleeping gas when threatened. It is a powerful magic item so rare it could only be found at certain places which has low oxygen level.

I suddenly heard a loud thud and noticed it was Sebastian's body falling to the ground, fast asleep. I too was slowly being dragged to slumber's sweet palace until I eventually lost consciousness.

Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of the people chattering. I didn't notice how long I slept. I felt myself tied up completely immobilized and opened my eyes. What greeted me was the view of different shoes and boots. I looked up a bit and saw a whole crew of bandits joyfully clinking their mugs. They seemed to be in some kind of celebration. I moved my feet a little and touched something, which turned out to be a still passed out Felgard. That was when I noticed the ground was seemingly moving. It turned out to be a large carriage able to carry maybe about twenty people or so while being pulled by dessert horses, a kind of horse which is about forty percent larger than an actual horse.. I closed my eyes and tried feeling the realea around me to find if the damsel and her Butler were here. Successfully, I sensed them in a different carriage. I then pretended to still be asleep and listened on to their conversation.

"So, what're we supposed to do with the daughter?" one of the bandit's said.

"We can do anything we want with her now that we're paid," another one replied.

"Surely today is a lucky day!"

"Yeah, sure it is!"

"Well, we do have found a jackpot here," as he was saying this, I felt my foot being caressed.

"Who would've thought we'd run into a mage!"

"So unexpected!"

I felt my eyes widened as I heard the conversation while still pretending to be asleep. The fact that they found out I'm a mage gave me fear. However, I felt quite relieved after hearing a loud piercing voice scream in terror followed up with a...

"Oh, oh, oh oh oh oh oh!! The shock! The suspense! Oh, ohh! Woe truly is me! Woe truly is mee!!" screamed the damsel from the other carriage. "How could this have been this? How could that have been that? Oh, dear heavens must despise me so!" For some reason, hearing that gave me assurance of their safety as of now.

"Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia Edelvoughahndi Mayoubhoughergoise!! Are you alright!!" was also heard together with her.

"Yes, yes Sebastian," was her only response.

I really felt the need to get free but thought of no other idea than through magic. Without a staff, it could spell total disaster. However, as I was out of options, I ended up chanting a spell, "Light my blood, control my pulse, into thine heart (long casting spells are easier to control because of its specificity.), burn my soul."

"Hey the mage looked like it's awake!"

"Hey she's cursing something!"

"Stop her!"

"Too late" I gave them a faint smile. "Fire bomb!!"

Immediately, a massive explosion of fire destroyed the carriage I was with and flew me towards the ground face first (it hurt, it hurt so much I'mma tell you that). I too was burnt on some places but thankfully I'm fine. Even though the intention was complied by the spell, it still was unstable as it was bigger than intended. The horses carrying the carriage behind us got frightened and suddenly halted, which somehow lost the carriage 's balance and hit a tree next to it.

I stood up and patted myself but suddenly was hit on the head by a falling Felgard (it hurt, it hurt so much I'mma tell you that again).

"Oi that hurt!" he somehow woke up from that, which was kinda nice for the situation as the bandit's started getting up one by one. "Oi, who're they?'

"Bandits obviously," I stood up half ready for battle.

"You filthy mage!!" one by one, the bandit's began taking up weapons. "Get them!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thank you very much for reading! Till next chapter then!

Niriniacreators' thoughts