
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · 武侠
66 Chs

Von Kheil (2)

Von Kheil's initial demeanor had been a mix of anticipation and intrigue as he inquired about the whereabouts of the artifact. His sharp eyes had bored into Zelda, a woman who had long been associated with the world of espionage and shadows. Her presence, though unassuming, hinted at a deeper story.

As he posed his question about the artifact's location, his voice carried a subtle edge, revealing a man well-acquainted with secrecy and duplicity. The air in the room was thick with tension, and Von Kheil's aura of authority left no room for ambiguity.

Zelda, on the other hand, had been grappling with her own internal turmoil. Her family's safety was paramount, and the unspoken threat that hung over her like a guillotine blade weighed heavily on her shoulders. She had taken the artifact from the mission, but her heart had been heavy with the knowledge of what would happen if she revealed her discovery.

The mere thought of facing her formidable teammates, especially the enigmatic Alex, had been enough to make her hesitate. Alex was renowned not only for his unparalleled skills but also for his uncanny ability to uncover hidden truths. She feared that her secrecy would eventually unravel before him.

Von Kheil's hands, once steady and composed, trembled ever so slightly as he reached out to inspect the artifact. His fingers, adorned with intricate rings, hovered momentarily above the object, as though hesitating to make contact with its enigmatic surface. The artifact, resting on an unassuming table beneath the dimly lit chamber's solitary bulb, seemed to pulse with a subdued energy.

With deliberate care, Von Kheil lowered his hand, his fingertips grazing the cold, smooth exterior of the artifact. His touch was gentle, almost reverent, as if he were attempting to discern its secrets through tactile connection alone. He traced the artifact's contours, following the intricate patterns etched into its surface.

His scrutinizing gaze bore into the object, searching for any telltale signs of authenticity or forgery. His eyes, sharp and discerning, followed the lines, symbols, and ornate designs that adorned the artifact. Each groove, each indentation was examined with meticulous precision.

Von Kheil's senses were attuned to even the slightest irregularity. He noted the texture, the temperature, and the resonance of the object as his fingers continued their exploration. His ears, trained to detect subtleties, listened intently for any discordant vibrations or hollow echoes that might betray a lack of substance.

As he continued his tactile examination, Von Kheil's expression shifted like the passing shadows in the room. The initial curiosity that had marked his inquiry gave way to a growing sense of unease. The artifact, while visually convincing, seemed to lack the weight and resonance of an authentic relic.

Finally, he pressed his fingers against a specific motif, one that held particular significance in the world of artifacts and ancient secrets. It was a test of legitimacy that only those deeply versed in such matters would recognize.

The moment of truth arrived when Von Kheil exerted a slight, controlled pressure. It was as though he sought to coax a hidden truth from the heart of the object. And with that subtle gesture, a hushed tension filled the chamber, as if the very walls were aware of the profound implications of his discovery.

The artifact, far from revealing a concealed truth, yielded to his touch with an unsettling ease. It was a surreptitious surrender, one that exposed its counterfeit nature with a quiet acquiescence. Von Kheil's fingers slid through the surface, unmasking the truth beneath the façade.

The room seemed to exhale a collective breath as Von Kheil withdrew his hand, his fingers stained with the residue of deception. His face contorted with a mix of anger and betrayal, and he knew that the shadows had concealed a truth far more complex than he had ever anticipated.

"Zelda," he hissed, his voice barely above a whisper, "you dare bring me a fake artifact? Do you think you can play games with me?"

Zelda's shock and bewilderment deepened as she grappled with the revelation that the artifact she held was, in fact, a convincing counterfeit. She couldn't comprehend how she, someone who had meticulously inspected and safeguarded the genuine artifact, could have been deceived by a fake.

Questions swirled in her mind, casting shadows of doubt over the entire operation. How had this substitution occurred, and who could have carried out such a sophisticated ruse? The answers remained elusive, and the implications of this revelation weighed heavily on her.

Then, a chilling memory resurfaced in Zelda's mind – a memory of Davidso, one of her comrades, briefly holding the artifact before his untimely demise. Could there have been a connection? Could Davidso's interaction with the artifact have played a role in the substitution? The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

Zelda was left grappling with the haunting realization that someone might have been responsible for this deception.

"Von, please understand," she began, her voice trembling, "I didn't know it was fake. It was genuine when I took it. Something must have happened during the mission."

Von Kheil's hand shot out like lightning, gripping her throat with a vice-like grip. His fingers dug into her skin, cutting off her words and her breath. Panic welled up within her as she struggled to breathe, clawing at his hand in a futile attempt to free herself.

"You dare," he hissed again, his eyes aflame with anger, "to stand before me with this mockery of an artifact and offer excuses?"

Desperation filled Zelda as she felt herself teetering on the edge of consciousness. She knew she needed to reveal the truth, to confess that her silence was coerced by a threat to her family's safety. But the words wouldn't come; they were trapped in her constricted throat.

Just as darkness began to close in on her vision, Von Kheil released his grip, and she collapsed to the floor, gasping for air. Her throat throbbed with pain, and she could feel the bruises forming.

"You have one chance to explain," Von Kheil growled, his anger still palpable but controlled. "Tell me everything, or your fate will be far worse than mere suffocation."


Zelda's mind raced with questions and suspicions as she stood there, holding the counterfeit artifact. She couldn't simply keep this revelation to herself, especially considering the possible implications for her. Von Kheil, the enigmatic figure who had hired her for this mission, was now watching her closely, waiting for an explanation.

"This... this can't be right. I inspected the artifact thoroughly before we left. It was genuine. I'm certain of it."

"Are you implying that the artifact was switched somewhere along the way?"

"I can't explain it, but this isn't what I retrieved. The authenticity of the artifact was never in question until now."

Von Kheil raised an eyebrow, prompting Zelda to continue.

"Davidso... he briefly held the artifact before he... before he died. It might be a coincidence, but I can't help but wonder if there's a connection."

Von Kheil's eyes darkened,  As Von Kheil's aura surged with malevolent intent, he taunted Zelda, "You think these feeble shadows can protect you, my dear? You always were too reliant on your speed."

Zelda shot back with a sly grin, her shadow skills ready for the impending clash. "And you, Von, always too reliant on your toys."

The room crackled with tension as they engaged in a deadly dance. Von Kheil's shadow skill manifested as ethereal knives, sharp and menacing, while Zelda's "Zephyr Dance" allowed her to blur across the room with grace.

Von lunged, his shadow knives slicing through the air with precision, but Zelda's swift movements allowed her to evade them effortlessly. She retaliated with a Cyclone Kick, sending Von spiraling backward.

Mockingly, Von remarked, "Not bad, but let me show you the true power of shadows."

He summoned a shadowy vortex, attempting to immobilize Zelda, but her Aetherial Enchantment countered it. With a graceful Gale Dash, she escaped the vortex's pull, landing a strike on Von's chest.

Their battle continued, a mesmerizing display of shadow and wind, each trying to gain the upper hand. The room was a whirlwind of shadows and gusts, an intricate dance between two formidable opponents, and the artifact's authenticity remained at the center of their struggle.

Despite her impressive skills and "Zephyr Dance," Zelda found herself at a disadvantage against Von Kheil, who operated at a master level. His shadow manipulation and combat finesse were beyond what she could counter, and she realized that continuing the battle might lead to her demise.

Suddenly, Von use his Trump Card

Von, with his advanced skill in Shadowblade Mastery, moved like a phantom in the dimly lit chamber. His eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity as he focused on Zelda. Their fierce battle had taken a desperate turn, and he knew it was time to unleash his trump move.

With a swift, almost imperceptible gesture, Von summoned shadows to his side. These shadows coiled and twisted, forming into ethereal blades of darkness that hovered around him. They gleamed with an eerie, otherworldly light, ready to strike with lethal precision.

Zelda, battered and on the brink of defeat, gasped as she saw the malevolent blades materialize. She knew that Von's Shadowblade Mastery was a deadly art form she couldn't match. Desperation welled up within her.

Von, grinning wickedly, raised his hands, and the shadowy blades shot toward Zelda. Each one moved independently, aiming to strike her from multiple angles simultaneously. It was a lethal dance of darkness and death.

But Zelda, pushed to her limit, summoned every ounce of her strength. She didn't have the finesse of Shadowblade Mastery, but she had something more profound—a determination to survive. With a final surge, she let out a scream and channeled all her remaining shadow energy into a blinding flash.

The chamber exploded in a blinding light, shadows and light warring for dominance. The ethereal blades faltered, disrupted by the sudden brilliance. Von shielded his eyes, temporarily blinded.

When the radiance faded, Von realized what Zelda had done. She had pushed her shadow skill to its absolute limit, sacrificing her own shadows to escape the deadly trap. It was a desperate move that had saved her life but left her power severely depleted.

Von cursed under his breath, recognizing the sheer willpower and resolve in his opponent. He knew this battle was far from over, and both assassins had revealed their trump cards. It was a high-stakes game of shadows, and only one would emerge victorious.