

Nothing bounds me! If I lack something its not because that's my fate,but rather I simply do not desire it I possess what I have not as a consequence of fate but merely because of my own desires and efforts. Nothing is predestined in my life; I exist beyond the realm of fate and destiny. ......... In the aftermath of the enigmatic Arcane Reversal, an epochal event that bestowed the realms of magic and cultivation upon Earth, we find ourselves immersed in a tale that unfolds years later. Embark on this journey alongside Aei, a resolute young boy who staunchly rejects the very notions of fate and destiny. Little does he realize, however, that despite his unwavering disbelief, the intricate tapestry of fate ceaselessly weaves its threads, deftly manipulating his path at every turn.

HeavensMistake · 都市
6 Chs

First Encounter.

Aei also raised his hand, poised to pose a question. The man turned his attention toward him, ready to respond, when suddenly, the rank 6 sorcerer protecting the bus from outside materialized abruptly outside the window on Aei's side. He knocked fiercely on the window—pam pam pam and shouted something from the outside, although it was futile as the soundproof glass prevented anyone inside from hearing his words. Nonetheless, an unspoken sense of impending doom permeated the vehicle, causing an instantaneous drop in temperature and a rapid acceleration of heartbeats. Reacting swiftly, the man within the vehicle quickly occupied the seat facing the other passengers, frantically attempting to secure his seat belt while issuing a stern command, "Brace yourselves for an imp-" The warning was abruptly cut short by a thunderous crash.

Before the man could complete his cautionary statement, a deafening collision reverberated through the front of the vehicle, accompanied by the explosive sounds of impact—Crash! Bang! Whack! The force of the crash propelled the vehicle into the air, causing it to somersault twice before violently colliding with the earth and rolling for a final time.

If the occupants of the bus-like vehicle were ordinary individuals, the accident would undeniably have claimed all the passengers' lives. About three unfortunate people near the point of collision perished, and several less unfortunate souls endured severe injuries. With the bus now overturned, its inhabitants found themselves suspended in their seats, while those less fortunate crashed into the newly transformed floor, including the Escort Sorcerer who, due to his delayed seat belt fastening, suffered additional injuries.

The bus reverberated with anguished groans and the heart-wrenching sound of crying. Those still suspended in their seats desperately struggled to release themselves from their restraining belts, inadvertently crashing to the ground upon doing so. Fortunately, Aei found himself among the fortuitous few, firmly held by his seat belt, ensuring his safety. He reached into his suit pocket, retrieving a small knife to deftly sever the belt, skillfully navigating the inverted space, and gracefully landing on the ceiling without causing harm to anyone.

"Everyone, evacuate immediately!" the man who had issued the earlier warning shouted, this time Everyone heard the warning clearly, his voice permeated with a commanding urgency. Unfortunately, his words had the unintended consequence of plunging everyone into a state of panic, with the exception of four individuals: the sixth-ranked Sorcerer, the inquisitive girl who had posed the question earlier, a black boy sporting a distinctive rasta hairstyle, and Aei himself. In a display of remarkable composure, the quartet swiftly converged upon the vehicle's wall, eschewing the conventional exit. The man raised his fist, enveloping it in a vibrant azure aura, which he employed to deliver a series of forceful blows upon the wall. Bang! Bang! Bang!

With each powerful strike, the wall shattered, creating a minuscule opening through which a single person could pass. The breach was swiftly flooded by a surge of other passengers eager to escape. The girl pressed both palms against the wall, and after a few suspenseful seconds, the structure began to undergo a remarkable transformation, assuming a rubber-like consistency. With a forceful kick from her legs, she forcefully shattered the wall, allowing her to make her escape.

Meanwhile, the dark-skinned boy nonchalantly approached the wall, effortlessly phasing through it as if it were insubstantial. Aei, observing this extraordinary feat from the corner of his eye as he made his way to the wall, found himself slightly shocked by the girl and the dark-skinned boy's incredible abilities. "Such formidable innate gifts. We have some interesting individuals," he marveled inwardly. When he reached the wall, he extended his palm, summoning a circular object roughly 13 centimeters in diameter and an inch thick, which hovered suspended in his grasp. With calculated precision, he directed the object to collide with the wall, causing it to shatter instantaneously.

All of this transpired within the span of a few fleeting breaths, a whirlwind of events that defied explanation.

He made his way out of the vehicle and met eyes with the other two arcane borns.

As more and more people got out of the vehicle, an ominous presence approached the overturned vehicle with its abandoned passengers, looming closer with each passing moment. The air grew heavy with an unsettling energy, foreshadowing an imminent threat. Amidst the disarray, the earth itself seemed to respond, emitting low rumblings and unsettling noises, as if echoing the turmoil within the people.

The sorcerors, already on edge from the crash, now found themselves confronted by an additional unknown danger. Whispers of unease spread through their ranks, and a sense of primal fear gripped their hearts. Eyes darted nervously, seeking answers or any signs of respite from the encroaching menace.

Aei, ever observant, couldn't ignore the growing tension in the air. His senses keenly attuned to the environment, he could feel the tremors beneath his feet, each one reverberating through his bones. The approaching threat, though unseen, was palpable, a dark cloud hanging over their already dire situation.

The Escort Sorcerer, recovering from his injuries, pushed himself up and strained to listen. His trained ears caught faint whispers carried by the wind, words spoken in a language unknown to him, but laced with a malevolence that sent shivers down his spine. It was as if the very earth itself had become an instrument, emanating a symphony of foreboding sounds, warning of an impending calamity.

The other passengers, too, began to sense the encroaching danger. Some huddled closer together, seeking solace in the presence of their fellow survivors, while others cast fearful glances toward the source of the approaching menace. A mix of anxiety and curiosity filled the air, a collective anticipation of the unknown.

Suddenly, a chilling gust of wind swept through the area, causing the surrounding foliage to shudder and sway. The temperature dropped further, and a spectral mist rolled in, obscuring visibility and adding an eerie layer to the already tense atmosphere. The once-familiar landscape took on an otherworldly aspect, as if reality itself had shifted.

Aei's gaze darted around, searching for any signs of a way out or a means to confront the encroaching threat. It was clear that time was running out, and decisive action was needed. With a resolute determination, he turned to the others, his voice steady but laced with urgency. "We must find a path to safety, for the approaching darkness shows no mercy. Together, we stand a chance to overcome this trial."

As the tension reached its peak and the air crackled with anticipation, a colossal figure emerged from the shadows. Towering over the wreckage, a mutant creature with the stature of an ape but twisted and distorted by decay energy revealed itself. Its hulking form exuded raw strength and primal fury, its eyes ablaze with an unnatural gleam.

Aei, the girl, the black boy with his distinctive rasta hair, and the Escort Sorcerer locked eyes, their shared determination to protect themselves and the remaining survivors evident in their resolute expressions. In the face of this monstrous adversary, they understood that their combined abilities would be their greatest asset.

Aei, drawing upon his inner strength, focused his mind and tapped into his latent powers. Energy crackled around him as he conjured a shield of shimmering force and two more of the circular objects with intricate designs appeared rotating around him, ready to deflect any onslaught from the mutant creature. With measured steps, he positioned himself in a defensive stance, prepared to engage.

The girl, her eyes shimmering with determination, unleashed a torrent of elemental energy. She called upon the forces of nature, channeling them through her palms. Fiery tendrils danced around her hands as she conjured flames, directing them toward the colossal ape-like mutant, seeking to engulf it in a blazing inferno.

The black boy, his features a mask of concentration, tapped into his unique connection with the ethereal realm. Shadows coalesced around him, swirling and intertwining with his essence. With a swift motion, he extended his hand, and the shadows surged forward, wrapping around the mutant creature's limbs, hindering its movements and sapping its strength.

Meanwhile, the Escort Sorcerer, his wounds temporarily forgotten, channeled his arcane prowess. He unleashed a barrage of potent spells, each incantation weaving through the air with precision. Arcane projectiles streaked toward the mutant creature, crackling with magical energy, seeking weak points and vulnerabilities.

The battle ensued with a whirlwind of ferocity and skill. Aei deftly deflected the mutant's mighty blows, using his seals(the circular objects) to continuously batter the monster, his shield holding steadfast against the onslaught. The girl continued to manipulate the flames, creating a blazing barrier that forced the creature back, singeing its fur and sowing confusion. The black boy's shadows constricted around the mutant's limbs, restricting its movements and draining its vitality. And the Escort Sorcerer's spells found their marks, shattering the mutant's defenses and inflicting substantial damage.

Though the mutant creature fought with savage strength and a primal instinct for survival, the combined might and unwavering determination of the quartet proved too formidable. Blow after blow, spell after spell, they pressed the attack, their synergy and unwavering resolve turning the tide in their favor.

Finally, with a resounding crescendo of power, their coordinated efforts culminated in a decisive strike. Aei infused the seals(the circular-like objects) with energy, launched the three seals from different angles, and smashed the ape's head into a bloody pulp. The creature let out a primal roar from its shattered windpipe, its form convulsing before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

Breathing heavily, the quartet stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, their bodies battered but victorious. The remaining survivors, witnessing their triumph, erupted in cheers and expressions of gratitude. Aei, the girl, the black boy with rasta, and the Escort Sorcerer shared a knowing glance of acknowledgment.

As the celebration turned into alarm, seven more of the mutant creatures emerged from the shadows, their eyes ablaze with feral intensity. The quartet's initial triumph was swiftly replaced by a sense of foreboding as they realized the magnitude of the challenge before them.

Undeterred, the girl stepped forward, her resolve unwavering. She summoned her elemental energy once again, focusing her power on a single creature. Flames erupted from her palms, swirling and lashing out at the mutant, engulfing it in a blazing inferno. The creature thrashed and roared, but the girl held her ground, determined to overcome.

The man, armed with his arcane spells, divided his attention, facing off against two of the creatures simultaneously. He chanted incantations, his hands weaving intricate patterns through the air. Arcane projectiles streaked toward the mutants, exploding upon impact and sending shockwaves through their hulking forms. But the creatures were relentless, shrugging off the assault and pressing forward with renewed fury.

The dark-skinned boy, his connection with shadows unyielding, engaged in a fierce struggle with one of the creatures. He commanded the swirling shadows around him, shaping them into tendrils that lashed out at the mutant, constricting and ensnaring its limbs. The creature fought back with brute strength, but the boy's mastery of shadows granted him a slight advantage.

Aei, with his three seals revolving around him like a mini solar system, faced off against one of the remaining creatures. He spun and twirled, his movements were fluid and precise, seeking to exploit any weakness in his opponent's defenses. However, despite his skill, he found himself struggling to match the creature's raw power and relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that the quartet was facing a formidable challenge. The creatures, driven by primal aggression, seemed impervious to the quartet's efforts. Each strike and spell landed with diminished impact, and exhaustion began to

take its toll on our heroes.

Meanwhile, the remaining survivors finally coming to their senses began battling the rest of the creatures in groups.