
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Earth: Retreat

Ymir was forcefully thrown back by a relentless barrage of explosive blasts. The Psions, realizing their dwindling ammunition, adapted their tactics, focusing on agile maneuvers rather than direct assaults.

Their guns succeeded in slowing Ymir's movements, but they lacked the power to halt her advance. It seemed that nothing could halt the relentless titan.

One of the Psions drew his blade out, put his gun back in the holster, and flew directly towards Ymir.

Another one charged from the opposite direction, distracting Ymir. Ymir tried to grab him, but her fingers almost grazed over his blade, making a small cut. The other one got the chance to exploit the opening that had been created.

Dropping swiftly to the ground, the Psion executed a precise and deep carving slice along Ymir's spine, the blade cleaving from her waist to the top of her neck.

Ymir swiftly maneuvered to evade the attack, but the Psion struck again, preventing her retaliation and causing her back to spill blood. Despite her efforts, her spine had yet to fully heal, and she fell to her knees, struggling to muster strength. Her back began the slow process of regeneration, but it drained her energy, leaving her in a weakened state. Desperate for support, she lunged her feet into the ground, seeking stability.

Exploiting the opening created by Ymir's vulnerability, both Psions propelled themselves towards her. Ymir, roaring and panting with each agonizing cut, attempted to flee, but with a heavy thud, she crashed to the ground. The Psions mercilessly drove their blades into her feet, inflicting deep wounds.

Summoning every ounce of her strength, Ymir fought back. Yet, she still struggled with the Psions' aerial attacks and their precise manoeuvres. She began to sprint horizontally, relying on all four limbs to propel her with animalistic speed. But the barrage of blasts overwhelmed her, throwing her off course.

A blast struck her face, obliterating half of it and claiming one of her eyes.

Then again, the barrage of blasts came rushing towards her way, throwing her totally out of the course. One flew directly towards her face and blew half of his face, taking one of her eyes.

Amidst the chaos, one Psion saw his chance. Skillfully evading her grasp, he thrust his blade directly into her remaining eye, causing blood to trickle from the wound.

With a sudden jerk, she seized the Psion in her hand. She roared and roared.

Ymir's anguished cries reverberated through the air as she clenched the Psion tightly in her hand, channelling her fury into an iron grip.

Blinded and in excruciating agony, Ymir knew she had to find a way to survive, to buy herself time to heal. She needed to evade her attackers.

She held his body with both hands and then with a thrust she split him through the middle. The Psion's intestines fell and then the surge of blood. He cried with pain and then his body fell silent, limbs apart almost ripped from between, eyes bulging out because of the immense pain, his limbs twisted and his eyes reflecting the agony he endured.

His life expired, his combat suit stained with his own blood. He lost his breath, blood coming out of a thick combat suit.

She now has to care for only one, she had to depend a lot on her senses, she tried to focus a lot on her ears, trying to get something from the thruster.

The view that the Psion saw shook him to his core, he thrust, with a roar, he had to kill, he had no other option, he had his order, it didn't take them a day to quell the whole of this uprising in this state but they never have anticipated that they'll face a beast her.

People like her, have lost three today, they haven't thought this could have this much strength, something was surely not right here.

He moved towards Ymir, she was standing with the support of the wall, making up for her weak, injured spine. The Psion came roaring she can clearly listen to the noise made by the thruster, she needs to keep herself steady, and she will get only one chance to make any difference.

The thruster was closing in and with a jolted move of her hands, she hit it.

"Yes,", she has got him, the thruster went rushing and with a blast it was over. She can now stay and heal, she just needs to wait, they are dead now.

"But", thoughts start to surge inside her brain, what was it that she didn't feel anybody over it, did she ?

"Was he not on it?"

"She was sure she hit the thruster, but has she got him?"

"If that's the case then why he's not attacking him."

Suddenly, the Psion lunged at her, his blade targeting her legs. He unleashed a roar while Ymir fell to the ground, her leg nearly severed from her body. She attempted to grab him, but he evaded her grasp, being more cautious this time. However, the loss of his thruster limited his mobility, a fact that Ymir quickly realized.

The Psion redirected his assault, aiming for her waist with the intention of impeding her regeneration. But then, his attacks abruptly ceased, his attacks fell silent.

Ymir tried to move her hands to find someone, something to grab, she needs to open her eyes, they'll heal soon, she just needed moments before it happens.

She forced one of her eye and then there was Zar, standing with Felan. The remaining soldiers, everyone one of them was injured to their core, they all were panting except Zar, she had never seen Felan like this, his face was pale, he was like death just crossed him.

"Rest for a while", ordered Zar.

Zar's gaze met Ymir's, the silent acknowledgement between two formidable adversaries. There was always something without emotionless that Zar can say, always something where he will make you feel that he don't have any emotions inside him.

Zar knelt beside the lifeless body, gripping a cloth tightly. He wiped away the blood, making sure no trace remained, the third one was an easy target, he didn't do anything. The Psion was too consumed to kill Ymir that he didn't sensed Zar.

And as far as the Psion were concerned, the last Psion retreated back as soon as Zar dismembered his comrade's head from his body.

Amidst the chaos, Ymir lay on the ground, her breathing heavy and ragged.

She could hear the distant clatter of debris and the faint crackle of flames, reminding her of the danger that she was. The weight of her injuries and the toll of battle had taken their toll, but her rage burned bright within her. She was ready to kill.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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