
Another System Novel

So basically some guy gets reincarnated with a system. This was originally from the Novel section. i don't own any of the characters, and the pictures, skills and names from the respective anime.

That_Guy_Is_Smart · 漫画同人
27 Chs

Tower of Heaven

Right now it was the 1st day of the year X776, I was currently away from the village and training in the mountains. After my evolution my hair had grown longer and became half white and half black, I tied the back up because it would get in the way. Because of the yin and yang energy perfectly balanced in me I had gained purple marks tracing along the bottom of my eyes, I'm guessing this is to prove I'm a sage.

I was meditating when my draconic sense finally picked up the danger in the village.

"It's started huh"

I slowly opened my eyes, my eyes were red and had 3 tomoe spiralling around my pupil.

Siri:"There are 30 enemies, 2 adults have already died please hurry up Tsuki!!"

I got up from where I was and in an instant I was already halfway from the village. I could see smoke and fire, I quickly left towards the elders house and could see Jonas fighting a masked man.

He was about to be stabbed by the masked man when the elder jumped in the way of the sword and protected Jonas. I kicked the masked man out of the way as quick as I can and went to check on the elder.

"Elder are you ok!!!?"

What the fuck was I saying he was already at death's door step! I looked at the old man with a pained face and tears rolling down my eyes. The elder coughed blood and opened his mouth to speak his final words.

Elder:"Tsuki..your a fine young wizard...so please protect the children"

Breathing his last breath I could feel his body give away his life in my arms, I got up wiping away the tears and created 3 clones. I sent the first clone to pick up the crying Jonas and take him to the lake and sent the other 3 to search for the children. As for myself I went to the lake away from the village.

A few minutes later my clones brought Saya, Kai and Sai, Ray, Jonas, Simon and Erza who were crying.

"Where is Kagura!!?"

I screamed frantically in confusion.

Erza:" I left her in a safe place"

The still crying and confused Erza gave an answer and jogged my memories. Grabbing Erza I left a clone to take the kids to a safe place and went to where Kagura was. When we reached there we were surrounded by masked men who were following us. I made another clone and took Kagura from her hiding spot and instead of catching up to the children I went in another direction.

This was to make sure I could fully protect everyone, instead of having to fight while protecting 8 different people.

I gave Erza my katana and took the sheath.

"Erza I'm sorry but it looks like we have to fight"

I braced myself to lose because I needed to do something at the tower of heaven. Erza got into a stance and we started fighting against the 20 or so masked men. Erza was able to fend them of but soon got captured and I got captured as well on purpose.

We were chained up together and my katana was taken away. Erza was unconscious and bruised and I was just following these people whole holding her in my arms. When we were fighting I put all these people in my illusion so to make sure Erza didn't get too hurt.

We walked quite a fair distance before reaching {Akane Beach}, I could see their boat which was stationed there. The masked men took me and Erza to a room and left us there.


I recounted everything that happened. I remembered all the dead bodies that I saw and most importantly the elder who died in my arms. Surprisingly my emotions didn't have much of a change. Even though I was hurt by the death of the elder I felt oddly calm at the sight of the dead villagers. I could feel the boat start to move towards the sea.




Away from the village there was Clone 1 and 2 who were taking the group of children away. They had stopped to take a break and calm down.

Ray:"Where is Kagura and Erza, What happened to grandfather and the adults!!!??

Ray started shouting at me, this caught everyones attention on me, I could see their distressed eyes focused and expectant on me.

"Ray calm down my original is with Erza and we were captured, clone 3 is with Kagura, they are going upwards so then they don't drag any of the enemies here"

Ray:"And what about the adults, what about my grandfather!!!?"

I could see Jonas start to cry and all the other children tearing up even more.

"Ray, they are gone"

I looked at him straight in the eyes with a pained expression on my face. Rays face became depressed and lifeless.


I looked at him, he had a river of tears flowing down his face and his eyes were lifeless. I walked up to him and hugged him.

"Ray, do you know what the elder said to me before he died, he said to protect everyone here, to me he isn't dead because all of you are here, you are his legacy and his life, as long as you are here I will keep protecting you no matter what, because he left you as his legacy so I will protect you as my family"

We stayed like this until everyone had calmed down. After an hour or so of comforting everyone, mostly Saya and Kai/Sai we started to move again.

"Listen everyone, I will take you all to the nearest city and find some place for you to stay, after that I will release this clone because my original needs all the strength he can get to escape with Erza"

"Jonas, Ray, Simon, I've trained all of you so all of you will need to protect everyone while us 2 clones are dead, right now I'm taking Kagura to another city for safety"

"Can everyone here promise me to stay strong"

I looked back at the kids and Jonas, they had all regained some life in their eyes after my comforting, and Ray and Simon had instead a fire.

Ray:"I'll definitely stay strong!"

Simon:"I'll wait for your return"

Jonas:"You can leave them to me"

Kai/Sai:"We will wait for you"

Saya:"please comeback safe"

Everyone looked healthy again and I smiled warmly at them. We kept on walking until it got night time and we had to camp. I gave my cloak to Saya, Kai and Sai who had been shivering and started to prepare dinner. After dinner I used I held Saya, Kai and Sai in my arms and leaned against a tree to go to sleep as Jonas, Simon and Ray found a spot to sleep on as well

I was told to tell you guys about some time changes, or something like that but I forget what it was :)

That_Guy_Is_Smartcreators' thoughts