
Chapter XIII

Wu Yunzhao was named the fifth hero because he was a big man. He was also named the Western Christ, opposite to the mute Eastern Christ, and his beds were just in the east-west direction. Wuyunzhao and Luo Cheng are always tied to the bed, so they need someone to pick up urine and urine. I like doing this dirty work. I once said to Jia Jianqing, "because Jesus serves people like this." He once said to Jia Jianqing, "I don't care what I think of GC, but I admire the Red Army.", He even claimed to be the "Last Red Army" on the Internet and loved to sing "ten free Red Army". Another anonymous did the dirty work. He did it before I came here. Now he and I are rushing to do the dirty work.

Wuyunzhao said he would work for him. He had a big cigarette. I said, "your wife comes and brings me something." He said, "no wife." Zhangmuliang, an old patient, once said to me, "most people here have no wife, and most of them have a wife and divorce."

The young man who is always tied up is Luo Cheng, the seventh hero. Luo Cheng is also tied up all day. He is voluntary. Saying not to tie up is also harmful. He lies in bed all day long except for eating. He restricts freedom again and again. There is no freedom at all. The only happy thing is to get a snack to eat when giving out snacks. Luo Cheng told me that Yuwen Chengdu was a big lecher.

The mute Yang was named the eighth hero Yang Lin, and the eastern Christ. At first, he was locked up in the East rescue room (the borrower). He had a fever. He took his temperature all day. Later, his temperature was normal and he was released.

When I smoke, I sometimes leave cigarette butts for anonymous. Anonymous also gives me cigarettes when they do things. After dinner, we put on TV in the small activity room. At first, we often put on model programs and Internet TV. We can choose to go to these stations.

The ward director's name is quhongfang, an old doctor. Last time I was a hero to save the United States, she also praised me and said, "that's how to protect the medical staff." She later said to me, "get better. I'm sorry, Jia." I also talked to jiajianqing later.

Jia Jianqing presided over the morning meetings of the medical staff. Director Qu stood and listened. I said this to health worker B. she said, "you will know if it takes a long time." I remembered that nurse Jia had to be the dean.

Because the current binding device uses a small round iron pole switch like a magnet. Like a key, I think the round iron is a nuclear button. Now the psychiatric hospital basically does not do electroacupuncture, and electric shock is rare, that is, binding. One day, the column was placed on the table in the small activity room. I was the only one. I put the round iron in my pants pocket and patted the pocket, which was equivalent to controlling the hospital.

There is a nurse named Liulu, Pangpang. One night, when I woke up, she showed me the watch list, which was about the patient's sleep. It was all red forks (representing sleep). It said Ge Yimin had less sleep. After I read it, Liu Lu picked up her pen and carried it off. I was a little excited. I took my pen and wrote on the back of the watch list. Liu Lu said, "write less." I wrote a few words about the realization of communism.

The next morning, nurse a, who was not tall and beautiful, looked like my classmate zhengrenxiang, so I once asked her for a latte. I went to the small activity room and asked me, "who are you? Why are you scribbling on the duty list?" I said, "the dean's husband."

There are two nurses: Xuxin and Zhouqian. Because their names, one last name and one first name, are "Xuqian", I said it. One day after the morning meeting, in the big activity room, Jia Jianqing said to several nurses, "he said that Xu Xin and Zhou Qian are Xu Qian."

When Jia Jianqing was Xu Qian, I asked her, "is that Xu Qian?" She said, "I'm not as beautiful as Xu Qian." Another woman is more like Xu Qian. Her name is Zhang Jing. She is from a yard of our unit and rents our factory. Because of her work, she has been in contact with her for many times. She is the same as Xu Qian. Her face is like in a picture (the sentence of nerves). Old Wu of the unit introduced it to me jokingly.