
Ancient god living as prince ?

a young boy named sam finds out that he's a god and not any god but an ancient god who once owned a galaxy after his death and is now born as a prince to start the journey of restoring his powers as a prince of a kingdom see his journy.

playing_for_fun · 奇幻
8 Chs

A winer in academic , A loser in life

In London University, a boy was sitting in library while studying (professional genelogy) when a girl came and asked " um ..... sam"

sam " yes "

girl " can u meet me after class "

sam asked frowning " why "

girl flustered " um...I'll tell you when you come "

sam " ok "

girl " ok then I'll meet you later "

while the girl was thinking how she was how to confess to sam while she was leaving library sam was thinking which reason should he use this time

to get out of this situation.

Samul Martin, a student in genetics in London university. why because he wants to know how to change life span of humans because his mother has died 8 years ago because of terminal disease and now his sister Angie Martin who is 9 yrs old has also gained this disease.

Sam is 20 yrs old and is studying hard for the sake of his sister to save her or at least increase her life span. this guy has handsom face, perfect body ( without abs ) is popular among this university but his cold face and always studing habit causes many girls to have cold feet.

while some girl gather some courage and come to propose him he just make up a reason and rejects them some times directly answers " not interested" and the girls get so dejected that they don't even look for him again.

Today was a day like that, after his lecture was done he met that girl at the entrance gate of university and they go to a place where no one will interfere.

the girl stops and says " sam my name is nathlie

and I'm also studying genetics "

sam " oh your from genetics department "

nathelie " yes and uh... the thing is I really like you and when you study you serious face is really handsome. so will you go on a date with me "

sam " I don't have time for stuff like this "

nathelie " why is it because I'm not beautiful or is that im not your type "

sam 'should I tell her the real reason I mean she's from same department and she can help me study' " that's not the problem your pretty but I don't have time for relationship my sister has showing symptoms of terminal disease the same as my mother's and I don't want my sister to die like mother did. I atleast want to increase her time living so that she can have fun while she's alive "

nathelie" what did you say, your sister has terminal disease "

sam " hm so that's why I can't give my time to relationships I hope you will understand "

nathelie " oh....ok I understand ".