
Ancient Blood, Mortal Heart

Remetri, a noble resident of the southern realm, possessed an illustrious lineage as the descendant of the esteemed progenitor Mauroring. Even in her youth, she displayed extraordinary potential by manifesting a formidable spiritual energy. The firmament would tremble whenever she shed tears in the night, and those in close proximity would be enveloped by an awe-inspiring aura reminiscent of divinity. Remarkably, despite her youthful nature, she possessed a resilience akin to the ancient era, with a skin as impenetrable and polished as that of an immortal being. One might find it inconceivable that someone with such a remarkable background and past achievements, including battling against the old Gods, would choose to embrace a mortal existence.

Dave_Saturnino · 奇幻言情
8 Chs

Embracing the mortal heart

As the golden hue of the setting sun spread across the sky, casting a warm glow overhead, she made the decision to return to her humble home. Adjusting the hem of her delicate gown with a gentle touch, she embarked on a leisurely stroll towards her modest hut. The serenity of the evening embraced her as she reflected on her passions: the art of poetry and the creation of exquisite handmade crafts, which she skillfully sold in the nearby village.

"As the tempest returns, let my flesh shield you all, embracing the winds that threaten our haven. May my blood nourish and fortify our sanctuary, a testament to our resilience, while my voice hums eternally until we reunite in heavenly realms"

Remetri's laughter echoed through the room as she finished writing the last line of her novel. She held the manuscript tightly, feeling a surge of satisfaction wash over her, before gradually loosening her grip as she took a deep, contemplative breath. In that moment, she marveled at how close she was to molding her immortal heart into something mortal.

"Why is it so challenging to cultivate one's humanity?" Remetri pondered aloud, her thoughts consumed by the profound mystery of human existence. As she advanced in age, she found herself on the brink of severing the ties to her ancient bloodline, preparing to undergo a profound transformation that would render her vulnerable, like a mere human. She longed to become attuned to the intricacies of the world, to experience the depth of contentment and genuine happiness, and to embrace the childlike wonder that spans a lifetime. Unlike the majority of beings in the southern realm, who sought power above all else, her aspirations diverged completely—she simply yearned to become an ordinary person, patiently awaiting her end in the course of time. Perhaps she might even fulfill her dream of becoming a mother and creating a loving family, or find a handsome husband who would share in her mortal journey.

"Handsome husband?!" Remetri exclaimed, caught off guard by the unexpected notion. Her cheeks flushed with a sudden warmth as her hand instinctively rose to touch them, a mix of amusement and longing tugging at her heart. She knew, however, that such an impossible desire was far from the crux of her current pursuit. Shedding her immortality was proving to be a monumental challenge in itself—how could she entertain such mundane wishes?

"Hahaha! How could I overlook this moment, when I have witnessed the presence of countless powerful and strikingly handsome men?" Remetri chuckled, her resolve strengthening. With a determined gleam in her eyes, she began to map out her life after attaining true humanity. Her heart quickened its pace, pulsating with joy as she inched closer to finally attaining what she yearned for the most—a mortal heart.

With each beat, her anticipation grew, fueling her with newfound purpose. Remetri placed her hand over her chest, feeling the rhythm of her own humanity, and embraced the exhilaration that accompanied her imminent transformation. The path ahead may be filled with challenges, but the prospect of obtaining what she truly desired, a mortal heart, gave her the strength and determination to forge ahead with unwavering resolve.