
Am I a System?

Void was a human that died tragically and was given a second chance at life. This is not like the other rebirth novels that you have read. Ever wondered what it would be like to be your own system. Imagine the endless possibilities. Well, come watch as void shapes his own future. Join me and watch this novel transform into one of your best reads. P.S don't own the image

DeathCreepGod · 游戏
38 Chs


...Back at Abyss...

Void was still an angered mess. He wanted to talk to them more. He did not know how all of this work because she was new to this but the system didn't give him a warning.

He wanted to know more about their world. The meeting was so short. In addition, he wanted to give them missions to take back materials for him to read.

He looked at the summons options and the option was grayed out.

"How will I resummon them?" As soon as he thought of that question. The system sounded

[[[Summons are branded and can be resummoned at any time as long as the host has enough exp or summons have completed the main mission]]]

[[EXP need for resummoning: 1000]]

[Current EXP:300]

Only then did he realize he had 300 exp.

If he remembers correctly. He did see the notifications of him receiving exp but he didn't pay attention to it.

He was ecstatic. I wonder how many exp to revive?

[[[Would you like to input remaining EXP revive gauge]]]

He pondered for a while and decide to say yes

[[[REBIRTH: .1%]]]

"Only .1%. Are you kidding me?" "Can I get back my exp?" He roared angrily

[[[ unable to retrieve EXP once expended]]]

'This system is gonna be the death of me" he thought as he calmed down

'Sigh. I hope they can complete their missions"

[[[based on the intentions of the host. The system has implement missions on his behalf]]]

[[EXP will be gathered when the summons complete mission]]

'Wait, you can do that?" A hint of surprise could be sensed in his voice. "You've gotten really talkative lately. Not that its a problem"

[[[Host and system is merged.]]]

[[The Host's intentions are the system's intentions]]

"Based on my calculations. It will take 300,000 Exp for me to revive myself. Well, 299,700. I hope they bring tons of exp back"

I don't know what you are system, or should I call you Hope, but you have given me a chance at revival. I hope you will stay with me forever.

Even though hope did not respond, he could still the connection between them as well as Valencia and Cruden. He started to throw out random questions to better understand the system. Though Hope's responses were seldom and stiff. It was better than nothing.

….Back at Wuhan. Cell Block….

"Hey kid, you still alive?" The guy on the other side of the cell would always ask this question but Cruden would never reply. Something inside him told him to stay away from this man

Cruden was placed at the back of the room in the last cell. There was no light in his cell. So there was no way to see if he was alive or not. On the other hand, Cruden could see clearly into the other man's. The man looked harmless as always. Cruden was no fool and always kept his guard up against the old man.

normally Cruden would not give the old man's action a second thought but today was different. He's not sure how but he could sense a disgusting feeling coming from, the old man. he immediately felt anger toward the old man.

It didn't take long for him to realize the energy coming off the old man was being absorbed into his body.

Cruden did not respond as always. He was busy analyzing the changes. There was a dark subtle glow all over his body. He realized he could control the darkness. He could move it anywhere along his body and into his shadow. He tried to move it further than 10 feet away from his body but was unsuccessful.

It was a strange feeling but a sensation he welcomed.

He turned to the man in the cell beside him and asked, "Senior, what day is today?"

The old man was shocked. This kid has been in here for 2 months so far and not once has he spoken to him no matter how he tried.

The old man's name is Jack. he has been in here for many years now. Based on his crimes of killing and raping pregnant women. He had a life sentence. He knew there was no getting out so he would. Friend anyone that came in the cell beside him, slowly gain their trust, and find ways to kill them.

It's a far cry from the weak and defenseless women he would kill. He just loved how they would cry and beg for their lives but he just enjoyed killing.

The prison was aware of this but turned a blind eye. They would only place people in that cell they wanted dead. Normally, Cruden would not be put in that cell but because of the young master that he offended. He was placed in that cell. If it wasn't for the young master's sister his life would have already been forfeited.

A sly expression came on Jack's face but it was deeply hidden.

"Young man, you can call me Jack. it's been 2 months since you have been imprisoned here``''. "You're so young, can you tell this old man what caused you to be in here?" He sounded really sincere. He has done this many times now.

"I was wrongly accused of stealing the Bailes family precious artifact. The young master of the family, Mr. John, says I'm the culprit. I did not have a chance to prove myself besides no one would listen to the words of a lowly commoner", Cruden's voice was solemn. "If it was not for his sister. I would not be before you today"

"But still, in a month's time, I'm to have my arms cut off from the shoulders". He stared down at his hands and he dreaded the thought.

Jack stared intently at the darkness. 'You seem so stressed young man'. "You're in luck". "I have been planning my escape for a while now. I just need another to accomplish my plan".

"What plan is that?" Cruden knew this old man was up to no good but he decided to play along. "do you really have a way out?" Cruden made sure to make his voice seem as excited as possible.

the old man didn't know better plus he didn't think the weak boy would be a challenge for him. he was a 3rd level qi condensation. so he wasn't worried about a 1st level brat,."This is too easy." He thought.