
Alpha's Rebellious Mate

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Alpha Rofus asked in a cold and serious tone, staring at the young woman in front of him. A young woman who caused his heart to race instantly. “Stay away from me! Please, I am scared of you!” She was sobbing already. “Calm down. I won’t hurt you,” he said before disappearing into the woods. “She is our mate...” his inner wolf whispered in his mind, something he was not expecting to happen. She? A mate? But she’s a human! Seeking solace from her mother’s hasty decision to remarry shortly after her father’s death, Amelia flees into the forbidden Forester Woods, unaware that her impulsive escape will lead to an encounter with Rofusio Melbore, the newly appointed Alpha of the Blazepaw Guardians pack. As Rofus gazes upon Amelia, an unfamiliar sensation surges within him, awakening his inner wolf. Overcome by an undeniable connection, he instinctively reaches out to comfort her, wiping away her tears. Startled and fearful, Amelia pushes him away, unable to comprehend the strange pull between them. Realizing that Amelia is his destined mate, Rofus is hesitant to disclose his true nature as a wolf since she is a human. Despite the obstacles and their initial fear, love blossoms between them. But will they overcome their insecurities and accept each other for who they really are? Will this fragile feeling last when they find out the truth about Amelia’s biological father? Or will Rofus lose his rebellious mate forever?

35 Chs

Lustful Eyes

As I did so, her cousin Rofus peeked at us. The moment our eyes locked, I could not tell what emotion was hiding in the pair of his deep-set eyes. It was completely blank. He seems eerie.

"Just eat everything you want." his profound cold baritone voice sounded tickling in my ears at the same time it gave me chills. "There is no need for you to be nervous. Please ignore my presence as if I am not seated here and exist." he continued but suddenly halted as his visions bore to mine, "Please tell that to your friend, Nikita. She doesn't have to be anxious."

"Sure thing, Rofusio," Nikita answered back, doesn't mind how I responded.

Nikita slowly began eating her food. Despite my embarrassment, I followed what her cousin advised. I ate gradually, pretending he was not in front of us and that we were not sharing a meal with him. I occasionally glanced at him. Constantly checking to see if he was watching my every move. At this moment, his eyes are wearing eyeglasses as he reads some papers. It enhances his good stance and charming features. 

"Have you not finished yet?"

Nikita spoke as if she had been scrutinizing me for a long time, which caught me off guard. 

You should be ashamed of, Amelia! 

I am sure my friend caught me drooling and having lustful eyes for her cousin. Her actions almost made me strangle on my food.

"Be careful, Amelia. Will you? You are not a kid anymore!" she reprimanded me after catching a glimpse of my face turning pale as I coughed. "Drink this," she carelessly offered me a glass of water, which I accepted and quickly drank.

Nikita's cousin is perfectly gorgeous. He is a big catch. Only the blind would say no to that. 

Hold on, Amelia, what is wrong with you? 

What is going through your mind right now? 

Are you saying he has good looks?

"Thank you very much, Nikita." I put the glass down shyly after drinking all of the water.

Just then, I felt Rofus's burning eyes shift towards me. Oh dear god! My stupidity has piqued Nikita's cousin's interest. It's offending!

Amelia, you need to get your act together! 

After eating our breakfast, Nikita tours me around his cousin's mansion. Since my mind seems was left on the dining table, I couldn't remember and appreciate what she was saying about the place. My head just kept nodding in agreement with everything she said. I don't even know if she noticed that I wasn't listening to what she was saying. My mind was elsewhere. 

"Now that I have given you a tour of my cousin's mansion, it is time for us to leave and head to my apartment. What do you think, Amelia?"

"Yeah, you were right Nikita. We must leave now."

We went back to the room to collect our belongings. We went back to the dining area, but Rofus had already left. Only the papers and the empty cup were left behind on the dining table. 

"He is no longer here. Where did he go?" Nikita murmured enough for herself, but I overheard. 

A servant handed Nikita something wrapped in a square-shaped white cloth, explaining that it was leftover food.

"Thanks." Nikita took it and held it up.

"Would you like some assistance? I can lend a hand." I offered, but my friend declined to turn it in.

"There is no need, Amelia. I am capable of handling it."

We were able to get out of the gate quickly afterward. We took one last look at the mansion before starting to walk away.

"Nikita, how did you happen to be his cousin?" I inquired. "Which side of you? He is the son of whom?"

"He came from my father's side."

"Oh? During our friendship, I just found out now that you have a cousin like him, Nikita."

I am not sure if Nikita overheard that. She chose not to respond. If she was paying attention, she would undoubtedly have commented on why I only found out now. 

Stop asking questions about him, Amelia. Do you have an interest in him? Please put an end to this now!

I shook my head as I asked myself the question. No. That is impossible. I don't like that kind of creature! I have no feelings for him in any way. Put him out of your head. I beg of you, Amelia.

"Come inside to my humble flat, Amelia."

When we arrived at Nikita's apartment, Rofus vanished completely from my mind. It took the place of excitement because I felt unconstrained. I got my sovereignty from my mother. I am now free like a bird!

"You should feel at home. Think this place was also yours, Amelia. You do not have to be timid."

As I was pleased, I embraced Nikita as tightly as I could while expressing my gratitude. How fortunate I am to have her as my best pal. Without her, I am not sure where I would be.

"Don't worry Nikita, we will split all the bills. I will contribute to everything. You are aware that my father left me with card assistance for my education before his death. Please do not say no because I would be embarrassed to live with you here."

"No, Amelia." she jerked her head, "You don't have to do that. You are welcome to stay with me for free for as long as you like. Even on the food, you don't have to give me a share. You are here as my guest. Do not think about repaying me with money because I have plenty of it. Hold it. I am not in need of it."

"But Nikita—"

"Say something about them again and I'll kick you out of my apartment at this moment!"

I laughed so hard. Pretending that it did not hurt my ego. She is a good friend of mine, and I should not take her for granted.

"Please do not treat me this way, Nikita. "I am still struggling with my family's secret."

"That is exactly my point, Amelia." She folded her arms near her chest, indicating that she was the law, "Do not think too much about the expenses here. At least I have someone to live with in the meantime. My day will not be filled with sadness. You are by my side now, Amelia. I appreciate that."

Yes, Nikita is my friend but as a self-centered woman who was not always outside our home. I am completely unfamiliar with her. She is just a fellow student. Friendship does exist at times. As far as I can recall, that is the only relationship we have.

"Okay, thank you very much for your assistance!"

Nikita simply nods and steps inside.

"Just help me with the house chores. I will be satisfied with something similar to this one. Putting the food in the fridge we brought from Rofus' house is a huge help to me. Come on, quick. It could spoil and end up being wasted."

"Sure, Nikita. Hand it over to me. Tell me where I should put them. You know how good I am at organizing things."