
AI System User in a Mixed World

[Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️ Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

chronikles_content · 奇幻
20 Chs


The students of Class 3D were pairing up in two. They were having a sparing lesson and Miss Lauren was instructing and inspecting. Her goal was to see how much each student knew how to fight.

Glenn facepalm when he saw none of them wanted to pair with him. He was after all a level above them and his strength was two times of theirs. Besides, their odd numbered class made it impossible for all of them to have a partner each.

Miss Glenn asked him to either go and meditation or watch. Glenn choice the former. He sat crossed legged beside Miss Lauren table and called up Zero. The system had awakened hours ago but Glenn hadn't had a chance to open it till now.

'Zero' he called in his mind.

Immediately, the status screen appeared in his vision and Glen glanced through it


[Name ~ Glenn Beck

System ~ AI System 0109]

[ Stats ]

Strength 4 Speed 6

Agility 4 Defence 2

Intelligence 8 Perception 4

Endurance 7 Stamina 6

[ Cultivation ]

Method ~ Nameless Cultivation Method

Level ~ 2

QI ~ 25/25

[ Awakened Attribute ]

☞ Space & Time Manipulation (SSS)

☞ Universal Art & Design (X)

☞ Unawakened

[ Skills ]


[ Type ~ Fundamental Human Skills ]

☞ Advance Leadership Skills

[ Type ~ Martial Skills ]

☞ Name ~ Serpent Strike Levels ~ 3 (1)

[ Info Scan & Storage ]

No Information Scanned or Stored

[ Storage ]

☞ Empty

[ Wheel of Fortune ]

0 spins available

[ Sub system users ]

☞ 10 / 20 Slots


Glenn saw that nothing much had changed since Zero went into temporarily shutdown. Only his stats and level had been updated on the system.

As for the only offensive skill he had, it was still at level one. Glenn wondered what he had to do to increase the level.

'Zero, how do I increase the level of my skill?' he asked

Unlike Attributes, Skills level could be increased. The rank of an Attribute could not be changed after it had been awakened. There was very little case of the rank of an Attribute increasing and there was no definite way to do it.

However, Skills could be leveled up just like in video games. A skill usually had three to five levels and the method of leveling up was different depending on the skill and skill type.

[Serpent Strike can be leveled up by using it repeatedly. If you train till perfection, your level 1 Serpent Strike will naturally upgrade to level 2 and so on.]

[Serpent Strike Lvl 1 = 15/50]

Glenn took in the new information. He now understood how leveling up worked for skills and subconsciously looked at the others training.

They all were using their attributes but one person stood out. Brian Brian.

Brian had not awakened any attack or battling attribute so he was completely depended on his fist and the Serpent Strike skill.

Glenn noticed that every punch he threw was refined and carried a lot of strength, so much that his opponent, Mike Silvester was having a hard time.

[Serpent Strike Lvl 2 = 20..21..22../100]

Glenn's eyes widened in surprise. Brian had a level 2 Serpent Strike now. The damage Brain was deal was now two times of that he would deal with his own Serpent Strike skill.

If it was a game, Glenn would be able to deal 10 damage with each punch whereas Brain could deal 50 damage with each hit. And Brain's attack speed had increased as well so he can deliver about 10 punches per second.

If Glenn fought him with just the Serpent Strike now, Glenn was sure to lose. All Brian had to do was get close to him and it's over.

Glenn shook his head. He suppress others with his cultivator level yet they suppress him in skill level.

With that though, Glenn decided to cultivate for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, opponents have been switched and the training was still ongoing. Glenn saw Conner approaching him with an unreadable expression on his face.

Conner sat opposite Glenn when he got to him.

"Tired?" Glenn asked glancing back at the others.

"I wanted to give you something" Conner went straight to the point with a rather cold attitude.

This attitude didn't phase Glenn who knew very well that the other boy wasn't like every other teenager. Simply put, he doesn't know how to joke or take a joke. Conner had zero sense of humor and was always very serious.

What made Glenn curious however was when Conner took off the ring he was wearing and dropped it in front of him.

The ring was silver and shine under the sun. It had some carvings on it and looked very expensive.

"This is a storage ring worth over a million. It has a space of 500qm. Inside it are some high level healing pills, two Gold Rank Skill books and Qi gathering pills" Conner said and got up "We're even"

With that, he turned around and began walking away.

Glenn frown. He didn't understand what was going on or why Conner gave him the storage ring and it's content.

"Wait" he said and Conner stopped and turned around to look at him

Glenn picked the ring and got up "Why are you giving me these?" He asked holding the ring in front of him

Conner still didn't show any expression even as he answered

"In exchange for the swords you gave me. I don't own you anything anymore" he replied

Glenn was speechless. He could only stare at the younger boy in shock and disbelieve.

Glenn could help but left out a short disbelieving laugh. "You're giving me these for the swords?" He asked

Conner's sonic expression crumbled a bit and he felt unsure suddenly "Yes" he replied anyway.

Glenn snorted and walked to the boy. He grabbed Conner's hand and placed the ring onto his open palm, looking him straight in the eyes even of his hair was over his eyes.

"If the Twin Moon Curve Swords were so hard for you to accept, you should just give it back than disrespect me by giving me this" he said "I'll overlook it this one time"

With that he walked past Conner

"You didn't give it to me because you wanted something from me?" Conner voice lost it's seriousness as he asked. He was shocked at the turn of events. Hadn't everyone who got close to him try done so for their own advantage?

"I want nothing from you" was Glenn's reply. "If the swords bother you so much, just return them to me"

Conner was stunned and didn't say anything else. All his life, he had only been treated nicely by people who wanted something from his family. He never thought he'd meet someone like Glenn ever.

Today's event, he definitely won't forget it.

[You have been gifted 5 spins of the wheel of fortune]


Main while, in a well lit empty white room, a boy sat on the only stood in the room. His face was blank as he stared at the wall in a daze.

He didn't make any movement at all and it was as if he was unconscious except his eyes were open.

The door opened and a man wearing a mask over his face walked in. He wore simple black shirt and trouser and his brown hair flowed down his shoulder. He held a small brief case in his hand.

The man walked in front of the boy and opened the brief case. He took out the only thing in the case, an injection.

Putting down the brief case, the make tapped the injection twice making the blackish purple content in it move.

Bending down to the boy's height, the man placed the injection needle on his neck and pushed it in, emptying the content into the boy's body.

The man stood back up when he was done and returned the injection to brief case. He raised his hand in front of the boy's face and snapped

The boy's body shakes, startled as he gained consciousness of his body. He looked around fearfully not knowing where he was

His eyes landed on the man and he immediately got up

"Who are you, where am.." before he could complete the questions though, a sharp pain shot through his neck

The boy screamed as the pain in his neck crawled allover his body.

The man didn't have any reaction as he stepped past the screaming boy and left the room just as calmly as he had entered.

Hello friends.

It has been so long since I updated this book. School has been a pain and I have exams next year too, lol.

I'll probably update more after my exams and if not, I'll update more frequently by April since I'll have a 3 months break then.

Love you all, stay happy

chronikles_contentcreators' thoughts