
Age of Adventure

"Kingdoms may fall and fail, but I do not." In the virtual game Brave World, the heroes fought their wars and Kings hold their kingdom. Heroes, warriors, knight roamed the expansive vast land of Brave World. People praised the game to be realistic but is it really a game? As there is a secret in the real world that is hidden from the rest of the world, there is also secret in the virtual world. Enter Daniel. A young bright man who decided to enter the game to help his family and trying to make a living by playing game The story tells of his life, his tribulation, his failure and his triumph. It is in Brave World he began to shine. It is the story of his legend, and how he became known as the greatest strategist in Brave World. PS: I also wrote Age of Heroes, Song of Heroes and Lord Shadow.

Keikokumars · 游戏
397 Chs


Aero knows form the very beginning, as long as he has military power, other power seems to be inferior

It is why he put military power into the hands of the Council which could only ordered by the Chancellor and the Emperor.

And Aero himself manage his reputation and prestige with the common people wisely.

Even though, he holds such power, he is still praised as a loyal couturier. His deeds during King George reign is not easily forgotten.

He had done many deeds and could be said the designer of Vanheim Empire.

In those long nights talk with King George, the pair of teacher and students, of superior and subordinate, of friends, talk about the reunification of the world and laid the bricks that created the current Vanheim Empire

In the court, even the scholar faction consisted of many courtiers and minister could not fight with him as the Chancellor controls even their salary