
After Goodbye

When she first got a job as a secretary for a handsome lawyer at a well-known law firm, Ameena felt that her future would be bright. But that was then. Long ago, before he knew that his boss, Adam, was the most annoying human species on earth. The narcissistic man is a perfectionist in every way. Not only demanding perfection, Adam is also the type of boss who has no morals who does not hesitate to disturb his subordinates' time whenever he needs it. Ameena felt that working with Adam was the same as being a slave to the invaders or selling souls to the devil. Luckily, her salary is big, so Ameena thinks twice every time she wants to hand over the envelope containing the resignation letter. Ameena had to go through five ‘bloody years’. Now that his finances have improved, he doesn't really need money after his younger brother graduated from college. Ameena is determined to leave her annoying boss, Adam, soon. However, when Ameena finally gave up her singles title because a young man made a mistake dating her, Adam messed everything up. A call from Adam causes misunderstanding, Ameena's boyfriend thinks Ameena is just a married woman who is upset and then claims to be single. Ameena was single again in a matter of hours. A sad Ameena also confides in Gabby about her plan to quit her job and her bad luck that her boyfriend dumped her thanks to Adam's impudent behavior. Ameena's best friend actually gave a crazy idea to take revenge on Adam. According to Gabby, it would be a shame if Ameena just left after being made difficult to sleep, unable to eat, and stressed for five years. Gabby suggested that Ameena just cast a spell on Adam. That way Adam will be crazy about Ameena, and Ameena can crush the boss at will. Ameena, who really has a grudge against Adam, also agrees with Gabby's idea. They order a kind of spell on online market place, in the form of a liquid with a spell, it should be mixed into Adam's coffee. Unfortunately, instead of drinking coffee mixed with liquid spell, Alvin, Adam's best friend who is a rich young entrepreneur and also a celebrity drank that coffee. Ameena didn't know that the spell was on the wrong target. Since then Alvin is crazy about Ameena, Adam becomes jealous and feels wary. Especially when Ameena said she would resign after Adam got a replacement secretary. Adam, who was afraid of losing Ameena, started to burn his beard. He did everything he could to keep Alvin away from Ameena. Adam also began to be sweet to Ameena so that his favorite secretary would not resign. Ameena was getting confused, should choose Alvin or Adam. Her heart leaned towards Adam who was surprisingly warm. He thought his boss was kind to him because of the power of the spell. But gradually Ameena found out that her spells were misdirected at Alvin, so it's no wonder that this one guy kept sticking to Ameena. Knowing that Adam's feelings for her were sincere, not because of an incantation, Ameena finally melted. One problem is solved, the last problem is just asking for an antidote for the spell that have already penetrated into Alvin's body.

ry_santi · 现代言情
10 Chs

Part 3

I dreamed of getting a job and money, but in reality I had to spend money to take Grandpa to the motorcycle hospital or regular repair shop. My stomach is rumbling haven't had lunch yet. I sweat profusely since I have not bought a drink.

"Ouch, Grandpa… Why you are so troublesome? Why do you have to brake down? Please have pity on this poor servant." But I slapped my mouth. Words are prayers. If I say poor, later I can be poor forever. Don't let that happen. I tapped Grandpa while continuing to demand him with great affection.

"Grandpa, don't brake down, please. Have pity on your granddaughter who is not yet rich but will soon become this famous lawyer."

Grandpa was silent, unmoved. My calves felt even more swollen pushing Grandpa through the incline. The sweat keeps flowing. Oh my God, I'm so tired being poor.

Mr. Chiu workshop can be seen in the distance. I stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat. Only a few seconds and then continue the journey with the rest of the energy. People glanced at him, there was an elementary school student who was forced to push a motorbike.

"Hey little girl, what are you doing?" asked the kebab seller who traded in front of the elementary school.

"I am taking a bath in a pool full of flowers," I replied. "Don't you see that I push the motorbike!"

"Very fierce. Do you want any help?"

My mom said I shouldn't trust strangers. Maybe he wants to steal my motorbike. Even though Grandpa is old and often brake down, Grandpa is an antique motorcycle. If it is sold, it can sell for one billion dollar.

Even though I almost fainted, I continued to push Grandpa all the way to the workshop. Mr. Chiu who saw me immediately greeted with a glass of mineral water in hand.

"Grandpa broke down again?" asked Mr. Chiu.

I drank mineral water while nodding.

"Come on, let me buy the motorbike for 100 dollars, it can be made for Susi's cage." Mr. Chiu pointed at the turtledove hanging in a bamboo cage in front of the workshop. If Mr. Chiu isn't the owner of the workshop that my dad often owed, who knew Grandpa's ins and outs and most importantly could be in debt every time he repaired, I'd have gagged his mouth with rubbing ashes!

100 dollar? My Grandpa has no pride. More precisely, Mr. Chiu, who doesn't know himself, is haggling over other people's goods.

"Uncle, this is an antique motorbike. The price is 1 billion if bought by the King of England, you must know it."

Mr. Chiu laughed. He himself intervened to treat Grandpa. His employees had given up, they couldn't take it anymore.

I waited for Mr. Chiu to knock, strip, and operate on Grandpa. Customers come endlessly. Mr. Chiu 's workshop is selling well. Mr. Chiu is really great, he opened a workshop for 40 years until he was able to send his children to a private university. Uniquely, every guest who comes is always given a glass of mineral water whether they repair their vehicle or not.

"Uncle, how come the workshop is selling well?" I asked, has the mineral water served been given 'something'? "Did you make any deal with devil?"

"Dealing with Hong Kong devil!" he exclaimed.

"It's really sophisticated to dealing with Hong Kong devil. Did you do when go back to your hometown?"

"No, I mean, I don't have any dealing."

"Realy? But I see your workshop is never empty of customers. Please let me know how."

"Work hard, Ameena. Don't give up even though you get cursed, yelled at, blamed, the shop has no customer. If we persevere, there will definitely be a reward."

I immediately remembered the look of Ahn Hyo-seop with that local wisdom. Adam Mahendra did not insult, but it was enough to undermine faith. He should know that my breath is shallow because of his handsomeness. But instead of being suave, he was intimidating with his cold attitude. I was rejected, kicked out of his office to the point of trauma.

"If for example a customer is rude, what will you do?" Isn't it wrong for me to ask my parents for advice? Usually advice from those with more solid experience.

"Apologize, and give 'something as an apology'."

Something like what is that? I listened solemnly like listening to the imam's sermon after the tarawih prayer.

"For example, discounts or special promotional offers for that customer."

"Oh, bribe?" I asked.

Mr. Chiu laughed. I'm really good at making people laugh with random jokes, should I just be a stand-up comedian?

Brum… Brummm… Bruuuummm…

"Grandpa is already well!" I exclaimed excitedly while stroking the old motor body.

"The spark plug is damaged, it must be replaced. It's worn out."

"Thank you, Uncle. But as usual, owe first. I will definitely pay when I become a famous lawyer," I promised, even though I was pessimistic. For dozens of years I have been a customer, even though I am in debt, Dad and I always pay. So, Mr. Chiu is okay. My money in the pocket is barely enough, I have to bribe Adam to accept me at the CUAN law firm.


The money in my wallet only two hundred dollars. This is my mother's pocket money to buy gas. Only these two sheets, no more left. Duh, having no money is not good. That's why I don't want to have no more money. There is no choice, I must get a job ASAP. One year, I have been unemployed for so long.

That's why I immediately implemented the advice from Mr. Chiu. Maybe yesterday I was quite annoying until Adam kicked me out. I bought brownies which were quite expensive, the main thing is that the price can make me lunch for 10 days. At eight in the morning, accompanied by Grandpa, I arrived at the Graha Nusa Kencana Building.

I'm confused, what do you take Adam to the office? Is it time for a motorbike? Or car huh? But what brand of car? I am confused. Why don't you know my future boss?

Yes, I'll be waiting in the office park. Incidentally there is a pretty shady park near the parking lot. It's different, yes, the offices of the rich, the cars that are parked are mostly luxury cars.

I hugged the brownies I bought yesterday like a baby. If I'm a girl, these brownies are babies, then who's Adam? I imagine that Adam is a guy who make me getting pregnant so I ask for his responsibility.

Hahaha... I'm getting more and more excited. It's okay right? Now hoping, who knows one day it will come true. If it's not Adam's, it's okay for others as long as they are rich.

While engrossed in daydreaming, a bright red car passed by. I glared, opened my eyes, made sure it was the car that had stepped on the puddle yesterday until my skirt was wet. Maybe because of him I failed to get a job.

I stood up, picked up a fairly large rock, ran towards the red Ferrari and stopped him. "Hey, stop!"

It is ten centimeters left, the red Ferrari was about to hit me, but it stopped. I still had time to think, if I hit his car, I might ask him to pay compensation, which is definitely not cheap.

Well, the car door is open. A man comes out. The style is cool like a scene in Korean Drama which introduces the main character. The man was wearing a suit and sunglasses. I saw his face. The moment he took off his sunglasses, the rock I was preparing to throw fell.

"Don't you know that your behavior is dangerous?" Adam asked with a straight face but his eyes were deadly. He glanced at me, then at a rock that had fallen on the asphalt. "Do you want to throw stones at me?"

"Yes dear. I mean I want to throw, but use love. Can you?" I asked in a flirtatious manner.

"Don't be weird. Go home." Adam got back into the car.

It was then that Mr. Chiu's words resonated. I can't give up. Isn't it time to kiss? So I stayed standing in front of the car. Adam is out again.

"Do you want anything else?" he asked. I wonder why her tone is still flat instead of snapping or something.

"Want to give this," I said holding out a brownies.

Adam accepted. I thought it was going to be thrown away though.

"Thank you. Are you satisfied? Now go home," Adam begged.

"No, I want a job. I want to be a lawyer at CUAN Law Firm."

"You can't, you don't meet the qualifications."

"I'm ready to learn," I said persistently.

Adam stood up straight. We stared at each other in an unromantic place, the car park, until I was confused whether to stay standing or pass out.

"I thought you had no strengths, but it turns out I was wrong. You have a tenacity that amazes me. Then I accept you, "said Adam.

Wow, am I misheard?

"Not as a junior associate, but as my private secretary."