

Several Kings fell, and myriad Emperors perished. With several million dead, Humanity almost got wiped out from the face of their home planet, Edoria. To prevent the final calamity, several higher-rankers banded together. Kings unified their kingdoms, Emperors unified their visions for the future. But in the end, the Humanity lost. There was only despair for them. Nehar, The Dark Emperor, whose body was on the verge of collapse after the Final Battle with an Outer Goddess, found another chance to restart overall....through the sacrifice of his remaining friends and comrades. His fate had not been sealed yet. He had another chance to reverse their past failures and forge a new future. After returning to the past, he starts working towards his goal, of becoming Invincible, with his unmatched talent, dedication, and perseverance. Step by step, he finishes his preparation to unite all of his past companions and fight the Ancient Evils and Outer Gods that threaten to destroy their civilization. ------------------ ### Weekly Release => 3-4 Chapters [Max : 5 Chapters] (Avg Word Count = 1500-3000) ## I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. # This is my Third Story (Novel) and as for the previous ones, some of them will be connected to this Novel and for the rest, I will resume the work later.

MonarchOfHell · 奇幻
58 Chs

Chaos In The Heavens (I) : Plots And Informants

In an unknown dark marshland, in the midst of nowhere, Lower Heavens....

"Is that all you have to report?"

"Y-Yes. I think this is all... "

"You think?", a cold voice resounded again.

"It-it's the most compiled data that I've collected about him. I do-don't know if there's anything more than that .... please, believe me..."

The man almost got onto his knees to beg the person standing in front of him.

He knew very well, that if he somehow angered the man in front of him, there'd be no safe place for him in the whole Lower Heavens.

His only option would be to take a refugee in the Middle Heavens or even in the Upper Heavens.

"Stop acting and stand straight", the man replied in a frustrated tone.

"Ye-yes Sir."

The man in the question straightened his back as much as he could and remained there standing while putting a fake polite smile on his face.