
The ball 2

"We are here sir" the driver said and Preston replied and with "mhm" and with a slight nod he gestured that I come out too and I did reluctantly.

He stepped out like a king and adjusted his tuxedo. He was wearing a lilac coloured shirt with a gold necklace which he revealed sexily by leaving to three first buttons of his shirt loose you could see his hard chest it was like a tease and the black tuxedo made him scream perfection ...his ruffled hair was so sexy the pride he emitted suited him .

Many reporters rushed to him till I could only see his head from the other side of the car and that was when I looked around me ....the place looked magnificent like a picturesque of heaven ....the parking lot alone was so wide a whole nation could live there with enough space to move around ....it was surrounded by tall trees and beautiful flowers ..... they were attendants who adviced the drivers on where to park .

Everyone who walked in were so luxuriously dressed and beautiful I started to understand why Preston brought me here dressed like a dog to humiliate me and I started to feel low

"Elizabeth" I looked at him , he managed to chase the reporters and used his hands to gesture that I follow .

" You know you can tell me to come with words of the mouth right don't gesture at me it's disrespectful"

"Disrespectful?" he let out a mocking laugh

" Elizabeth follow now! you'd soon know your place it really take more than a slap to tame you" he sounded irritated and so I followed I couldn't let him get a reason to slap me again Infront of all this people .

"PRESTON!!!! " a lady called out to him and waved and he looked at her and smiled ....she was walking up to him and for some reason I didn't like it, not one bit....she was so beautiful I felt like a goat in her presence she was wearing a lilac coloured gown it was so tight on her body it exposed her cleavages and her curves I wondered how she could breathe in a dress like that .

She walked up to him and gave him a tight hug and he hugged her back " You look nice" he blurted out like a drooling goat I was beyond pissed

"I actually received a compliment from you today wow that's one for the books"

" stop being dramatic Diane"

" You know you hardly give me any compliments you look good as usual and look we wore matching outfits "

" we both know you called my designer to ask what I'd wear " he said with a smirk .....what a rude and narcissistic sociopath

" who's she ?" she asked looking at me

" oh !" he turned at looked at me unamused

"she's no one....shall we " she replied with a nod and the locked hands and made way into the room