
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · 奇幻
11 Chs

chapter 2: May the dead rest

Yeshua Volkov's POV.

"Primo Victoria!"

We sang as we traveled deeper and deeper in the cave system we found ourselves in. We were stuck here due to a temporal anomaly because the overseers wanted to know what really was inside the temporal anomalies. We were an expeditionary force and got stuck outside of consensus reality. We really don't know where the hell are we but we are passing the time by singing along with songs from different other bands from all over earth. We had a USB stick filled with 16gbs worth of songs. Our tech guys had a USB stick laying around and got an idea to sing while we find ourselves a way out of this cave system.

"Captain, lieutenant. We are seeing the light outside the tunnel. We are probably going to either die, see some horrifying shit, or in some desert in the middle of nowhere outside of consensus reality by the prediction of one of the researchers with us."

Said one of our comrades through the radio.

We stood silent as we could see the outside world from the windows, and the holes in the transport trucks. We stepped out for a few seconds to see the world around us and smell the fresh air. After a few seconds we stood speechless as we saw the outside world. It was night time but the sky

was more clearer, and the surrounding was beautiful. I was shocked at how pure the air was.

It was like earth but the air was more cleaner. In the distance we saw some sort of village burning down. We immediately got back to the BTR-80's and transport trucks. We saw what was happening from our H.U.D's inside the helmet. It gives us notices to what's happening around us, and we just saw a lot of things heading our way quickly closing in using the integrated radar inside the helmet. Funnily enough a fact that the researchers found out while waiting of the others taking a piss told us that anything considered to be a power source, and fuel can be self replicating if in contact with the temporal anomalies. Meaning we don't have to worry about fuel or the batteries, or fuel going out. We just had to worry about damages. So one of our men. A flame thrower expert with our detachment came out, and fired off his flame thrower, and burnt some sons of bitches to the ground. More, and more of those things kept coming, and coming. It was like an unrelenting horde of zombies flocking to a person like we saw in a movie in movies nights. We started firing our guns trying our best to stall for the other soldiers with flame throwers to equip said flame throwers.

More gunshots are herd in background as our comrades desperately tries to survive this seemingly unending horde of abominations. Some even succumbing to the horde. We slowed some abominations by hitting the knees and body, while some were either killed by a shot through the head, and some are screaming due to the excessive flames created from the flamethrower. We fired everything we got at the horde after a half an hour fight we eventually wiped the horde out, and burned them into cinders.

"Head check! People go check our casualties, and go heal the injured!"

I said with a demanding tone.

Everyone stepped out of the vehicles. They saw a burning wasteland created by the fires, and cinders of the horde that attacked us. It was like hell on earth.

"We really created a wild fire huh?"

Said the captain.

"Well it's either we die and possibly get sick from one of the infections inside those abominations, or burn them to cinders."

I said to the captain.

He sighed and looked at me with a painful look.

"Sooner or later that wild fire will probably kill us. So put it out lieutenant."

Said the captain as he walked away to one of the transports carrying the injured.

"Well time to put out the fire."

I said as I called in men who were asleep while the attack was happening. Well technically they are allowed to do that. They did basically pack everything we needed. But still it's frowned upon to sleep in the job. Specially in this kind of situation. You just need 6 or 7 hours to sleep at best.

We do have a motto after all. We die in the darkness so you could live in the safety, and blissfully ignorant of the horrors of darkness in the light. Humanity has learned a new threat. A threat to it's existence. The temporal anomalies. These thinks are better to be kept in the dark than let the world know about the true horrors of what reality was. Humans create lies that they themselves made to make themselves feel better. If they even knew about this they would freak out, and probably demoralized about what reality was. More cults would worship these anomalies thinking they were divine revelations, or even a sign that their god is real. The only "real" thing we can agree on is that you death is inevitable even if you worship these things. They don't give mercy nor care about you. They only want to dish out suffering, and damage as they can possibly do. Trust me we already delt with something like that. Multiple cults in Russia kept popping up that worship the temporal anomalies. And it didn't do so well. It cause the deaths of thousands, and caused a nuke to go off due to said worshiping of temporal anomalies.

Well anyway's. We searched for the fire extinguishers in a few of the transport truck after a few minutes we found them. My fifteen men fire fighters/soldiers walked through the fiery inferno we ourselves created.

After an hour we put out the fire. We immediately did a jog, and got back to the transports.


I let the men rest as I walked to the captain as I struggle to keep myself awake.

"Yawn So how many died?"

I asked the captain.

"6 people. Some are still recovering from the sudden attack. About 10 were mildly injured while some suffered scratches, and bruises. They are currently in the transport trucks/Temporary medical ward."

"Thankfully we stocked up on the medicine."

Said the captain.

"So we're do were burry them?"

I asked the captain.

"Well somewhere. I don't know. Maybe this field?"

He said.

"Knowing what to expect e.i the quick decay it will probably be the best to put them in body bags, and put them in holes."

"So can I ask you a favor captain?"

I asked him nicely.

"Well what kind of favor?"

"Can I bring some of the men to scout out the area, and check that burning village in the distance?"

"Sure. Just be careful. We don't want to lose people again. Those soldiers that died today were just new recruit's. They barely know how to combat the threats. I wonder what to say to the families that those men cared, and loved."

He said while watching the men he cared about. He knew that this were his new family, his new home, and a new start. We only had each other now. We must take care of each other for the least casualties to happen, and for our men to survive, and go back to their homes, and their families who are worried sick about them.

Firstly we buried those who died to day and did a little send off ceremony. We first dug the graves and readied rocks to be used as markers for the dead, after that vigil, next we did bury the men, lastly we fired a few rounds to the sky, and immediately ran. We knew that if we stood there there was a chance we may get hit by the bullets that we fired. After all what comes up must come down.

We hurried to the transport vehicles and rested for a few hours while some stayed up to guard our comrades, and our fellow countrymen.

To be continued...