
A Sorcerer's Ambition

Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his on his alright life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so. The sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous, after all.

DarkWolfShiro · 作品衍生
25 Chs

The Politics of Lucius Malfoy

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Holy shit it's hard to go back to a fic after three months.

Chapter 13: The Politics of Lucius Malfoy

"Uncle Lucius." I greet calmly, watching as he smiles back at me. Despite his failures, he is a good politician, he just has the wrong enemy. I can barely read him, a trait he has after decades of practice.

"Heir Grayson? I have to admit, I didn't expect your attendance tonight." Lucius says warmly, well aware of the people listening in to our conversation.

"I'm afraid I can't stay for long, I do have school in the morning, however, but Aunt Narcissa invited me, and I saw no reason to decline. I was hoping to get a small tour of the Malfoy manor, I've heard so much about it after all." I say with a smile, Narcissa's arm still linked with mine as his eyes narrow a fraction.

"Lyra does like to boast, and I'm sure the gala will survive our absence for a short while." Lucius says as he starts making his way towards one of the doors, out of earshot as he subtly casts a privacy ward. It's a rather advanced one as well, not one I know.

"Did you know that now that I am the Heir of the family, mother is allowing me to decide on House Raum-Black's stance on some proposals? As part of my training for my future Lordship, of course." I say casually, watching his eyes narrow for a moment before he smirks.

"And what, may I ask, have you decided about my recent proposal?" Lucius asks, pretence thrown away.

"Well, this was all very last minute, and I don't really have time to research all the little details of it... so I considered leaving it up to my far more experienced mother." I say easily, spotting the slightest hints of worry in his stance. "But Aunt Narcissa offered to help explain it all in... great detail, tonight. At the very least, enough for me to have my houses abstain from involving ourselves." I say, watching him frown thoughtfully as he glances at Narcissa, a silent conversation between them. "We got off on the wrong foot earlier, as funny as it seems now, I was so certain that she was trying to manipulate me, and the less said about my relationship with my cousin, the better... but I was hoping to soothe things over tonight."

"I see... a shame that Lyra was so reckless, but children will be children. It's a tragedy that your mother prevented our families from being closer, Lyra would be far more amiable if you had grown up together, like the cousins you are." Lucius said, thinking. "Narcissa? You've been quiet, what do you think about this?"

"He is right, we got off on the wrong foot... I think it is better for everyone that we soothe any ruffled feathers." Narcissa says making him nod.

"Have you considered taking a greater interest in politics? As the Heir of two major houses, and the alleged smartest Pureblood of your generation, I'm sure a great many people would like to hear your opinions." Lucius asks, making me smile tightly.

"Perhaps, but life is busy for a top student, keeping my position isn't easy, and it is certainly time consuming." I say making him smirk.

"Then perhaps Narcissa's lessons could include a... report on what has transpired in the... honourable Wizengamot, like something of an... assistant? It wouldn't be unusual for a Lord to have a family member attend the less important meetings in their place, and Narcissa is a very observant woman." Lucius offers. "Though I must ask, is it true that you have brought a Muggleborn under the protection of the House Black?" he asks, probing me.

- Lucius -

"It is." Grayson admitted easily making him frown internally. "Juliet is a genius, and while she is the sister of my... rival for the top spot, I realised that Juliet just needed a... guiding hand to help her properly understand the way our world works, to help her see past the misguided mindset most Muggleborns have." Gray continued, causing him to pause. "Muggleborns have their place in Our Society, after all... and Juliet is quickly working out just where it is she belongs. It's a shame Hermione isn't so... adaptable, she could be as happy as her sister if she was." Gray said, the slightest hint of a cruel smirk flickering on his face.

Ahh... that explained a lot and soothed his concerns.

It was an interesting idea as well, to take a Muggleborn under your wing as they first joined the magical society, teaching them their rightful place beneath the Purebloods. It was also an act of cruel revenge on his rival, to 'corrupt' her little sister, breaking their family apart from the inside.


"Hmm, I do believe we have... similar agenda, Nephew. Not identical, but similar." Lucius admitted, giving him a nod as he smiled back. His smirk reminded him of Yennefer, but he forced down his reaction to it.

"It's quite possible we do." Grayson agreed easily.

"Narcissa, why don't you show Grayson around the estate, it's only natural he should know his way around. Do make him feel welcome, dear. I will handle the guests while you are... occupied." Lucius said, giving Gray a nod as Narcissa's smile froze, even as she agreed.

He was a political animal, and anything that benefited the House Malfoy was something he would do happily. If it meant giving his nephew permission to cuckold him in his own manor, so be it.

Grayson would be a political powerhouse in the future, he would have been no matter what with two powerful houses under his control, but with a genius intellect, a marriage with the Greengrass Heiress and the right mindset, he would be a terrifying force within the decade, if not sooner.

His goal couldn't be more simple.

When the House Malfoy lived in France, they were immensely powerful, respected and wealthy... they were Dukes, after all.

And then the revolution came, and unwashed masses executed most of his ancestors, 'confiscating' their wealth for themselves and driving the survivors to England.

They arrived here, destitute and unwanted, looked down on by the English Nobles as cowards and foreigners, and they never came close to reclaiming their power.

That was his goal, to bring the Malfoy's back to their rightful position in the world.

It was why he had spent half his time in Hogwarts trying to pick the right future wife, originally looking at Bellatrix... before he realised she would likely castrate him and force him to eat it for her own amusement if he looked in her direction too long. Considering the rumours of how she treated her 'husband', he dodged a killing curse there.

Rodolphus Lestrange ended up in St Mungo's the day after his wedding, and his contacts found out that he was there due to a rather brutal... appendage removal. After that, the Lestrange's started to drop like flies until only Rodolphus and his brother remained.

Then he set his eyes onto Yennefer, she cut him down so hard her laughter sometimes echoed through his head even now, decades later.

Andromeda was already a muggle lover on the brink of banishment, even then.

So he went for the youngest sister, hoping to find a way to get rid of the others later. Bellatrix and Andromeda took care of themselves, but Yennefer?

During the war, he tricked countless death eaters into attacking her, leading to all their deaths, he sent assassins after the war... and he woke up to the assassins head staring at him from the edge of the bed the next morning.

After that, he backed away quickly, and he was not too prideful to admit he was afraid of Yennefer... and now he had met someone with a way to control her.

He had chosen poorly by joining Voldemort fully, in his youth the Dark Lord's victory seemed certain, and he hoped to use that victory to catapult his family to the top... instead, he barely escaped Azkaban and worse still, his family name was tarnished, Yennefer dedicating her life to worsening their situation thanks to her deep grudge over Geralt Raum's death.

She cared little when people tried to kill her, if anything she found the attempts amusing... she did not find her husband's death amusing, and like the predator she was, she had been toying with him for years, never going for the kill.

If Grayson could truly keep her from destroying him, he would accept the olive branch offered... happily even, no matter the price. He had no doubt Grayson intended to use him, but he intended to use Grayson, it was just politics at its core level.

As much as it hurt his pride, he was dealing from a position of weakness, something he had grown unfortunately accustomed to due to Yennefer Black's efforts.

As such, anything to help even the playing field, he would grab with both hands... even if that something was him giving a much younger man permission to bed his wife.

In truth, neither he nor Narcissa loved each other. There was certainly a certain level of affection and respect between them, but they were both using each other for their own benefit, as they always had been.

Narcissa understood as well, it was for the good of her eternal goal of the position of Lady Black after all, even if it was through the proxy of their daughter.

Right now, Grayson likely had Narcissa on her back in their marriage bed, her legs spread wide as she was forced to give up the privilege of her body to her future lord, letting him mount her, defiling her body and shaming her, their master bedroom would smell of their coupling later... or perhaps she was on her knees before him, degrading herself as she pleasured him with her full pouty lips, staring up into his amused gaze as she bobbed her head.

Despite his smile as he returned to the party, he felt himself slowly hardening beneath his robes.

What expression was his wife making? Shame, as her noblewoman's pride was shattered, her nephew and lord using her like a cheap harlot? Or perhaps Anger, glaring at Grayson as he made use of her holes, shuddering in disgust as his hands roamed her body, unable to stop him as he rutted into her...

Would he even pull out? Would he even stain her womb with his seed? Why would he bother pulling out? He owned her for tonight, and for any other night he desired, if he wished to flood her most precious place with his cum, she couldn't stop him... it was practically his right.

Even worse... would Narcissa's shame turn to dubious pleasure as her young, vigorous blackmailer proved the benefits of youth? If he listened at the doors, would he hears gasps and moans as she was gently guided to her climax, her own body moving in time with his...

When he finally finished, his softening shaft slipping out of Cissy's soiled holes, would it be relief that filled her... or regret? Disappointment as he left her laying on the sheets stained with sweat and arousal, longing for more as she shamefully, yet eagerly, awaited the next time he demanded her body...

Excusing himself, he walked out of the ballroom quickly, he couldn't afford to be gone for long, so slipping into the kitchen he parted his robes, grasping his painfully hard shaft as he started to stroke, his mind imagining the shamed arousal on his wives face as Grayson thrust into her.

With a groan, he felt his seed leak from him, staining his hands and the floor of the kitchen.

Vanishing the cum quickly, he fixed his robes and caught his breath, heading back to the party quickly.

- Narcissa -

Knowing she had her husbands tacit permission to do this didn't make it any easier, and as she led her nephew, the favourite child of the sister she couldn't stand, into a guest bedroom, she took a deep breath.

As the door closed, it came as no surprise when Gray moved behind her quickly, his arms wrapping around her waist, forcing her to stop moving as he pressed himself against her back.

"Do you remember what I ordered before you left after our lesson, Auntie?" Gray asked, his covered crotch pressing against her backside.

"You told me not to wear any undergarments..." Narcissa said calmly, even as one of his hands came up to her breasts, groping her right breast over the silky dress she had on.

"That I did... and now I need to make sure you listened." Gray said in amusement as he let her go, walking around her moving towards the bed as he shrugged his own robes off, taking a seat on the bed wearing just a pair of plain black trousers, having not bothered putting a top on beneath his robe. "Remove your dress, Auntie and do it slowly."

"Very well, Nephew." Narcissa agreed after a moment, reaching back and undoing her dress enough to slip it off her shoulders, slowly pulling it down to reveal inch after inch of tantalising pale flesh, until it finally passed her chest, her breasts bouncing free from their confines much to Gray's approval as his eyes lingered on the still perky orbs. "Do you enjoy degrading your own aunt? Reducing me to an object for your pleasure?" Narcissa asked in a sardonic tone as she let her dress fall to her waist, pausing as he smirked.

"I enjoy karma, you thought I was so naïve you could trick me and use me for your political gain... instead you were proven the fool, and now you are being used for my personal pleasure. So yes, I enjoy your own plans backfiring and giving me the power to debase you as much as I like." Gray agreed as she hid her scowl at his derisive tone, the smirk on his face almost identical to his mothers when she held the advantage over someone, the same violet eyes mocking her.

Turning around after a moment, she stuck her plump rear out towards him as she hooked her thumbs into her dress, pulling it further down with a light frown back at him as she revealed her buttocks and slit to his gaze, a growing sensation of shame filling her.

"Ahh, you can follow orders..." Gray chuckled as he undid his belt, tossing it aside. "Come here, I want you on your knees in front of me." he ordered with a smile.

Biting back her reply, she moved slowly as she approached the smiling teenager, falling to her knees between his spread legs as she stared up at him.

In truth, if he didn't have the eyes so similar to those of Yennefer, she would not be so angered at the idea, but as she submissively knelt before him, it felt like another defeat at the hands of her elder sister.

"Well? Do you think I wanted you down there because I like the view?" Gray asked as she sighed, her hands coming to his trousers, undoing the buttons deftly.

As she finished undoing his trousers, she quickly realised she wasn't the only one going without underwear today as his surprisingly large member sprung free, slapping against her face as she gasped slightly, much to his amusement.

"Get to work, Lady Malfoy." Gray said with a smirk as he lifted himself slightly, helping her move his trousers down to his ankles, even as she gently grasped the cock with her dainty fingers.

Stroking the shaft, she used her other hand to fondle his testes as she thought about how to go about this.

- Grayson -

Insulting Aunt Narcissa so much has a purpose, and as she finally leans forwards and parts her pouty lips, taking the tip of my shaft into her mouth, I smile to myself.

Narcissa isn't going to ever like me, her viewpoint is tainted by her hatred for my mother far too much for that, and now that her attempts to manipulate me have failed she probably won't even pretend.

Watching her with a smirk, I see her eyes narrow even as she starts to bob her head, dragging her soft lips along my length as her tongue swirls around my cock-head.

"It's nice to finally have met Uncle Lucius, and to know what kind of man he is. I have to admit, I respect the cold pragmatism that allows him to whore out his wife to the son of his biggest enemy." I say casually, seeing the anger in her eyes intensify. "Oh, don't waste both our time getting angry... you're on your knees sucking a dick for his gain while he distracts people from noticing your absence, what are you if not a high-priced whore?" I ask rhetorically, chuckling slightly as her teeth graze against my shaft warningly.

As a demon, my skin is far tougher than normal, and the hint of pain just makes the warm embrace of her mouth all the more enjoyable as she glares up at me.

Lucius is either going to be a useful ally or a major enemy, and I can't say for sure which, so putting a wedge between Narcissa and Lucius by making Narcissa bitter over being whored out should help out in the long run...

If it fails, then I was just mocking her because I'm a spiteful teenager.

Placing a hand on her head, I run my fingers through her black hair, chuckling at the blonde streaks in it. Narcissa is surprisingly vain, I know for a fact that she has black hair naturally, just like Yennefer, Andromeda and Bellatrix... and frankly, I have no idea why she dyes parts of her hair platinum blonde.

Perhaps it is to show she is just as much a Malfoy as she is a Black? Maybe she just thinks it looks good, I don't know, and I don't particularly care to be honest.

It's hard to care about something as trivial as her hair colour when she is on her knees, sucking my dick with a surprising amount of talent. She isn't new to this position.

"Someone is experienced, I wonder how many deals you've helped Uncle Lucius close under the table with these skills, or on the table as the case may be." I drawl, enjoying the hint of shame I pick up with my passive Legilimency, her mental shields are as good as I would expect from a daughter of the Black family, but I have my ways even if her memories are hidden to me.

It's always easier to pick up surface thoughts and emotions than it is to delve deeper, especially when the target is unsettled.

As she speeds up her bobbing, the sounds of sucking and gagging filling the room as she tries to finish this faster, a whisper in the back of my mind points out that Yennefer is better at this...

I don't want to consider my mother's sexual history any more than I want to think about the fact that my father seems to have planted his dick in every woman above a certain age.

Groaning despite my attempts to stay quiet, I see a hint of triumph in her eyes as she stares up at me, Yen might be better, but that doesn't change the fact that having my bitchy conniving aunt on her knees pleasuring me is a very gratifying experience, it feels right for the woman who thought she could use me to be kneeling before me, putting her manipulative mouth to better use.

Gripping her hair, I pull her head away from my shaft as my climax approaches, grasping my cock with my other hand, finishing myself off with long swift strokes.

She planning on swallowing, and that is exactly why I decide to paint her face and breasts with my thick seed, taking a breath as it drips from her scowling face.

"That look suits you, Auntie." I say with a smirk as I look at her cum-stained face.

"I'm so glad you are proud of yourself, Nephew." Narcissa bit out as she rose, reaching for her wand, still in a special slot in her dress.

"Don't bother getting cleaned up, we aren't done just yet." I order as I rise from the bed, my shaft still standing proud as her eyes widened slightly. Grabbing her arm, I put my demonic strength to use and toss her back onto the bed, stepping out of my trousers and climbing onto the bed.

In truth, I don't care that Narcissa tried to play me for a fool, but I want her, and by extension the Lodge members she serves, to think that I do. Exposing a weakness that doesn't actually exist could give me an edge somewhere down the line.

Degrading Narcissa is a part of my plans, but I can't deny... it's incredibly fun.

- Narcissa -

As Gray gripped her again, he flipped her over onto her front, her face and breasts pushed against the sheets, staining them with the cum he splattered all over her, taking a moment to grab her hips and lift them, forcing her onto her knees, her back arched and her ass on display for him.

As he spanked her lightly, she made a note of how easily he had lifted her despite his young age and small stature. Philippa asked her to keep an eye out for signs of demonic power after all, and Grayson was far stronger than he looked.

She wasn't sure Philippa would be interested to know that Grayson could last longer in bed than she expected, but she'd probably report that as well.

Pulling her arms behind her back, she had a moment of warning before she heard the whispered Incarcerous, a thick rope appearing and wrapping around her arms, binding her arms behind her back.

"Is that really necessary?" Narcissa asked, disdain in her tone even as Gray spanked her ass again, her buttocks jiggling as he did.

"Was trying to fool me into accidentally supporting your husband's politics really necessary?" Gray retorted simply as he moved behind her, lining himself up with her cunt, watching it slowly grow wet despite her anger.

Pressing the tip against her pussy, Gray paused for a moment as he slowly rubbed it along her slit, spreading her lower lips as she stared back at him. Sex was nothing new to her, nor was the concept of trading sexual favours for the benefit of her family... but if there was one thing she didn't allow it was for her to be left utterly helpless...

Helplessness was a feeling she despised, and with her wand with her dress and her arms bound, it was a feeling she couldn't escape as Gray prepared to penetrate her.

"When we return to the party... you are going to have to play the noble hostess with my cum leaking out of your stretched and used pussy." Gray said with a laugh as he gripped her hair once more, forcing her head into the sheets face down. "You might be able to fool everyone else, but your husband will know that you spend the past couple of hours getting fucked like the whore he made you." Gray taunted as he finally thrust forwards, an unwanted moan escaping her as she clenched her fists.

She was just glad the sheets contained her moans somewhat as he started to move, pounding into her with powerful, almost savage thrusts, one hand gripping her hair as the other held her hips in place.

"Damn you're tight- either Uncle Lucius has a less than impressive wand or he doesn't use you like he should enough." Gray grunted as he slammed his dick into her, their hips slapping together.

She'd never admit that it was both, Lucius wasn't small exactly, but Gray put him to shame despite his youth... and he was also not particularly interested in the pleasures of the flesh.

As Gray fucked her, harder than she had ever been fucked before, in the back of her mind she conceded that she might have underestimated the sexual talents of a demon like Gray.

At least her report to Philippa would be an interesting one~

- Gray – Next Day -

Waking up, my body groans in complaint even as I force myself to sit up.

It turns out, rituals are pretty taxing when they affect your body.

Keira is passed out at home, I paid her a visit after the party, but she was completely out of it, and she just did the ritual and went to sleep, I did the ritual, spent some time mingling with my fellow nobles, pounded my aunt into a sex coma, mingled some more, then got back to Hogwarts at like 4am.

Fortunately, we have a personal floo network in the suite, a heavily monitored one naturally, but a floo network all the same.

Every part of my body wants me to just have a lie in, it's a Sunday after all, and all my homework is finished for the week... but time spent sleeping is time wasted, and I force myself out of bed with a groan, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Why are you naked? Do you always sleep naked? Does Daphne know you sleep naked?" the voice of evil says immediately as my eyes shoot open, making eye contact with Astoria as she sits cross-legged on the end of my bed, staring at me with an amused look on her face.

Please no, not this early.

"You must have been really tired because you left your wards down, also your pet doesn't like me." Astoria says casually as she holds up a finger, a tiny bite mark apparent as I sense triumph from Tyche, the tiny Moke glaring at Astoria.

I'll give her a treat later for her hard work.

"Astoria, please go away." I say with a sigh as I give up any attempt to cover myself. It's not my responsibility to shield her innocent eyes after she broke into my room.

"Is it because you're naked?" Astoria asked quickly as I stare her down, forcing down my amusement at her childish pyjamas, a regular long-sleeved top and pair of bottoms in Slytherin green with silver snakes stitched into it, the snakes moving around thanks to some enchantment.

"Yes, it's because I'm naked." I say with a sigh, too tired to deal with Astoria's brand of insanity right now.

"Hmm, okay~ I understand." Astoria says cheerfully as I open one of my closets, thankful for even such a small mercy.

That thankfulness vanishes the moment I hear something light hit the floor.

Please no.

"Astoria, put your pyjama top back on and leave my room. Now." I order without turning around as I hear her giggle.

"But if we are both naked it isn't awkward, right?" Astoria asks as something else hits the floor.

Daphne dislikes me enough without Astoria helping to make misunderstandings.

"Astoria, if I turn around and you are still here, I'm cursing you." I warn simply as I Accio my wand across the room.

"Hmm, well I could leave... but Daphne is outside your room waiting to talk to you when you wake up, she's been waiting to ambush you for like an hour? So, you sure you want me to go out... right now?" Astoria asks as I finally turn around, staring at the tiny naked girl standing in the middle of my room with the evilest smile I've ever seen.

And I party with Lucifer.

Clasping her hands behind her back, Astoria looks up at me innocently, pushing her small budding breasts out towards me as she smiles.

"Daphne isn't that patient, I wonder how long she'll wait until she tries to wake you herself..." Astoria says, her voice sing-song.

"Why are you the way that you are?" I ask after a moment, staring down the manifestation of pure evil with a scowl.

I have to admit, the demon in me approves of Astoria's cunning plan. The tired student in me wants to blast her into a wall.

"Fine, you have my attention."

"Yup, I can see that." Astoria counters with a shrug as she glances down at my erect shaft.

"Start talking or I'm just gonna stun you and throw you in my closet."

- Bonus Scene – The Cult Begins -

Samantha paused as she waited for the classroom to empty, waving away her 'friends'. When you have a demonic gift to influence the minds of people high school becomes a lot more simple, and it took her a few days to integrate herself in with the popular girls, quickly becoming their 'leader'.

She had tested her powers carefully and quickly realised that it had limits.

For instance, she could easily get a rich businessman to hand over twenty bucks if she claimed she needed it for a taxi or that she'd forgotten her lunch money... but a homeless man wouldn't give up a dollar no matter how she worded it.

For the businessman, he got to feel good about himself for what was essentially small change, but the homeless man needed every cent he could get.

She could get a teacher to let her get away without doing homework, but she couldn't get the same teacher to give her the answers to an upcoming quiz.

She tried not to think about what that meant for her mother being so willing to ignore her actions.

It also helped if she had a pre-existing relationship with her target, someone who knew and liked her would do more than a stranger.

She found it best to convince people to do small things for her, lend her a pencil, carry her books, and then slowly build her way up until they were more used to following her orders.

It was how she ended up in charge of her little group of friends, she just got them all to do small things for her until they sought to do her things without even being asked.

It was easier with some of them, already used to doing what the old leader asked, but it was a pain to train Amber, the old leader, as she was so used to giving the orders.

As the classroom finally cleared, she smiled to herself as she headed towards the teacher's desk with a smile.

It was her duty to gather followers for her lord and master, and she needed to have results by Halloween if she wanted to keep Lord Raum's favour.

Picking the first person to try and recruit hadn't been easy, she had considered using her new friends first, but what good were a bunch of students to someone like Lord Raum?

Some of them had moderately important families, but for the most part, they were nothing special... she had slowly pushed them towards the occult with 'play rituals' and Ouija boards, but they still thought it was all fun and games, they weren't ready to see the truth yet.

She needed someone who either already believed... or was desperate enough to try anything.

"Miss Page? Is there anything I can do for you?" her teacher, Mrs Harper, asked, a small smile hiding her growing depression.

"Hmm, nope. This isn't about me." Sam said calmly as she stared at Naomi Harper.

She looked surprisingly young for a teacher, a pair of sad, dark brown eyes staring back from the pale woman, her Asian heritage obvious from a glance.

"Then what is is about? I have other classes to prepare for." Naomi said, her smile fading quickly.

The funny thing she had found was how easy it was to get people to gossip with her power, and getting a middle-aged single balding teacher to talk to the cute high school girl who was hanging off his every word was childs play.

Even when it was his own coworkers he was talking about. Lonely idiots were a wonderful source of information.

"I know about your son." Sam said calmly, watching Naomi's eyes widen in shock, quickly changing into anger. "And I know how modern medicine failed him, despite how much they charged you. What this is about is an opportunity to help him."

"Miss Page, I suggest you leave now before I lose my temper." Naomi practically growled out at her, standing from her seat. "I don't have the time, and I certainly don't have the patience for whatever this is.

"I know a way you could save him, are you really going to through away an opportunity like that by being stubborn or quick to judge?" Sam asked, still utterly calm even as Naomi approached her, looking down at her slightly.

"There is nothing anyone can do for him, something you would know if you were as well informed as you think you are." Naomi snarled, her voice catching as she spoke.

"There is nothing the hospitals can do for him, but that doesn't mean there is nothing that can be done." Samantha said with utmost confidence, not breaking eye contact as she spoke.

"You are insane, and I won't stand here and listen to your babbling." Naomi said after a moment.

"I can prove I'm right... all it will take is a single evening, if I'm wrong you can throw me in detention until the end of days, you can even have me suspended or expelled. Are you really so determined to throw away a chance for your son to live just because I might be wrong?" Samantha said calmly, cutting her off as she went to reply. "You have my address on file? Come to my home at ten pm on Sunday, and I can prove I am right. A single wasted night is all you have to lose."

Seeing the indecision in Naomi's eyes, she smiled and gave a small curtsey.

"I hope to see you there, Miss Harper... and if you do decide to come, dress to impress. My patron is a powerful person, and you want him to like you."

- Naomi -

Staring at the large manor house, she sighed to herself as she promised once again that if this was a big a waste of her time as she expected, Samantha wouldn't have a single day free of detention until she graduated.

Samantha Page had always been a strange girl, a very smart girl but also a loner... until about a week ago when she suddenly joined a clique of the most popular girls in the school, and then practically took it over.

Knocking on the door, she berated herself for the seventh time in the last hour for actually going through with this.

She hadn't been able to get Samantha's words out of her head... and wasting a single night to prove that she was just talking nonsense would be worth it.

"I knew you'd come." Samantha said the moment she opened the door, a smug smile on her face.

When she said dress to impress, Naomi realised she might have gotten the wrong idea.

While she had gone with a smart pair of black trousers and a white shirt, Samantha herself had gone for a black and red dress, a black corset tied tightly as she stood there looking like some Gothic Disney princess.

"I'm here to prove you wrong so I can discipline you for wasting my time and digging into my private life." Naomi said bluntly, making Samantha giggle airily.

"It doesn't really matter why you came here, only that you did." Samantha said calmly, smiling at her. "Please, follow me." she said, turning and heading into the grand manor.

The furniture of a single room of this manor probably cost more than her house, car, and her yearly salary combined.

"Is your patron here already?" Naomi asked, her mind at work.

That was the second reason she had come here, if one of her students was being manipulated by someone, she had a duty to put a stop to it. It was why she had a taser in her handbag.

"He is, I... called for him earlier." Samantha said, her long trained bullshit sensors pinging.

"You weren't worried about wasting his time if I didn't arrive?" Naomi probed as she was lead through the manor.

"Not really, I was sure you'd show up, and even if you didn't, I could make this worth the trip anyway." Samantha said with a slight blush as Naomi's eyes narrowed.

Looking at the small girl she was following more closely, she frowned as she realised something. Samantha was walking strangely... limping really.

Clutching her handbag closer, she let out a deep breath. More red flags.

As they reached a door, Samantha stopped turning back with a smile.

"Remember, you are here because you need his help, not the other way around... so don't do anything reckless." Samantha said calmly as she opened the door and walked in.

Taking a single step through the door, the warning suddenly made a lot more sense as she stared at the... being sitting in the throne-like chair against the wall of what must be Samantha's bedroom,

A large part of her wanted to claim that the blackened horns on the tall, shirtless man's head were fake, that the strange scales going up to his elbow were some kind of accessory...

But as he made a casual gesture and the door behind her slammed shut, she could only stare in shock.

The only thing he was wearing was a black pair of dark trousers, leather of some kind and incredibly form-fitting as he stared at her with a look of casual disinterest in his swirling violet eyes, his chiselled chest and muscular arms exposed.

"No, your taser won't do anything to me." he said simply, his deep velvety voice filling the room as he smirked slightly, exposing his fanged teeth. "In fact..." he trailed off as he lifted his hand, her handbag flying from her grip towards him as her heart froze.

Watching him take her taser out and simply crush it, tossing the mangled plastic off to the side before he threw her handbag back over to her, clattering to the ground a few feet in front of her.

"Wh- What are you?" Naomi asked, her voice cracking from fear even as Samantha practically skipped forwards towards the being, kneeling by his feet and lounging against his legs.

"A demon, obviously." he drawled, placing a hand on Samantha's head and stroking his clawed hand through her hair as she practically melted into his touch. "The Demon Lord Raum, to be exact... really, one living in Salem of all places should be more aware of the hidden side of the world." he scolded, a look of amusement on his face as he stared at her.

"What do you want from us?" Naomi asked quickly, glancing back at the closed door behind her.

"What do I want? Are you expecting me to say your souls? I already have Samantha, she is mine, and nothing will change that." Raum said simply, looking down at the slip of a girl who smiled shyly back at him. "But what do I want from you? Nothing. You are no one special, just a regular human in a world full of billions just like you, the question of the day is what do you want from me and what you are willing to give me for it." Raum said calmly.

Staring at him, it suddenly hit her. Samantha had been telling the truth, and with that simple realisation her mind went wild, a mixture of fear, hope, dread and joy flooding her body all at once.

"I already know what you want, of course, even if Sam hadn't told me of your son's condition, your mind is an open book. Your son lies in a hospital bed a mere few miles from here, wasting away from a mere mortal disease, and Sam has invited you here to bargain for my aid in curing him." Raum said, his tone almost bored.

"You- You can do it? The doctors-"

"Are mere humans, Samantha, the vial." Raum ordered as Samantha got up, moving over to a set of drawers, pulling out a small glass vial, a strange pink liquid resting inside it. "The solution to your problems, have him drink this, and he will recover within a couple of weeks... now all that remains is agreeing on what you will give for it."

What was that saying again? Never make a deal with the devil...

"What... will it cost me?" Naomi asked quietly, staring at the demon as he offered a way for her son to live long enough to hit double digits.

"The advantage of being able to read minds is knowing exactly how much someone will give for my aid. All this will cost you is... your life." Raum said with a slow drawl as she flinched away. "Your life for your sons, a worthwhile trade, wouldn't you agree?"

As much as she wanted to scream that it wasn't... she knew there was no point. Of course it was a worthy trade, one any mother would accept. Her parents could take her son in when she was gone, her husband was long since gone, taken by the same disease that threatened her son, she doubted she would be joining him wherever he was, but he would understand.

"Will it be quick? Can I see my son first?" she asked after a moment, watching as he chuckled slightly.

"Perhaps you misunderstood, your life will be mine... to do with as I please. Killing you would get me nothing. You will dedicate your life to serving and worshipping me in exchange for your son's cure, serving me in whatever capacity I deem suitable." Raum said simply, clearly already knowing her answer. "I have no desire to take you away from your son, you will get to watch him grow up healthy and happy, but in exchange you will give yourself to me completely as payment." Raum offered with the same almost bored smile he had this entire time.

"You already know my answer." Naomi said after a moment, defeat tinting her tone as he chuckled.

"Of course I do... I knew your answer before you ever arrived. Samantha." Raum prompted, watching as the lithe blonde girl put the vial down on the bedside table, pulling out a piece of blackened parchment.

"Don't worry, Mrs Harper... you won't regret this." Sam promised as she offered a quill and the black paper, the terms laid out plainly as she read them through.

Taking the quill, she took a deep breath... and signed herself into a life of slavery.

- Grayson -

Having a healer as talented as Poppy Pompfrey in my pocket made this easy to deal with.

I just asked her if there was a magical method to curing late-stage Leukaemia when Samantha told me of who she had picked, it isn't a disease I had ever heard of, wizards don't get it after all. Fortunately, there have been more than a few muggleborn healers who have sought a magical cure for mundane problems, so she was able to brew up a potion for it easily enough.

Having a pocket healer truly was an inspired idea.

Because I don't know the first thing about healing myself.

I don't need to worry about the American magicals realising, there are thousands of hospitals with countless patients, and people make miraculous recoveries all the time. A single child with no magical connection won't even raise an eyebrow.

It's nice that ministries tend to be incompetent no matter where you look.

"That's it~ Please our lord and master." Sam cooed as I look down with a smile, staring into the reluctant eyes of Naomi, Sam's hand on the back of her head as she guides her to take my fat demonic dick deeper into her throat.

There are some advantages to having a cult.

Authors Note: I really didn't intend for this story to go without an update for so long, my bad. 

To clear something up, I am not (and will never) go back to posting every five days. That was exhausting and it pushed me into a deep depression just trying to keep my head above the water, I gave up every hobby I had and spent all my time either working or writing to try and keep that schedule and it never felt like it was good enough.

It's a minor miracle that I didn't quit writing completely, I probably would have if not for some people on the discord to be honest. 

Discord Link: discord .gg/k3jTZB9

Patreon Lin: Pat reon .com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts