
A Random Mushoku Tensei Fanfiction

{This is my 1st fanfiction if my grammar, spelling, or plot is bad please leave a comment on what you think is bad or what you think I should change, I will try to improve. I'm also just writing this for fun so please no hate comments.} note: I will post chapters Whenever i feel like it so there is no schedule. [synopsis] A high schooler named Hatake Tadaki, a normal otaku got died after multiple events of bad luck. he was given a chance to reincarnate in a world of his choosing with wishes for entertaining "it". Watch as he journeys in another world.

Thelostgamer · 漫画同人
18 Chs

Chapter 17: Rudeus and Heinz's 10th birthday

Ghislaine immediately grabbed her sword's hilt.

"Chill, I'm just talking to Rudeus." Heinz said.

Ghislaine let's go of her sword.

"Nii-san, Don't scare others like that." Rudeus said to Heinz.


"You know what, I'm making figurines nowadays." Rudeus quickly changed the topic.

As Rudeus says that, he takes a 1/10 Ghyslaine figurine out.

The outlines of the muscles can be said to be on a professional level.

"Hoh. Is this me? You did it quite well, compared to the figurine you made of Eris ojou-sama... Eh, where's the tail?"

"I don't have enough knowledge on that area, and I always based it on my imagination to make it. This time this one came out well so I'm particular about it to make it life-like."

Ghyslaine seems to fall into deep thought as her tail wags.

"Can I look at it? The tail and the area where it's connected."

"That's easy."

Ghislaine stands up.

"Wow... I became a side character this quick?" Rudeus and Ghislaine did not mind him.

After Rudeus observes Ghislaines tail, It was dinner time.

"Its time that we eat." Ghislaine said.

"It's a little early but ok." Heinz heads toward the dining room.

Rudeus walked next to Heinz.

When Rudeus and Heinz entered the room, everyone started clapping. Even Ghislaine who was behind them.

"Ehh?!" Rudeus acted flustered.

"..." Heinz stayed silent.

"Rudeus! Congratulations on your birthday!"

Eris carries 2 large bouquets of flowers and says to Heinz and Rudeus. She's wearing a fiery red dress.

They receive it with the acting of being flustered.

'Hehe, I'll act with Rudeus.' Heinz thought.

"Ah, is that it. I'm, 10 years old, today..." Rudeus recalled.

"Oh... We're 10 years old today..." Heinz followed up.

After Heinz and Rudeus said that, Rudeus face darkens.

Rudeus brings his sleeve up to cover his eyes, and use water magic at the same time to create tears to overflow from them. Not long after, Rudeus' nose is stuffed.

Heinz acted like he was holding back his tears with a a tear made of water magic dripped down his face.

"S, sorry. I, I'm... like this...… for the first time...… I come here... always thinking I can't fail...… and I'm unpopular...… If I fail, I'll disgrace my father and mother... I, I never thought... I'll be cong...ratulated." Rudeus says.

Heinz nodded at what Rudeus said while pretending to be struggling in holding back his tears.

Rudeus decided to keep on the act as he places his head on Heinz's chest. Heinz placed his hand on Rudeus' head as he stands tall with some fake tears flowing down his cheeks.

Heinz looked like a struggling older brother, doing his best to take care of his only younger brother. When the others saw this, a strong sense of pity on them and hatred to the ones who made them like this.

'I'm getting pretty tired of this acting...' Heinz thought.

Sauros roared "T, to battle! We're going into battle with Notus! We will kill Philemon and install Rudeus and Heinz as the family's heads! Philip! Alphon~~se! Ghys~~laine! Follow me now!! Gather all the troops!"

"F, father, restrain! Please restrain yourself!"

"Philip, are you trying to block me! Just look at it yourself! Compared to that sheetty idiot, don't you think Rudeus is more suitable?"

"I think that too, but please calm down! Today is supposed to be a joyous day! Having a war is also bad, we will be enemies with Eurus and Zephyrus!"

"You fool! I'll win this on my own! Move away, move away!!!!!"

With that Sauros drags Philip out of the scene.

Everyone's dumbfounded.

"A, ahem."

Eris coughs.

"L, leaving Ojii-san things aside... Today is specially prepared for Rudeus and Heinz!"

"Is... Otou-sama here...?" Heinz asked.

"P, Paul... san, is, he said, the monsters in the forest have started becoming active recently so he couldn't come, b, but he said if it's Rudeus and Heinz, even if he's not here it will be fine...… Zenith-san also said that the children have a sudden fever and she couldn't come..."

Eris replies, perplexed.

Heinz looked even more miserable. At this point, Hilda runs toward Rudeus and Heinz and she hugs them tightly.

Heinz shed some real tears because the affection and love given to him... He suddenly remembered his parents and friends.


"Hatake, We'll join you if you ever get reincarnated! So don't die to Truck-kun without us!" one of his past friends said.

"Yeah! Don't think you can leave without us coming with you!"


"Ta-ke, Remember, Mom and dad is always with you." His mom said with a smile.

{end of flashback}

"Don't worry Rudeus, Heinz, you can be at peace. You're my sons too!" Hilda said.

"No one will object to it! Adopted children..… No, They will marry Eris! That's it! A great idea! Let's do that!"

"O, Okaa-sama!?"

Hilda suddenly lost her cool.

Eris is also shocked.

"Eris! Are you unsatisfied with our home's Rudeus and Heinz?!"

"Rudeus and Heinz are only 10!"

"It has nothing to do with age! Stop finding excuses and polish up on being a proper girl!"

"I'm doing that!"

"Alright, we will talk about this later!" Philip said.

"Kyaa! Dear! What are you doing! If I don't save the poor children!"

Philip who just came back, controls Hilda and exits the place with grace.

Even under a chaotic scene his heart is serene, calmly observing the situation.

Eris brings out her arms, puffs up her chest and raises her head, her chin protruding out a little.

"Hmph hmph! Alphonse, bring those!"

Eris snaps her finger, making a crisp noise.

Alphonse took out a wand and a sword.

The wand is made from a rough and bony wood, with the tip of it adorned with a large Magical stone that appears to be quite expensive.

The sword is made from high-quality ore. It had a unique and flashy design. It was very sharp. The sword had a color of a dark sky.

"The wand's name is called <<The Arrogant Water Dragon King>> and the sword's name is <<The nightfall>>"

"Take it! These are the gifts of the Greyrat family! I requested with Otou-sama and Ojii-sama to get this! Rudeus is actually an amazing Magician, if you don't carry a wand it will be too weird! And Heinz Is an amazing swordsman! He can't display his full power with just a regular sword!"

"Thank you very much, Eris, Alphonse-san. I appreciate it very much." Heinz said

"Yeah, Thank you very much! Eris and Alphonse-san!" Rudeus said after Heinz.

"Stop it, let's continue with the party! It's a waste if the dishes are cold!" Eris said.

Eris talked very quickly and Rudeus kept responding "Mhm".

Eris eventually got tired and she fell asleep at the table. Ghislaine carried her to her room.

Philip drunk the wine at the table.

"I lost during the family battles."

Philip quietly says.

"Do you know why Eris doesn't have siblings? Have you noticed it before?"

Rudeus and Heinz nods solemnly.

"The truth is there are. Eris has an older and younger brother, and the younger one is as old as you are now."

"... Are they dead?" asked Rudeus

Philip looks at Rudeus, startled.

"Not long after they were born, they were taken away by my brother who's living in the capital."

"Taken away? Why did this happen?" Rudeus asked

"The superficial excuse is to let him become an adopted son and go to the capital to study, but in truth... it's just a continuation of tradition."

And Philip begins to describe the Boreas's family tradition. Boreas's family tradition is a continuous battle to inherit the head title, as well as the other traditions.

After that, Rudeus asked "Taking all the male children away, isn't that too barbaric?"

"That's fine, I don't really care, it's tradition anyway."

All the males born in the Boreas Greyrat family are raised to be the next head.

This is to ensure that the people who failed in the competition will not have their sons participate again.

Helping the sons attain the authority is a common thing, and this is to prevent such a problem.

Gordon has their own rules in the Eurus family, but Philip must obey the tradition and hand over the males to James.

Before the children have the ability to understand things, they will recognize James as their father.

"If I had won, the situation would be reversed."

"She hates you and Heinz. She said, her own son isn't here, so why is there another kids walking around in this mansion."

"Plus, the Eris who's left behind is the exact opposite of a lady and is a hag. I thought it couldn't be helped."

"It couldn't be helped, refers to?"

"Using her to overthrow James will be difficult."

"But, recently, looking at you and Heinz, I think there might be some hope. Even though Heinz looks a little bored."

Heinz was just bored of the conversation. He decided that it would be time to leave because he already knows what will happen.

"Heinz, Wait." Philip said.

"I'm listening."

"would you and Rudeus want to marry Eris? Don't worry though, Polygamy is legal here." Philip asked.

"I'm not marrying her. She might even kill me in my sleep. let her marry Rudeus." Heinz said.

"Ahem! It's about time for me to rest..." Rudeus quickly said.

"Yes, Goodnight to both of you."

Heinz left Rudeus to go to the room on his own. Heinz was just gonna train outside since he didn't even need sleep in the first place, he was just doing it to pass time.


After a while of training, Heinz became bored. "Hah... I'm going to see what rudeus is doing."😏😏😏

Heinz peeked at Rudeus and Eris.

"I, I'm really sorry about that earlier."

Rudeus lies on the floor like a turtle.


She sneaks a glance at Rudeus and moves away, squirming in a small voice.

"T, today is a special case, so, I'll forgive you…!" Eris forgave Rudeus.

"Rudeus is very perverted, I know that!"

"But, this kind of thing is too early... 5 years! After 5 years, when Rudeus is all grown up, that time... J-Just be patient!"

"Y, yes...!"

Rudeus prostrates himself to the ground.

"T, then, I'll be going to sleep. Then, Rudeus, good night, I'll be troubling you tomorrow."

Eris finishes stuttering and goes back to her room.


"Alrightttttttt!" Rudeus excitedly said.

"Pffft!" Heinz could not hold back his laughter anymore. Rudeus just looked so desperate and stupid.

"Ehh?! Nii-san?! You saw all of that?!" Rudeus looked at Heinz.

"Only the part where she " forgave" you. Also, Congratulations, You're going to get laid in the next 5 years i guess." Heinz sarcastically said.

"Stop! Let's just sleep!" Rudeus changed the topic quickly.

Rudeus and Heinz laid on their beds.

"Hmm... "that" is near... I'll activate a secret barrier on everyone I've marked except some of them... I need the other characters to die their deaths in the anime as it would shape Rudeus and Eris' personality and strength... It could also change the storyline and the knowledge that i have will be useless." Heinz muttered to himself.

『healing barrier』

『defence barrier』

(The next day)

The colors in the sky are very strange, grey, black, purple and yellow. Heinz and other powerful individuals could see it but it was invisible to everyone else. The color will only show if the mana is strong enough to be seen by others.

Heinz was on the roof of a tall building. He looked at the gem hopelessly. "Hah... Sauros... If you would have listened to me you and the others would have escaped... For the sake of Rudeus and Eris' growth, I will not interfere."

Powerful figures around different places looked at the sky above Asura. Roxy also looked.

Heinz went back to the mansion. He dresses up and he went to where Rudeus is. "Guys, Are you ready?"




Rudeus went outside with Ghislaine, Eris, and Heinz.

"Let's go then." Heinz said.


Name: Heinz Greyrat(Hatake Tadaki)

age: 10 years old.




dexterity: 3689

mana: ♾️

intelligence: ♾️


weapons: 4

titles: The most overpowered MC, The one who made his parents proud, A teachers sincerity, Sword king, best teacher.

Methuselah, the sword of death

damaged Iron sword

Troll, the sword that breaks expectations.

Nightfall, The gifted sword.


North god style {king}

Water god style {king}

Sword god style {king}




true Amaterasu

thought acceleration

primordial body

Godly sword dance technique

passive skills:

Item making


Dancing knowledge and techniques

absolute elemental control

perfect control

perfect calculation

All magic knowledge

perfect aiming

Infinite memory

Unity of all energy

Swordsman's instinct
